Postgame AQUANAfia Postgame

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dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus

The sheet, with strikethrough removed for ease of reading. I designed this game shortly after MAGMAfia ended but I think before BIGS began, however due to BIGS and my waning interest in mafia I never wound up starting it. Originally jumpluff was supposed to cohost but as she didn’t remember anything from the sheet she agreed to play instead. The only thing I changed of note was the ReVolted role names - originally they were ugly electricity-related things but I decided I didn’t really like them. The Castle Guard tracker and martyr were swapped to make more sense flavor-wise. Lightwolf actually approved the game with no established kill cycle as I had never added one.

Paperblade’s kill had the highest priority in the game and could not be stopped, but he thought the cryptic line in his PM was just flavor and they never had him kill. They also had the mafia SG allowing his team to kill rather freely as well. Somewhat questionable role distribution especially as I decided to make the village safeguard below them in priority.

This game was designed when I felt a lot of mafia roles were stagnant and fully expected to appear in every game. Every village had an inspector, a bodyguard, a hooker, a safeguard, a mayor, and so on. This game messed with several of these standard roles and gave the village a bit more united power while being less safe if they weren’t coordinated.
For instance, they had a reverse martyr, and an omniguard, if used in proper conjunction, meaning they had a more protective hooker who could save someone from being targeted and in essence they could bodyguard their own omniguard via this, but they had no hooker whatsoever, and the mafia only had one martyr between them.

The village also had an unreliable set of inspectors: one could only receive results if nobody else targeted his target, one only got them if someone did. They could not both get results. I think that it is possible they were not supposed to know of each other as my original intent, and would have wondered why their results kept getting messed up, but as it was, I set them up as twins who needed to find each other. One twin could not be bodyguarded, the other could not be safeguarded, to give the mafia even more chance to strike if they didn’t outsmart their inspecting restrictions. The village had one other set of twins as well, but only one knew the other existed.

The switchguard would either bodyguard or safeguard a user one night, then the next he had to do whatever he did before. It was hoped the cycle would start on N0 so I never had to worry about what priority order would happen if his target was hit by both actions, as he bodyguarded if the target would die and safeguarded if a non-kill action hit his target but they weren’t being killed. His unknown twin, the duoguard, was useless on its own, but knew it had another role out there it needed to combo with. The duoguard made the switchguard into an omniguard if they targeted the same user. If the reverse martyr targeted the switchguard and the twins targeted the RM, the switchguard would never die.

The rest of their roles were assorted, but not particularly strong. A watcher to get additional information, a rogue who could resurrect when he chose and thus pretend he hit the wrong target until it was necessary, a vanilla, an announcer who was essentially a vanilla for all the power his role had, and of course, the mayor. This was a votegainer role who got 1 vote for 2 dead Aquanauts, meaning the village could’ve held vote control for a very long time if he stayed alive. Unfortunately the mafia randed him N1, meaning he never got to ramp up.

This game may originally have had a wolf, or the mention of Jonah may have intentionally been a red herring. Regardless, my sheet was cropped to only have 16 users, so either I couldn’t see how to balance a wolf with 16 players, didn’t want to make it 17, or decided not to toss in another crapper faction. I think it was supposed to be a red herring for the rogue to make the village suspicious and go on a frantic hunt for the nonexistent Jonah, heh.

The two mafia had corresponding roles: one had a safeguard, track, martyr and odd-night inspect. The other had a bodyguard, a role that masked the results of trackers/watchers, and an even-night inspect. They also had a negative voter which is debatably weaker than the third ‘role’ of the other mafia. I think the Castle Guard were notably stronger as a mafia BG was rather pointless in this game when there was only the possibility for crossfire and no wolf/village kill, and the existence of the SG gave the Castle Guard a free avenue to kill as well as SG their martyr for when he targeted any info role.

One mafia was given 3 name and 2 role fake claims, the other had 2 name and 3 role fake claims, but honestly I am dissatisfied with the roles I gave them to fake. They are clearly superfluous in a game this small: the only credibility one would have is vanilla, since the rule claimed there were vanillagers but in reality only one existed, and he didn’t even claim vanilla, yet vanilla was seen as a poor claim by the team, and indeed a good chunk of the village roles would either become vanillas or functioned as such. Tracker was by far the best fakeclaim, and I think I swapped the original neg-voter fake with sheriff when I sent PMs, but I would definitely try to construct more obscure roles so the mafia could have an easier time with fakes.

The village was thrown off, I think, by the fact that I wrote most of the fakes and edited the rest. Those PMs were indistinguishable from the village roles IMO and required a finer sense of deduction to tell who was good or bad, or making use of the roles present. For instance, Paperblade claimed martyr, which he was, but his flavor would only be similar to what his fake of Luvdisc claimed, and upon proper inspection of results the villagers got it would be clear something was off. The most questionable PM I made was shade’s fake, as I included a key facet that, had I actually made his role, I likely would have put, but it hinted to Walrein’s role being unable to be BGed. No player would have included that on their own without inspecting Walrein I don’t think, but on the other hand I did write/revise the other mafia fakes so they all should have been properly suited to posing as legit. I would never have added shade’s fake role to this game, so I thought it was funny it was so readily believed as it was the most ridiculous of the fake claims to me.

I think that the balance of unsafe inspectors, while having two plus the watcher, and two sets of twins, which was 4/10 of the villagers right there, made for a good village core with the rest of their power roles, however, without a doubt, the announcer should have been a one-time vigilante. This would have given the village a way to get rid of a scum in the event they found several but were short on days they held majority. To anyone else looking to make a small game of this size, ~16 people, unless you decreased the mafia kill cycles you should definitely include either a BPV item or a vig, perhaps both for a 2kills/3nights cycle but of course a one-time BPV.

Personally I thought the mafias were a bit on the weak side, they didn’t really have any way to stop village actions except the mask, SG and martyr, and the ReVolted in particular were weaker. They did outspeed the Castle Guard kill, but their overall role strength was poor and they definitely had to outplay with strategy moreso than rely on a broken combination of roles. I think the Castle Guard were actually a fairly strong assortment of roles, since they had 4 legitimate night actions beyond their kill. Of course, if the mafia contacted each other, they would have a nightly inspect upon sharing their results and could coordinate kills, something the village thought they were not doing, however they had been working in cohesion since jalmont’s lynching.

I should also note I feel that whichever mafia is reduced to one left first is doomed to lose, as they have no voting power and are at the mercy of the other mafia if they contact them. I think I would put in a triggered last-man-standing mechanism that prevents crossfire for one night, or if the other mafia votes to their majority they aren’t lynched, so they could stay alive if the numbers are slim and perhaps get the village to vote in their favor the next day and then hope they had the priority to outkill.

