Yugioh! TCG Thread

I'll get back when toons get new stuff that doesn't suck. Or when I can afford three REDMD's, so that I can actually win a game with a dragon deck, or at least give top decks a run for their money.

When I played (Hopelessly bad dragon) I loved taking down stall, because it was the easiest to set up a horus on.
Hey guys, I've been playing a spellcaster/spellcounter deck and it's been doing pretty well so far.


Monsters (19) :
Level 5+
1 X Endymion, The Master Magician
2 X Magical Marionette

Level 4-
3 X Defender, The Magical Knight
3 X Junk Synchron
3 X Apprentice Magician
3 X Old Vindictive
3 X Breaker, The Magical Warrior
1 X Sangan

Spell (14) :
2 X Magical Citadel Of Endymion
1 X Terraforming
2 X Allure Of Darkness
3 X Spell Power Grasp
2 X Recycle
2 X Magical Dimension
1 X Swords Of Revealing Light
1 X Mystical Space Typhoon

Traps (7) :
3 X Pitch-Black Power Stone
2 X Magician's Circle
1 X Magic Cylinder
1 X Call Of The Haunted

Extra Deck (Need a lot of suggestions for Synchros) : 2 X Arcanite Magician

While I think it plays really fast, it's kinda saddening in the Monster department. I usually destroy with Monsters effects instead battle. Also I can't really see what I should aim for, usually I bring in Arcanite Magician (either with Apprentice dying, bringing Old Vindictive for next turn and Summoning Junk to bring Apprentice back or with a level 4 Spellcaster) with a field filled with Spellcounters for game or I use Magical Marionette's ability to clean the field for an attack.

I'm thinking of putting Tempest Magician once she gets reprinted for SOVR Special Editing, but I'm trying to figure out which tuner I should replace for Junk Synchron with.
Hm... counter casters, I actually stopped playing my version of that a few weeks. I'm assuming this is a budget deck, seeing how you lack Cyber Dragon/The Tricky/Night's End Sorcerer, which are really an integral part of the Spellcaster Synchro.

Well, you have 2 ways you can go with this, either a burn variant, with Tempest as your primary synchro, or a control based one, with Arcanite. Obviously, focusing on one shouldn't exclude the other. Judging from the cards you have, I'm assuming you have a few copies of Spellcaster's Command. I think its better until Tempest is reprinted in December to go control.

Hm... I don't understand why you don't drop a few things for Exemplar. It really is magnificent in a Countercaster build and it can bring back a Level 2 Spellcaster Tuner for a Level 6 (Tempest or Goyo)

Personally, I think Defender and OVM are a little bit slow. OVM is great but hes not the kind of thing you run 3 of IMO. Try dropping a Defender and 2 OVM for 2 Exemplar and a Crystal Seer (it'll add some speed).

As for the extra deck, assuming that you still use Junk as your only tuner, your options will be a little restricted, with the deck working best with Level 5 and Level 7 Synchros.

Extra Deck:

3x Arcanite Magician
2x Tempest Magician
2x Stardust Dragon
2x Ally of Justice Catastor
1x Magical Android
1x Junk Warrior
1x Thought Ruler Archfiend
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Ancient Fairy Dragon
1x Colossal Fighter

Thats probably the best Extra Deck you can make with Junk was your only Tuner. Everything on that list is fairly cheap, assuming you get the cheapest copy of it on Ebay.

As for myself, I'm working on a new type of Hybrid deck with the Earthbound Immortals and D.D. Archetype. The Field Spell is a secret. I'm also starting to collect some of the more expensive cards for my Zombie Synchro
Oddly enough, I have a lot of the cards you suggested me. I didn't put Cyber Dragon, The Tricky and Magical Exemplar because I fear they'd make Allure Of Darkness a bit slower (not having at least 1 dark type monster in my hand). I'll make sure to add 2 or 3 Night End's Sorcerer in my deck (preferably 3).

Anyway, after doing a bit of a recount, my new deck would be something like this (some will be in proxy-form for now).


Level 5+
1 X Endymion, The Master Magician
2 X Magical Marionette

Level 4-
3 X Breaker, The Magical Warrior
2 X Magical Exemplar Taking out one Defender and Vindictive
3 X Night's End Sorcerer (Proxy) In place of the Junk Synchrons
3 X Apprentice Magician
2 X Defender, The Magical Night
2 X Old Vindictive Magician
1 X Sangan

(Spell and Traps are the same)

I'm thinking of taking out some Spells and/or Traps card but I feel that the Spell Power Grasp and Pitch-Black Power Stone is too good to let go and Magician's Circle just helps me for that "Final Push" in battle.

