winter sucks


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We got a lot of snow here in Princeton. Snow is inconvenient, but it makes for lovely pictures.

Street outside of my apartment.

The dog loves the snow. She's so small, I figured she would freeze, but apparently not.

Unfortunately I can't lay claim to such a badass snowman.

Right outside of the apartment

Random Princeton building #1

Random Princeton building #2

One of the Princeton garden statues. The garden was completely covered by snow, there was no way of telling what it was...

Random Princeton building #3

Princeton university chapel

Random Princeton building #4

My favorite random Princeton building :)

Feel free to share your own winter photos here! From what I've heard, pretty much every state got more snow/bad weather than usual.
Wow, nice photos.

Yeah in Virginia I got about 13-14 inches of snow, which is the most it has snowed in my lifetime.

[looking for pictures...Sorry they're still on the camera, I'll post later]


what are birds? we just don't know.
is a Community Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnus
i never realised princeton was such a picturesque campus! we don't get anywhere near as much snow as that in the uk. having said that, we did get some, here is me and my pops out for a walk on christmas day:
Living in the midwest, we get a lot of snow. It's fun for the first few days, buuut I could do with less of it. Then again, I do love white christmases.
everyone says it snows so much in canada, the posts above prove otherwise. we in actuality have less snow than you guys. the tables have turned now haven't they?
Depends on where you are, Blamon. The East cost is always covered in snow, right now Alberta has around 2 feet and it's -6F, -21C.

That's cause alberta hitting -53 with 4 feet of snow wouldn't even make the news, but Vancouver hitting -6 for 2 days does. :/


Ce soir, on va danser.
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
Back when December started, there was a tiny snowband here in Buffalo that hovered over my neighborhood and completely decimated us. 3 feet in the matter of one day.

That's looking out my window when it started to fall the night before, it was the first real flurry of the year at that point.

This is my car the next morning at 7am. And I thought THAT was a lot of snow.

Some jackass got his car stuck in the snow IN THE FUCKING ROAD.

I pulled my car back about 6 feet to brush it off... and then couldn't move. I eventually got it back into its spot and said "to hell with this" and went back inside.

It is now 1:30pm. A city frontloader has come down to try to clear the street, but that retard never moved his car so the street couldn't be plowed completely. It took 8 people pushing to finally move the car.

It took me and my roommates 5 hours (with a nap break in the middle) to clear all the snow out of the driveway.

We finally finished the driveway at about 6:30pm. This is what my car looked like.

It took a while and a lot of work to clear it out the next day.

I had to dig up to the back, then a path along the side so that I could even open the door and get it.

And this is what the space looked like when I finally got the car out.
We don't have crazy freak snowstorms here in Arkansas, but we do have cool cloud formations :)

EDIT: Actually, just kidding. Found some pictures of an ice storm we had a couple years ago. Everything was covered with at least an inch of ice. And when I say everything, I mean everything o.o

yeah winter is ass.

we have a ton of snow here and have since november 28th (i remembered the exact date since it was before december), but where i live there are no such things as snow days for school. this is why i hate winter. D:


Physics and Math \O/
is a Past SPL Champion
I live in Fresno, in winter and all we get here is dense fog. It's kind of like snow, except you can't see in front of your face and you can get hit by a car a lot easier.

I'd kill for snow :(.
Damn, seeing all these pictures of where everyone lives makes me hate where I live even more. There is nothing exciting about it. Plus, my snow fails in comparison to how much snow you guys got. I only got about 6 inches this year. I'd say I'm jealous, but snow sucks.


JACKED and sassy
is a Top Artist Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnus
Summer is just...ugh, I don't really know how to describe it.
Personally, I would prefer being too cold than being too hot. Being too hot makes me feel nauseated, like I want to puke. I've always wondered if anybody else gets that feeling.
It doesn't help that where I live, summers are excruciating. Often peaking 100 degrees, there's also 95%+ humidity a good chunk of the time.
Winters here are also pretty bad, but I kind of enjoy being cold, even to the point that I don't like wearing a coat in below-freezing weather.
You can always put on more layers to get warmer, but you can't always take off more to get colder, I guess. That's what I mostly don't like about summer.

As far as scenery goes however, summer is beautiful. I love looking at all of new blooming flowers and such (although they often get so hot, they die). The skies are also very beautiful in summer.
Snow is pretty for about the first 2 days, then it just turns to that brown slushy stuff, and the skies aren't very pretty.

There are things I like and dislike about both.
I've hardly gotten any snow where I live, but I heard rumors about 19 inches or something. You live in a snowy Hell :O

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