I’ll discuss the players/teams individually now, everyone’s favorite part!!


The village had every ‘newbie’ in this game, while the mafia only had experienced players. While this made it obvious SOMEONE who was good at the game was clearly scum that’s just the nature of mafia, and as I thought the mafia were slightly disadvantaged if the village played ideally I think this was a fair tradeoff.

Dear Walrein,
You are Flounder

An Aquanaut due to your love of singing under the sea, you have been a faithful warrior for aquatic empires for many moons. Cute, yellow, blue and chubby, you won the hearts of many good Western citizens with your strong role in “The Little Mermaid.”

Every night, you may send “NX - Send the seahorses after <user>” to Yeti. The castle seahorses will sneakily scout out that user, and bring back their Role PM. However, the seahorses can only get close enough if someone else has distracted this user, thus you will only receive results if someone else targeted your target.

You know your friend Ariel is on the village. If you attempt to inspect on the same night, you will both receive no results.
Additionally, since you are just a little fish, no important protectors value you enough, so you are unable to be bodyguarded.

You are allied with the Aquanauts. You win if the Castle Guard and ReVolted are eliminated.

Walrein requested to be a village info role when I originally discussed AQUANAfia during MAGMAfia, and so I gave him the one that couldn’t be BGed l0l0l0l. He quickly began looking for Ariel then removed the fact he was looking from his post, causing some villagers to be suspicious or think he was pluff’s twin. He mispredicted his own death and cost them the inspection on DLE when AG died instead, not that AG would have gotten a result, and mislynched YAYtears based on his PM saying The Whale. Once again, the village seemed to miss that I would offer help on all fakes and it was likely I had approved this, even if it was a fake, which it wasn’t. He had some good inspects after, finding half the mafia, and ‘knew’ Slim was mafia due to his idle times, which I think is a bit low, and Slim’s team wasn’t even on, he was legit talking to me lol. However, his no lynch cost them, he really should have lynched DLE like he planned and not believed the sudden shift in shade’s claim from the bogus DLE told him. Had he lynched penguin344 that likely would have resulted in a worse situation for the village, especially after their mislynch earlier, but those two days were wasted, giving the mafia the inevitable numerical advantage without the mayor. I should note that in order for a mafia to win I was fully expecting a mislynch would be required.

Walrein had a ‘complete’ sheet once he managed to nag the final mafians and knew Metal Sonic’s claim of perma BPV was shady af and he had all the role PMs, perhaps he’d like to post his document so people can see the fakes. However he made a fatal error: he thought there would be nightly kills despite the fact the village would have no chance vs that and believed shade’s role when nobody, specifically him, died on Night 3. He then added shade to the sheet once both of the protection twins died together and he was the last sheet member, giving shade the village info, which still had a lot of uncertainty as to the final scums.

He was quite torn on who they were - penguin344’s role was suspicious to him and I have been hearing that mafia announcer is quite common for literally years, Metal Sonic’s claim was clearly bogus, Ace Emerald provided a convincing fakeclaim as backup that he took over Kyogre’s role as bodyguard, and presumably would have replaced the inspect twins as an info role if they had died first despite the difficulty of proving that, Slim had accurate numbers for a numbers man but of course the mafia would clearly know the numbers, and so on. His reasoning on who would be clean if Paperblade and Ditto’s roles were legitimate was a bit faulty as they could have been cleaning their scumbuddies, and some of the mafia had idled, or like shade/DLE, would have no night role certain nights, so they were ‘cleaning’ those not on their team just by circumstance.

Overall Walrein did pretty well to lead the village but made a fatal flaw trusting shade’s claim due to his belief the mafia had a greater killing cycle than they did, and not thinking shade’s team had simply idled the kill, as he didn’t believe the mafia were working together. He also got luckhaxed that his N0 inspection was a villager and his D1 lynch was bad and the mafia never crossfired, so the village was hit heavily, as well as losing their lategame roles too early.

Dear Aura Guardian,
You are Ariel

An Aquanaut due to your love of singing under the sea, you have returned to the sea to fight for your home. Everyone knows you best as THE Little Mermaid and the first Disney Princess to have your highly-obvious titties sticking out.

Every night, you may send “NX - Send Sebastian after <user>” to Yeti. Sebastian will believe that user is a threat to the kingdom and investigate them, bringing back their Role PM. However, he refuses to accept his competition, and he will not work with anyone else around, thus you will only receive results if nobody else targeted your target.

You know you have a very close information fish on the village. If you attempt to inspect on the same night, you will both receive no results.
Additionally, since you are so popular, nobody except the finest protector is able to stop you from being targeted, so you are unable to be safeguarded.

You are allied with the Aquanauts. You win if the Castle Guard and ReVolted are eliminated.
AG requested a
village leader role I think, to make up for his performance in Pokemon Mafia, so I gave him the second inspector twin role. He responded to Walrein’s search and they quickly began crafting their channel and sheet. AG had some good suspicions and tried to help out after his death, however had had been inspected N0 by the mafia and his death was written on the wall, rendering one of their nights wasted.

I don’t think he particularly misplayed at any point and he did attempt to help his team, and had some good thoughts about who was clean, but he did tell me too much after he died meaning I didn’t let him share it. Had he just mentioned in the channel what he thought he could’ve said a bit more, but as it was he was trying to share a bit too much after death. Had he been bodyguarded or even watched, since a safeguard wouldn’t work on him, a scum could have been found, so I definitely think Walrein screwed up keeping the watcher on him instead of AG.

Dear Eagle4,
You are a Hammerhead Shark

You are a nasty bugger, the Aquanauts’ main butcher to chow down on the bones of their enemies. Your head looks rather derpy but that’s alright, because you’re a HAMMERHEAD SHARK and that’s frkin sick.

Every night, you may send “NX - Salivate over <user>” to Yeti. You will follow that user all night, to see if you have any competition for eating them by viewing who else targets them. However, your eyes ARE 5 miles apart...

You are allied with the Aquanauts. You win if the Castle Guard and ReVolted are eliminated.

Eagle4 told me a lot of his theories about the game - some of his suspicions were right, others were wrong. He was always active to send in his actions. His role had a clue that he could be tricked by the mafia mask but I don’t think he picked up on the significance of that, neither did the village. I think it’s a shame he was never trusted enough to make it onto the sheet before his death, especially once AG’s theory that the martyr/reverse martyr and tracker/watcher pairs had one scum, one villager each panned out. Perhaps he could’ve provided some more insight to Walrein before shade stole all the secrets. He participated a lot and if he had been given a bit more room to talk by the village leadership perhaps his opinions on cleanliness could have helped out a bit.