I have Cyber Dragon and the Tricky, but I'm not sure what I should remove them for. Also, while I do have some level 8 Synchro Monsters you suggested (Stardust, Colossal and Thought Ruler) I'm not sure how I could synch into them. I guess I could try and fit in Dark Red Enchanter (who's really good at screwing up some of my opponent's plan).

I'm considering of passing the 40 cards limits to 45. Anyway, thanks for the tip Critical_Hax and I'd be happy to get more from you or anyone else.
Haha, no problem. Though with the changes from Junk, I'd change the extra deck to focus more on level 6 and 7s, obviously dropping the level 5s, (keeping 1 catastor may be a good idea though), and add more level 8s to fill the void. With Hidden Arsenal out, the new level 4 Tuner, Flamvell Magican will probably see some play (try trading 1 copy for a defender or OVM) and with a level 4 tuner, I suppose Mok deserves a mention, but its your call. If you were interested in my old build, it looked something like this, but I made a few changes.

1x Magical Marionette
1x The Tricky
1x Cyber Dragon

3x Breaker the Magical Warrior
3x Apprentice Magician
2x Night's End Sorcerer
2x Magical Exemplar
1x Old Vindictive Magician
1x Summoner Monk
1x Flamvell Magican
1x Morphing Jar

3x Magical Citadel of Endymion
3x Book of Moon
3x Spell Power Grasp
2x Foolish Burial
2x Allure of Darkness
2x Terraforming
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Heavy Storm
1x Magical Dimension
1x Arcane Barrier

2x Magician's Circle
2x Bottomless Trap Hole

As for the Synchros, their up to personal preference, seeing how this deck can actually be quite versatile despite only having 1 type of tuner. Whatever you find you need, just put one in. However, I have to admit, Junk Synchron has quite good synergy with a spellcaster deck. I like Spell Power Grasp, it deck thins, but unless your running a dedicated Spellcaster Burn, I find Pitch Black Power Stone a little bit bad. Citadel does more than enough to fuel abilities. Dark Red Enchanter is decent, but I find myself special summoning him more often, so while its certainly a valid choice, I prefer Marionette. If you were going to add Cyber Dragon and the Tricky, I would drop a Marionette and Endymion for it, however, if you feel uncomfortable dropping Endymion, Cyber Dragon is probably the better choice for the single Marionette. I find summoning Marionette via Magician's Circle better than by tribute (which is also why I prefer him over enchanter)

Other than that, the deck looks fine. Good work =)
I've seen one dude in my area play that deck.. not a real fan but its an interesting build.

Twilight (pretty much LS with Chaos Sorcerer) won another SJC, except this one was different.. it ran Tragoedia which is an interesting choice.. guessing he ran it because of the presence of Zombies.. being able to stop a OTK is pretty huge.
Tragoedia was ran in Vincent's French Twilight deck for something to fall back on if you get a dead hand, it dumped cards, and stole things. With the hype of Brionic and the other Synchro (forgot its name) a clear field would be more common site, and your hand would be huge from all the stuff returned. Tragoedia would be dropped, and be quite big, stopping/slowing decks particularly Zombies which got alot better from the aforementioned Synchros. Zombies simply can abuse Brionic the best.

This in my opinion, was one of the main reasons why Tragoedia was such a good card in that Twilight build.

Anyways, I can't wait for that GK support. xD
Tragoedia was ran in Vincent's French Twilight deck for something to fall back on if you get a dead hand, it dumped cards, and stole things. With the hype of Brionic and the other Synchro (forgot its name) a clear field would be more common site, and your hand would be huge from all the stuff returned. Tragoedia would be dropped, and be quite big, stopping/slowing decks particularly Zombies which got alot better from the aforementioned Synchros. Zombies simply can abuse Brionic the best.

This in my opinion, was one of the main reasons why Tragoedia was such a good card in that Twilight build.

Anyways, I can't wait for that GK support. xD
pretty much. Expect other decks to main a copy at the very least, although I feel it does best in Twilight and in Zombies.
New Stuff for TCG SD18: Renamed Machina Mayhem (And thus now the Machina archetype), 11-New cards, including the Big Saturn, D-Prison confirmed and Cyber Valley reprint.

... I JUST bought 3 Copies of Cyber Valley for my D.D. Immortals (I saw one guy try it on TCG Player, but IMO, his deck is far less explosive than my build, its a tricky hybrid)... The reprint of Dimensional Prison is cool, I suppose soon, I'll have to be more careful playing Stardust at Locals.