Dear minwu,
You are Kyogre

A mighty Aquanaut, the stuff of legend, you are a big blue whale dude that controls the waves and hates Groudon. Luckily for you, Rain Dance teams smang Sun teams, and you bring your stronk ScarfOgre plays to win.

Every night, you may send “NX - Call the waves over <user>” to Yeti. If that user was going to be killed, you will bodyguard them, and save them from death. However, if they were targeted with a non-killing action, you kill safeguard them. The next night, you must use the other guard. This will then reset.

You are allied with the Aquanauts. You win if the Castle Guard and ReVolted are eliminated.

Protection twin one, I gave minwu the companion role to pluff’s hoping he would trust her and readily claim. Instead he fakeclaimed vanilla and nearly got himself lynched, fighting every effort I made to hint to him that he should claim to pluff. I think I should have switched their roles - I think pluff would have realized if someone was looking to enhance a role, hers could have been enhanced and responded to her twin seeking her, despite the lack of mention in the PM, which was intentional. Some of the village stuff was just to cause confusion lol. Once minwu finally mentioned to pluff he was confirmed Kyogre, after a sly hint via song title that let her know he PROBABLY WAS KYOGRE, he was erased from village suspicion and tried to help out with leading, but unfortunately some of his theories ended poorly, like his support for adding shade. Still, he was active and tried his best to participate despite his Lightwolf-tier paranoia earlygame and his effort to stay hidden and ‘protect the key targets without saying’ which I found hilarious since the key targets couldn’t be protected.

Minwu also sort of got the reverse martyr killed, as he sent in a ‘change’ in his action right after deadline, but I wasn’t on yet so I accepted it, and moved off Walrein to jumpluff, thinking his role targeted two people with hers, instead of two roles on one, but he was outprioritized anyway by the mafia SG, AND Paperblade martyred him that night, so he couldn’t have targeted the right person. I do think this was a mistake though and I would have had his role outspeed the mafia SG only if the Duoguard used its role, but I did feel this made for a very strong “you can never kill me” role, which is why the Duoguarded BG+SG was under the mafia SG, but minwu’s SG alone would outprioritze the mafia’s.

Dear jumpluff,
You are Suicune

One of the well-loved Dog Trio of Johto (Crystal master race), you are hoping your fellow Aquanauts can flood the world, allowing you to purify all the water. Big tank, big waves, but little play, thus giving Earthworm free wins.

Every night, you may send “NX - Roar of the Seas onto <user>” to Yeti. This action does nothing on its own. However, if a certain other role targets the same user as you, you will allow them to use both of their abilities on the same night.

You know there is another mighty legendary in this battle with you that you must align your targets with.

You are allied with the Aquanauts. You win if the Castle Guard and ReVolted are eliminated.

The other twin, I figured she would be the target of N0 inspects from some side, so I gave her a village role that on its own didn’t look that notable. She got extremely frustrated trying to find her twin because she fell into every trap this role was designed to have. Had she said SHE was looking for another legendary, instead of asking anyone who was lookING for one, her twin should have spoken up. Zap Plate Arceus also could have moled as Splash Plate Arceus, and several villagers thought that Raikou was her twin on the ReVolted in some weird cross-faction twin role, however Kyogre should’ve been the obvious match to her role.

Unfortunately, she fell ill, and couldn’t help out as much as she would’ve liked for village decisions. A lot of her suspicions turned out to be true and I don’t think she trusted shade’s claim much, if at all, but she wasn’t really on before her death to tell this to Walrein and convince him to be more wary. She and minwu died the same night after minwu was outprioritized, and also killed first meaning his action didn’t even go through on her. Walrein had her and minwu protecting Paperblade which was pretty funny. Had pluff been able to be a bit more active and not sick perhaps shade never would have been added to the sheet and there would’ve been a lynch on him like she and AG wanted, but alas, she still put in a good effort with good suspicions.

Dear MrcRanger97,
You are Captain Ahab

Aquanaut captain or professional gay man, you decide. You lusted to impale a big, white... ‘whale’ with your ‘harpoon’ for years, until taking too much ‘Sperm whale’ led to the death of you.

Every night, you may send “NX - The Pequod sails in front of <user>” to Yeti. You will navigate your ship in front of that user, forcing all actions that would have otherwise targeted them to target you.

You are allied with the Aquanauts. You win if the Castle Guard and ReVolted are eliminated.

Poor guy never got a chance to shine, he followed the village orders and was killed for his efforts to target who Walrein told him to, dying in place of his target. I can’t say much about him as he died very early, but he claimed like a good villager and participated. Had his role been able to properly combo with the omniguard I think it would have been super strong, as it could’ve been a protective hooker, letting a village role be saved without knowing the mafia to hook.

Dear YAYtears,
You are The Whale

PRRRRRRRRAISSEEEEE THE LOOORDDDDD for the great Aquanaut empire!!!!!!!!!! THE GREAT LORD has commanded you swallow Jonah, and your fellow sea friends will ensure THE GOOD LORD’S WORK is done in this ocean.

Every night, you may send “NX - PRAY FOR JESUS’S MERCY ON <user>” to Yeti. You will send up a mighty oceanic choir to praise the name of THE MIGHTY LORD around that user, and if their faction kills you, you will be able to return. You must post “REVIVAL IN THE LORD’S HOUSE” in the thread in an over-the-top manner to revive when you choose.

You are the nemesis of Jonah.

You are allied with the Aquanauts. You win if the Castle Guard and ReVolted are eliminated.

Ah, one of my two favorite roles. My hope for the rogue was that he would resurrect just when the village seemed to have lost majority, make a last-minute vote, and win the game for his team, but frkin obvscum Walrein lynched him D1 based on flavor :mad: YAYtears didn’t have much of a chance to defend himself, but he had left out the Jonah line when first claiming, and his effort to rectify this got him on the scumlist for the village, which is pretty stupid - what scum would go tell you they forgot a line from their fake? You won’t get their fake inspecting them anyway so it’s dumb to go back and try to fix it. Bad village analyzing of his role got him lynched at the start of the game, poor dear.

I should also point out that it’s very amusing he was lynched solely by villagers. None of the mafia voted D1 so he was exclusively teamkilled.

Dear Metal Sonic/Celever,
You are Dory

Star of another “why exist” sequel after your huge role in the much-loved “Finding Nemo,” you’re the most forgetful of the Aquanauts. Don’t let your cluelessness fool anyone, you are a valuable asset to the great sea nation...

You are too forgetful to have a night role.

You are allied with the Aquanauts. You win if the Castle Guard and ReVolted are eliminated.

Metal Sonic complained about having a vanillager role in a non-NOC, so I gave him this game’s only true vanilla. Don’t funk with me. He promptly pubclaimed perma-bpv in some bizarre effort to stay alive despite his utterly useless role and he was never targeted by the mafia, which really just let them get more accurate kills onto power roles. He was strongly suspected of being scum by the village AND the ReVolted for his claim which they all thought was obviously fake unless I went full retard, it wouldn’t surprise me if the Castle Guard doubted it too and I don’t remember. I subbed him for Celever to end the game on IRC, who claimed true vanilla, the only one despite the rule about vanillas, which made people shift their views about his scumminess, and Walrein inspected a different target.

Dear Houndoomsday,
You are Aquaman

Aquanaut, Aquagay, Aquatights, Aquaman, same things. You have summoned all your fellow sea creatures to help you prove that the good name of Aquaman IS respectable, and convince the world you are the best superhero of them all.

You have no night role, however, for every two (2) dead Aquanauts, you will gain an additional vote, so that the voice of the sea is never muted.

You are allied with the Aquanauts. You win if the Castle Guard and ReVolted are eliminated.

HDD seemed like a good user to give this role to. All he had to do was sit around quietly as a newbie until he had 4 votes and could presumably singlehandedly outvote both mafia teams at that point. Unfortunately, DLE randed him for a N1 kill and he never even got one vote :( This was my other favorite role in the game and I’m sad he never got to dump on the mafia when they figured they had majority.

However, he went a bit yolo at the start and gave his PM to people not in the game despite the rule against this and then decided he would give his role to anyone who asked since he had already herped. Finally he reread the rules and playerlist and settled down to try and play without drawing much attention to himself once he realized his role was best left alone.

Dear penguin344,
You are UncleSam and Walrein’s Lovechild

Much like a starfish can regrow itself from its lost limb, there any many other mysteries of life in the Aquanaut kingdom. Somewhere between being made completely of salt and the drive to be heard, you were likely conceived on a water bed.

Every night, you may send “NX - Proclaim the news” to Yeti. Include in your message whatever announcement you would like to make in the update.

You have a Posting Restriction: in every post you make, you must insist you are leading this village.

You are allied with the Aquanauts. You win if the Castle Guard and ReVolted are eliminated.

This was an excellent role PM yet once again scrub village leader Walrein tried to lynch it just like The Whale. I’m pretty sure this was like the third role name I added. penguin344’s execution of the PR was underwhelming, but there were no villagers I felt could’ve executed it better unless I gave it to Walrein/AG or put another experienced player in the role. He was also assertive trying to get claims from his fellow villagers and trying to piece together the factions, getting him a fair bit of suspicion from his mother/father2/whatever you want to call Walrein. He also pointed out he found it very odd the village had two sets of twins, and one could easily be a clever mafia mole, which I think would have been an incredible idea, but his suspicions were unfounded due to the odd nature of power distribution in the village. Still, he tried his best to determine alliances despite suspicions on him until the game became unwinnable for his team.


I admit I was a bit let down by the activity level of Ditto and Ace Emerald, both were on but they didn’t do a ton, and it was mostly Paperblade, who was on a lot more frequently. After he died I had concerns for the faction but they were unluckily reduced to one, who was then lynched.

Dear Ace Emerald,
You are The White Knight

Noble and mighty protector of damsels everywhere, you lead the Castle Guard’s defensive forces and ensure no dragons ever kidnap your princesses. Whenever any peasants threaten your place as the most prominent beta male defending internet girls you will never get with, you passive-aggressively make your half-stand.

Every night, you may send “NX - Deter aggressors of the fair maiden <user>” to Yeti. You will guard over that user, ensuring no hoodlum peasants are able to target them. However, killers will not be deterred by your passive-aggressive beta nerd antics.

You are allied with the Castle Guard. You win if the Aquanauts and ReVolted are eliminated.

AE was left in the very unsavory position of being the lone member of his faction alive, while knowing his team had not left any message with the ReVolted before Ditto was lynched. He at first was disinclined to contact them and out himself, but he realized he likely was sunk anyway and did it. Ditto had hoped he wouldn’t talk to them, but if he didn’t they were going to kill him as shade suspected his role was the legitimate villager claim due to the slight difficulties of faking it, especially if the role he replaced died N1. So once AE got control of his faction he was sunk no matter what he did - he either died which may have let the village win, IF Walrein properly inspected a target and realized, assuming Slim was bad and his inspect was good, shade numerically had to be mafia, since his kill wouldn’t have gone off, or he contacted the ReVolted and killed someone - he could have, perhaps, killed Slim Guldo, leaving the ReVolted with no positive vote and himself in a better tactical position to negotiate, but I think the lack of kills on N6 would have allowed the village to easily win from the numbers. shade actually wanted the other mafia to know he was bad so he didn’t get randed but this likely would’ve let AE post that to try and save his own life if Walrein was still alive and clued in. Bad luck for him once he got control of the team :(

He also noticed that several users had similar roles to those in MAG, or claimed to at the least, but this was by coincidence or request.

Dear Ditto,
You are The Tower Watchman

Standing guard over your kingdom, you ensure nobody is able to break the fortress of the Castle Guard. This also means you have very good vision into the windows of your peasants...

Every night, you may send “NX - Observe the peasant hut of <user>” to Yeti. You will spy on that user, seeing whoever they may visit during that night.
Every odd night, you may send “NX - “Garner information on <user>’s wife” to Yeti. You will inquire for more information on that user, and gain their Role PM.

You are allied with the Castle Guard. You win if the Aquanauts and ReVolted are eliminated.

The dual role of the Castle Guard, he tracked and inspected, which let him fake a claim. Ditto declined to leave any requests for the night with the ReVolted before he died, which perhaps could have saved AE from outing himself if Ditto said “we will kill Walrein” or something, but I can also see where he didn’t want to talk to them any further since they had a better position and could’ve hoped for a misplay from them. Ditto didn’t claim for a bit, giving him suspicion, but the village was trusting enough of his claim/results until it became clear the numbers simply meant most of their claims who weren’t dead or a twin were mafia, and his efforts to provide results that made him look clean were pretty strong.

Much like his inspect onto jalmont is what got jalmont lynched by giving Walrein the target overlap, the other mafia’s inspect onto him got him lynched as Walrein got a target, and they always used their SG on their kill target.

Dear Paperblade,
You are The Assassin

Fast, stealthy, and silent, you are sent to deal with all threats to the Castle Guard. The fact you have never been stopped has gone to your head and now it’s larger than your mother’s thighs.

Every night, you may send “NX - Dash with much bravo in front of <user>” to Yeti. You will dart in front of that user, forcing them to target you that night with whatever their action was.

Your kill priority is mighty, as you are the fastest assassin in the land.
In bed.

You have a Posting Restriction: in every post you make, you must discuss shipping and OTPs, as you are a secret romantic.