Card Trader is decent, so I suppose its a good addition. Is it just me, or does Konami really know how to make packs. Special Editions with such good cards, not to mention reprinting everything for us. *Crosses fingers for JD reprint*

I feel its good to bridge the gap between the casual player and tournament players... speaking of tournaments, Trag in French Twilight isn't a bad choice. Its not like Lightsworn need to play too many cards from their hand, so Trag can be a fair beatstick, not to mention the speed with which cards can hit the grave is a lot, allowing for Trag's other effect to allow for a desirable synchro with Plaguespreader. IMO, its better than Gorz in Lightsworn. It stops OTKs just the same, can be dropped easier than Gorz and also if you need a free reset, mid game, JD fills that role perfectly.

I wouldn't call Twilight Lightsworn with Chaos Sorcerer, the dark count increases beyond that of a few Necro Gardna and Allure/DAD becomes viable. Twilight does play similarly to Lightsworn, except you trade some of the effects of Lightsworn mills for those you can get from the DARKs you splash in. IMO, when one opts for Twilight, you trade the consistency (face it, Lightsworn mills are better than Twilight mills, though Lightsworn is by no means consistent), for more explosive and greater diversity. The speed you lose can be regained with Allures, so its about the same speed.

Does anyone expect more Duel Terminal Cards to come out? I'd personally like to have Dragunities in the game ASAP and having some AOJ cards released in the next 6 months would make sense with the release of the new Machine Structure Deck.
Does anyone expect more Duel Terminal Cards to come out? I'd personally like to have Dragunities in the game ASAP and having some AOJ cards released in the next 6 months would make sense with the release of the new Machine Structure Deck.
Eh, it probably depends on how frequent the Hidden Arsenals are. Given it's essentially a Premium Pack, I say don't get your hopes up.
hey guys i decided to make a deck with the two most neglected monster types of all, fish and sea serpent. and this is what i have

Introducing...Atlantean Surge - Fish/Sea Serpent Beatdown
Monsters - 19
Deep Sea Diva x3
Spined Gillman x2
Oyster Meister x2
Abyssal Kingshark x1
Fishborg Blaster x2
Warrior of Atlantis x3
Mermaid Archer x2
Armed Sea Hunter x2
Morphing Jar x1
Abyss Soldier x1

Spells - 11
A Legendary Ocean x3
Water Hazard x2
Salvage x2
Brain Control x1
Giant Trunade x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Pot of Avarice x1

Traps - 10
Aegis of the Dragon Lord x2
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Spiritual Water Art - Aoi x2
Mirror Force x1
Torrential Tribute x1
Call of the Haunted x1
Fish Depth Charge x1

i've toyed with superancient deepsea king coelacanth (lol terrible name) a bit, but i've found its effect is kinda bad without united we stand, and 'lol equip cards'
now it works pretty well so far but i've fiddled around with various synchros and i can't decide which ones are best for the deck, so if you guys could suggest me some synchros that would be super
I'd put in a Card Guard or two. That Ocean needs protecting somehow.

As for Syncros, there's not a whole lot of variation in the TCG as of yet, so as long as you include what most people would, you should be right. Try multiple Catastors, though; with Diva, you have a lot chances to summon him.
is anybody interested in participating in a yugioh tournament? it will be conducted using yvd and either me or moot will host.
man yugioh got really complicated, too many bans and cards, I remember back before the end of the original series i won 2nd place on this tournament and I got a box of cards. That was nice. I use to run a spell caster deck. Too many spells though.
I've been dueling a lot recently since discovering KCVDS (much better than YVD imo).

I've noticed that Lightsworn and Gladiator decks are the most common. Lightsworns are very annoying thanks to that broken Judgement Dragon (3000 atk, pay 1000 lp to wipe out every card on the field).

Right now I am using an Exodia deck. The deck focuses on using Appropriate with cards that force the opponent to draw cards. It can even work pretty well as an anti-Lightsworn deck since it can cause the opponent to run out of cards. I do need to fix it though since morphing jar/card destruction royally fuck me over.
I've come back to Yu-Gi-Oh after about 3 and 1/2 years. Started playing in late 2002, I even remember the day I bought my Joey Starter deck (Nearly to the exact detail) and bringing it to school the next day... Man I miss old Yu-Gi-Oh, especialy the original Anime (Second series, not original Japanese).

Currently using a Horus Lockdown deck on YVD, needs some tweaking though. I'll post it up once i've changed it.
If you guys that are running spellcaster decks are running Spell Counters and Magical Citadel, might as well carry Tempest Magician in your Extra deck for an epic Burn Damage finisher.


Banned deucer.
Hey, I have just got back into the game after a like 4 year hiatus, so is anyone up for a duel on YVD?

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