You are allied with the Castle Guard. You win if the Aquanauts and ReVolted are eliminated.

Notice that this was the original flavor I had to indicate this role could outspeed others, but I changed that because I didn’t want to outright SAY “you cannot be blocked” but if they were able to figure out that his role was fast, then they had an unblockable kill. Paperblade did most of the work for his faction and put in a lot of effort, and was the one to contact jalmont originally, but he was inspected and lynched. He did think the ReVolted got hooked for their kill when really they just idled to pose shade as clean, but otherwise he had some good coordination with the other mafia to get high priority targets.


Whether they had the might of the luckhax due to all being Pokemon or were just blessed, they came out on top after some shaky parts. jalmont was the first scum to die and DLE could never decide on a claim leading him to almost be lynched. Neither of the mafias ever guessed that Walrein couldn’t be BGed despite AG’s role and in fact thought there was some weird SG interaction instead, nor did either ever realize Walrein began the game as an inspector, and both were thoroughly confused as to how the village kept getting results on targets they knew they had put an action on.

Dear jalmont,
You are Raikou

Even though you could mass-electrocute all those stupid Aquanauts should they flood the world with water, you and your fellow ReVolteds would rather not let things get to that point. Turned against your fellow legendaries, you have set out to prove movepool isn’t everything and you are the mightiest Johto Dog.

Every night, you may send “NX - Call a storm over <user>” to Yeti. You will summon a mighty storm over that user, masking any trackers or watchers from getting accurate results.

You are allied with the ReVolted. You win if the Aquanauts and Castle Guard are eliminated.

jalmont has always been one of my favorite mafia players just because he’s a funny guy, but unfortunately Sheriff Psyduck had his time cut short. He had a pretty solid fake claim as a faction cop and claimed his N0 result was AG being clean, which clearly the inspector twins knew to be true, but Walrein inspected him and discovered he was not, in fact, a Psyduck. He stuck around after his death, though I was quite concerned for their team once he was lynched as DLE was under high suspicion. Fortunately, they never lost another, and jalmont was relatively superfluous as a role - while it lended Ditto’s role, and Eagle4’s, credibility, the track/watch mask could be fairly irrelevant, except it did let them hide. Eagle4 would’ve gotten the result that his target targeted nobody, letting Slim safely claim numbers man, and shade claim he had a one-time action, if he had survived that long.

Dear Slim Guldo,
You are Zapdos

It gets tiring flying over water all the time, despite how easy it is to kill all the little fish in it, so you broke away from the other legendaries and joined the ReVolted to stop the Aquanauts. A truly mighty warrior on the battlefield, your superior movepool to 99% of Mons and immunity to Earthquake leaves you a bird to be feared.

Every night, you may send “NX - Use Roost on <user>” to Yeti. You will use one of your hood new moves on that user, protecting them from death that night.

You are allied with the ReVolted. You win if the Aquanauts and Castle Guard are eliminated.

Slim had a bit of a rough time finding DLE on I think, because DLE was busy with moving in for college and they had conflicting timezones, but he was consistently about. His role was sort of telegraphed once jalmont died, as he could only really target shade, but he was still a vote for his team. He had a good claim imo as the numbers man, who unlike in MAG, did not have a typo for his numbers after I gave him an accurate PM ~_~ (that wasn’t Slim just a hoodlum) and was actually never outed as having his action because he idled N0, being a BG, but Walrein found him suspicious and assumed he was some scum, but he flew under the radar, and shade was able to dissuade Walrein from paying him much attention.

Dear Da Letter El/shade,
You are Zap Plate Arceus

After the Aquanauts foolishly stole your Splash Plate and rendered their cause useless to you, you led your beloved Electric legendaries to the ReVolted, disobeying the feeble wishes of your fellows. Thus only one question remains: why don’t you just erase the Aquanauts from existing with your powers...

Every even night, you may send “NX - “Use my vast vision on <user>” to Yeti. You will do some psychic mumbo-jumbo on that user, and gain their Role PM.

Since you are only Electric with your Plate, your polarity is reversed and you are a Negative Voter.

You are allied with the ReVolted. You win if the Aquanauts and Castle Guard are eliminated.

This was by far the most interestingly-played role. It could have faked being Splash Plate Arceus but DLE struggled for like a week to think of a good name and role combination to claim. He even thought of Jabberjaws, which was a safeclaim given to the other team. He also didn’t like his team’s remaining safeclaim so he tried to think up a good role to claim too, which he never actually did and just told Walrein a load of bogus that he then could barely reconcile himself with what it actually would’ve been. DLE had some mighty rands though, finding the village inspector/twin N0, hitting the mayor N1, and so on.

However, he decided to claim Sharknado. I had stated I designed this game over a year ago, well predating Sharknado’s release, and the only role names I changed were the ReVolted (and he WAS a ReVolted…), which should have been a clear giveaway his role was faked, but I think only pluff and AG really doubted him, but AG was dead. He then got busy with IRL stuff after being the one responsible for most of his team’s actions and Walrein was going to lynch him, so I had to sub him, and replaced him like 10 minutes before he finally had a break to come on and stop dodging Walrein, which pluff thought was scummy.

This turned out to be the game-winning move, as shade quickly crafted a legitimate fake role going off of Sharknado. He originally intended to go vanilla before deciding that was garbage and went with a one-time all-kill block, which his team then ‘faked’ by simply idling their kill instead of taking Walrein out. Highly unfortunately for the village, the Castle Guard had used their 2 kills the previous two nights, so they didn’t have one that night, leading Walrein to believe that the role was cleaned and proven. I put shade in because he was the only one on my sub list currently on, and I hoped he would be able to smooth talk his way out of danger. Pluff still wanted to lynch him and so did the dead AG, but Walrein held off, for some reason trusting this reversal of having a nightly, unspecified action that targeted pluff. This was the shadiest bs, no pun intended, but somehow Walrein took it at face value. Note that if Walrein had been killed the night before, like he should have been, but the mafia figured he would be selfish and bodyguard himself so they decided to save the SG to secure the kill, had pluff/minwu believed shade, it would have been equally proven since neither team had a kill.

Saved from what was otherwise a certain lynch for suspicious behavior, shade eventually got onto the village sheet once the twins died and garnered the final claims in the game, working with Slim to determine the best way to win. Ace contacted them, reluctantly, and they had him take out the two village power roles left, then lynched him, letting them get a tie lynch and win.

(5:23:54 pm) <04~Walrein> man
(5:23:57 pm) <04~Walrein> shade
(5:23:59 pm) <04~Walrein> if you're mafia
(5:24:08 pm) <04~Walrein> and somehow coordinated a zero kill night on sharknado night
(5:24:09 pm) <04~Walrein> props to you
(5:24:29 pm) * Aura_Guardian is now known as LoL_Guardian
(5:24:34 pm) <06&LoL_Guardian> yeah


There were several hilarious behind-the-scenes interactions, like people being so close to realizing the truth, or falling into some of the traps the game had designed into it.

MVP: shade, for coming up with a fake that he could ‘prove’ and saving his role from being lynched then getting his team to victory
Worst Play: trusting shade’s claim after thinking the game A. had a nightly kill from both mafias B. didn’t have the mafias working together at all
Best/Worst Luck: DLE’s targets were too stronk
Best PM: penguin344
Most Bizarre Play: Metal Sonic pubclaiming perma BPV, which made everyone think he was lying and got him strongly suspected

Regarding balancing a 16-man game, nobody really cried that this game was lopsided at any point, and people seem to have felt it was pretty balanced, but again, the village needs a vigilante. I would also try to distribute power roles in an odd fashion to let the mafia have better claims, I think the safeclaims I gave them were garbage for the most part since a game this small just doesn’t have room for fringe roles. If anyone else wants to construct a smaller, non-NOC game of this sort, feel free to look at what I did here. I think sub-20 games are the most effective method of playing on Circus Maximus at this point since many people are either mia/busy/idlers. This game only had two subs, and one was just to finish things on IRC. Everyone seemed to enjoy playing and I think, up until the end when it became clear there were too many scum left alive, people felt they had a fair shot at winning. However, I don’t think the game was perfectly balanced. The ReVolted had weak roles imo, certainly worse than their counterparts, and won by good moling/a poor lynch decision on the village’s part and Slim flying under the radar despite being ‘known’ to be scum, especially once shade could dissuade targeting Slim until he couldn’t be lynched. I also think the mafia should have protection from crossfire if they’re dropped to one member to give them a shot to hang in the game.

I hope people have enjoyed playing, it was a pleasure to host and nobody idled, I’m pretty sure I had 100% action completion for every night role every cycle and most of the votes ended at majority instead of deadline. And that this proved I can properly design games when I’m not making an April Fools joke ~_~ For those hoping to play another game by me, I know others have games they want to host, so I will let those users go first and host theirs and MAAAAYBE play (you can catch me in the upcoming Big for sure), however, I do have a very interesting game design, and as we haven’t had a good multifaction (outside of big games) for eons, if people would like, I can craft a multifaction, since many players in the current playerpool have never played a multifaction standard, and I have some interesting ideas that are NOT full herp like in the experimental SANDS games. I made a poll for you to pick whether you want me to make a village vs mafia game or a multifaction, everyone enjoyed Red Panda so don't inspect full retard crackhead roles!!! Note that again, anyone who has expressed interest in hosting a standard will go before me, I don't want to cut in front of anyone, so whenever there is a lull/space I will present my game.

If anyone has any questions about the game/funny quirks that happened/what I meant when I cryptically replied to a theory you had now that it’s ended feel free to ask if you can’t see it here/on the spread. Hopefully those who had spreads will post them to see and the village doc with the fakes can be posted. Thanks for playing all.
Yeti always has interesting ideas even if sometimes they need a bit of balancing. I liked the village being based around roles that are best used when united and the slight shift in playstyle that required. I also enjoyed being given a twin role, even though it took me awhile to find my twin (mind you I was almost 100% sure minwu was my twin way before I even confronted him about it for various reasons); I'm personally a fan of twins because I think it is one of the most fun village role sets (one of the best things about mafia is being coordinated and playing with a team, twins replicate this experience, especially if they're let into the village circle) and because I think it has a lot of educational potential (stick a new person with an experienced person who isn't a dick and hopefully they will keep the new person in the loop and teach them the rope; unfortunately this can go wrong if the experienced person decides to just ignore their twin completely, see: Fire Emblem Mafia 1 wherein Mekkah and I put Shiv and Puggy together sadly and wrongly believing Shiv would pass on his mafia knowledge). In fact, I even attempted to design a beginner mentor mafia purely based around twins many years ago, but it's not the easiest concept in the world to balance and I don't like the process of balancing and got bored by the time I had the flavour complete.

I actually targeted myself N0 because I had no idea what the twin was except they needed to target the same person as me. I thought I was a pretty likely target as a well-known player and if they were an inspector or something (turns out there really was an inspector twin in the game) they would get my role PM if they targeted me, thus uniting us. This was a gamble based on the hope Yeti wouldn't make my twin something too harmful, although I remember in Mekkah's expert mafia there were vigilante twins on the village who were ununited and needed to target the same person to get off a kill, lol. It was N0 though so no kills and I doubted if they were something too harmful they probably would avoid randing. I guessed it was one of the newbies who were my twin because it seemed like something Yeti would do and out of the newbies in the game I thought she would most likely pair me with Minwu because we know each other.

Funny thing: Walrein talked to me the next day after inspecting me and I didn't want a new person leading (no offence penguin344), especially since I'm a control freak and I thought Walrein was probably legit and he knew I was most likely clean and I would end up in the village circle. He did tell me there was a caveat making it hard for him to lead, but I didn't know it was that severe and encouraged him to lead anyway. He said his partner was in a bad position to lead and he couldn't say why because it'd give away his identity, so ironically from that I automatically knew it was Aura Guardian because Pokémon Mafia had just ended and we all know how that went down, I don't wanna give AG shit for what happened since he was perfectly fine in this game. My secondary guesses were one of the other newbies but AG was the most distinctive so I was positive it was AG. lol

I was starting to get frustrated though because I didn't realise my twin had no idea they had a twin and thought they were either way too paranoid (which admittedly wasnt far off) or were an idling piece of shit. I was starting to even second guess my idea that it was Minwu and thought it was one of the other newbies (I didn't think Minwu would idle). I didn't want to ask every single person in the game for a claim but it was starting to look like I'd have to. I asked Walrein if he had any claims from legendary Pokémon and he said no, so now I was starting to wtf, but I realised obviously this person was most likely insanely paranoid (there are two types of mafia newbies, the ones that are too paranoid and the ones that should be) and had lied. I lied in my first mafia too and pretended to be a neut, lol, back when false claiming neutral was fashionable. Anyway Minwu had sent Walrein and me a PM and it ended with np: make it rain or something so then I was sure it was Kyogre and I sent him a PM demanding if he was Kyogre and being like YOU CAN TRUST ME IF I'M LYING TO YOU IT'LL BE OBVIOUS TMR AND THEN YOU CAN LYNCH ME NOT WORTH FOR ME TO LIE YO and he fkn lied. From his perspective I can't blame him since he was nervous about being moled by more experienced players and he was unaware his role could be enhanced.

So I posted threatening to sub out and then he pmed me and admitted he was Kyogre and then it was all good

Only I had to know what he false claimed to Walrein and he told me he false claimed Magikarp. I decided to just play along with this by not telling Walrein who my twin was or what role he was (although I did tell him my twin had false claimed for obvious reasons, since my PM stated my partner was legendary) until Walrein lynched scum partly out of respect for his paranoia and partly because there was no real reason to be upfront unless Walrein had another bg claim (unlikely) or Minwu was getting lynched (in which case I would obviously save him) and even pretended to have his results the next day before I realised he had been martyred by Paperblade. Walrein successfully lynched scum so I told him the truth and then asked who his twin was. He was hesitant so I was like 'is it Aura Guardian' gg made him add me and Minwu to village chan.

The rest is fairly obvious, I tend to be very suspicious and I thought DLE's shit was ridiculous, so he was autoscum in my book. I believed Paperblade though, because I thought we had a martyr+bg combo instead of hooker. But I did consider that he was alternatively mafia redirector, as his flavour was quite strange (which was explained away by 'Swift Swim'). I said Slim Guldo was fairly likely a false claim and just had that info in advance (a mafia could figure it out themselves if they know the size of their own team, the teams are likely to be asymmetrical... or Yeti just might give them the numbers straight up as a safeclaim, I was aware Yeti was helping with the fakes) and pegged Ditto for mafia watcher. Interestingly Ditto claimed his role in Pokémon Mafia 2. Of course, watcher is a perfectly good thing to claim for a mafia who wants to blend in as village, so it's not like he did the wrong thing. It was just a suspicion I had because, with the knowledge of the twin pairs and the dead people, we knew only a few people could be village.

Unfortunately I then got sick af because spring and then I messed up my sleep cycle which made it difficult to be there for all the conversations. And then I died. I don't think I would've let shade in the chan without cleaning him because it was unnecessary and while his claim was ok it could be explained by mafia avoiding killing a person etc., but I did admittedly think his very quick claim after DLE's obvious scum behaviour was somewhat redemptive, so that was good play by shade.

Anyway, this post is long enough. But I enjoyed this game. Hopefully being in the village channel was instructive for Minwu. gg guys
Also game wasn't ruined by dickbag idlers

I'm not voting on the poll because I dont know if I will play btw. I vastly prefer village vs. mafia games, but for what it's worth, Red Panda was some of the most fun I've had playing a small mafia. I really enjoyed picking the roles and felt that added a very skill-based level of strategy to it, and playing the game out was fun because my faction selected good roles and I got into an alliance with some others. Multifaction games are easily broken by allying factions though and even if you think your factions can't ally they will find a way in order to become more powerful, so meh. The power dynamics in multifaction games also feel very contrived in lynch situations and it's mostly a crapshoot at the start unless there are very, very early alliances.

Da Letter El

Officially internet famous
is a Community Leader Alumnus
Sorry for being so inactive, things got too busy and stupid for the span of like 4 days. I have already mentioned all the dumb stuff that happened to a few people and don't feel the need to do it again.

I suggested the 1 time all kill block, but didn't have or make the time to tell Yeti of this at a reasonable point in time. I really didn't like the vanilla or amnesiac claims we were given, it was a role that I was fairly certain wouldn't be in the village, and had a possibility of being faked. I didn't really care that names for the roles were decided long before; I figured no one would recognize that and Sharknado is definitely the kind of role name that would be in this game. The other role names I thought of were Jabberjaw, which I thought was a great idea but I now see why Yeti was kind enough to tell me not to do, The Snorks, which Yeti had never seen, and Old Gregg, which lol.

I was afraid that I had let on too hard that I had a role that targeted users, but I never actually said that I did. I sent the log of the relevant conversation to our team's scum chat, so shade at least knew what to prepare for. He seemed to get around that part fairly well, so good on him.

Everyone on our team played pretty well. Jalmont had by far our best false-claim; he just got messed up by an inspection. Slim Guldo basically was on his own for 2 nights and got everything organized with Paperblade and did a good job of coordinating with the other mafia. shade played well enough to get sheet and to win it for us in the end. And I had pro rands.

Wish I could have put more time into this; it was fun while it lasted though and I'm glad we won in the end!
Yeah, there was some scepticism in the village channel about SHARKNADO because it was quite recent and because they thought it was weird flavour, but I thought flavour wasn't very reliable in this game as scumtell and I also thought it was very Yeti-esque. I think it was quite a good claim. And, hey, regardless of theory, proof is in the pudding.

Walrein thought you were implying you were village bodyguard (he may have jumped to this conclusion because nobody claimed it), so that didn't work out too badly with shade's claim (it was bad at first since Minwu was the village bodyguard).

eta: In fairness I should mention, although it's quite self-evident from my first post, that protecting Paperblade was actually something I advocated, because I wanted to do the martyr + bg hook combo. Our reverse martyr was dead and we didn't have many better people to protect, except that night we could've protected AG and he got killed (I was literally like 'we can protect AG for rand-proofing or we can protect Paperblade and try to hook someone'...). I thought the mafia was very likely composed of the experienced people, as, well, what Yeti said, it's the nature of mafia, but until we inspected him he was on my cleaner end of the spectrum.
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no longer hibernating
is a Community Contributor
Even though I was only in the game for... probably not an hour you can be assured that I screwed up.

Let me quote the fake Role PM Metal Sonic had created:
my fakeclaim

Dear Metal Sonic,
You are Dory

Star of another “why exist” sequel after your huge role in the much-loved “Finding Nemo,” you’re the most forgetful of the Aquanauts. Don’t let your cluelessness fool anyone, you are a valuable asset to the great sea nation...

Your forgetfulness allows you to forget any attack made on you and thus allows you to be immune to nightkills.

You are allied with the Aquanauts. You win if the Castle Guard and ReVolted are eliminated.

Now I didn't notice the "my fakeclaim" at the start and quoted the whole thing, straight over to Walrein. After that I claimed the honest PM when a bit of flailing between then and Walrein believed me, particularly after he gave me a reaction test (yeah I didn't like that Walrein e_e) but still, you all will know when I play... any game by not being some kind of noob with claiming, I haven't got there yet within the 4 games I've played...(this includes NOC as I claimed incorrectly in both of them too e_e) :|
This game was pretty great, I had a lot of fun playing and I really liked some of the interactions that happened (ie. revolted inspection making walreins inspect on ditto work and cg inspection making his inspect on jalmont work)

i'd love to know if there's a way to hide idle times on mibbit (or any irc client for that matter) btw, i guess it's a legit way to find people but i'd very much like to be able to prevent it!

i also thought it was pretty funny how this game was similar to MAGMAfia (the YAYtears lynch day 1 was sooo similar to the deinosaur lynch Day 1 of MAG, people did have similar roles to MAG though it was a coincidence)

ggwp everyone, thanks for hosting yeti :)
@Celever: Well, I kinda understand why Metal Sonic claimed perma BPV from HIS standpoint, as he was a vanilla and didn't want to get killed (it's even possible he was trying some weird kind of reverse psychology bluff in order to get killed in place of someone who is more useful, I can't tell)...

But he made the mistake of not thinking it through from everyone else's, so it was pretty silly. When you lie in mafia, you have to think about it from every angle. Like if you lie about your role then you should think if your role is plausible from other people's perspectives and what they're likely to read into your PM, check it for typos, etc., you should think about the role name being plausible but not likely to be doubleclaimed, you should think about whether your role is useful on the village or useless/detrimental (obvious scumtell if you claim something that nobody would put on the village), you should think about making your behaviour consistent both with your usual behaviour and someone who usually has that role... and the latter is really where MS failed, if he'd thought about it he would've realised someone with that role would want to trick the mafia into killing him and not alert them all to avoid targeting him, and that it would draw suspicion from all sides. =/

Pretty funny that you miscopypasted, but, well, you subbed in for someone who was already under a LOT of suspicion for a dumb reason, so oh well. Just gotta be more careful, hehe~

@Slim Guldo: there isn't, if you want to fake being idle connect on another tab (on Mibbit) or open up another server connection (mIRC, etc.) and join your mafia channel or whatever and talk there, leaving your main nick to legit idle. You can also obfuscate your idle time by running a script that is active at very short intervals (e.g. talking in a secret channel every 5s or whatever), so nobody can tell if you're afk or not or what your real idle time is (it'll just say 'idle for 1s' or 'idle for 5s' or whatever every time), but just doing that is highly suspicious behaviour


be sharp, say nowt
is a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
was surprised not to get lynched and even more surprised that 2/3 kill wasn't considered

once i got on sheet and learnt everyone's roles and ace emerald contacted us it was elementary really


no longer hibernating
is a Community Contributor
This game was pretty great, I had a lot of fun playing and I really liked some of the interactions that happened (ie. revolted inspection making walreins inspect on ditto work and cg inspection making his inspect on jalmont work)

i'd love to know if there's a way to hide idle times on mibbit (or any irc client for that matter) btw, i guess it's a legit way to find people but i'd very much like to be able to prevent it!

i also thought it was pretty funny how this game was similar to MAGMAfia (the YAYtears lynch day 1 was sooo similar to the deinosaur lynch Day 1 of MAG, people did have similar roles to MAG though it was a coincidence)

ggwp everyone, thanks for hosting yeti :)
OH That was how everybody knew I wasn't idling in the last big mafia. Was wondering about that...

Also yeah Jumpluff, lying in mafia is a difficult thing to try and do, especially with the chances of overlap you need to have enough claims to make a feasible role and pray that someone whom you don't have the claim to isn't your role... I would suck at it :s.

(I'm good at correcting typos though no need to worry about that !)
OH That was how everybody knew I wasn't idling in the last big mafia. Was wondering about that...

Also yeah Jumpluff, lying in mafia is a difficult thing to try and do, especially with the chances of overlap you need to have enough claims to make a feasible role and pray that someone whom you don't have the claim to isn't your role... I would suck at it :s.

(I'm good at correcting typos though no need to worry about that !)
type /whois eagle4 eagle4
or whomever you want to

and you will see their idle time like so:

Eagle4 has been idle 13mins 41secs, signed on Wed Sep 04 01:21:00

@shade: I think I vaguely considered a nightly kill would be too OP with the likeliest numbers but never followed it through to its logical conclusion as it was never really relevant until SHARKNADO by which point I wasn't around much, heh. In hindsight I am really surprised none of us figured it out
What was the last game to have a Mafia Announcer? I think either Handicapable or Roots was most recent, but Roots also had a village one.

Also this is probably one of the most active games I've ever played, unfortunately Ditto and AE were probably near the bottom of the list in terms of activity. Oh well.
I can't think off the top of my head of any mafia announcers but they've definitely been a thing

I mean, it's a more villager role, but it's not that useful anyway after the first cycle or two for a village, it's just a fun role. There's nothing wrong with putting it on a mafia and plenty to gain.

Walrein fsr was extremely hung-up on penguin344, he said a bunch of users found him overly aggressive and suspicious but there were no logs so I reserved my judgment.

Also, for the best example of someone with a post restriction: BT, This Is How We Mafia. Done so well nobody realised he had a fucking restriction, we thought it was just his personality. @_@
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I'm not saying it's not a thing, I just think it's funny the last time I remember a mafia one was in a game like two years ago but people are like "Yes this is a common thing that happens all the time"
I'm not saying it's not a thing, I just think it's funny the last time I remember a mafia one was in a game like two years ago but people are like "Yes this is a common thing that happens all the time"
How often do you see announcers though? Like they're not uncommon at all, village ones way more common than mafia too, but they're not exactly a village staple, they're a filler role. Announcers are so boring, nobody ever does anything interesting with it (their potential is pretty limited)
sorry pluff :(
sorry mrcranger
gdi shade

[20:04] * minwafk is now known as minwu
[20:45] <&minwu> you know
[20:45] <&minwu> sharknado sounds really hard to fake unless the mafias are working together
[20:46] <&minwu> and that'd be really unsafe/dumb so
[20:48] <&minwu> like
[20:49] <&minwu> if we asked him to use it and the other mafia still kills an aquanaut
[20:49] <&minwu> then ???
[20:50] <&Aura_Guardian> good idea
[20:51] <&Aura_Guardian> esp. with what the numbers probably are
[20:51] <~Walrein> i think we should use it tonight

Good game everyone! First mafia I was in that wasn't closed by the host, see you in Vampire maybe.
tl;dr log early theorizing with Yeti

I can see now how the trap in Walrein's role made it hard for me to search for him in quite the way I wanted to, which is kind of disappointing in retrospect even though it clearly kept the village from being overpowering. I dislike facing that kind of uncertainty, which makes it kinda funny that I was so convinced that Castle Guard wouldn't have idled with their kill that night (though it was from a restriction I probably would never have considered by my newbie reasoning alone). If I had claimed earlier it seems we could've devised a plan to keep the reverse martyr safe, but I suppose Paperblade randed one of his multiple ways to shit on that idea regardless (unless Walrein suggested it; I never found out). I am a bit curious as to whether or not Walrein would've had me save Hdoom had I claimed before n1 was over, though, because that could have changed the game. I also think Castle Guard (and the village >.>) would've had better chances if they had crossfired, but I have to admit that watching shade close the game up on IRC like that with his convincing + neg vote was incredibly clever though, props.
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