SPOILERS! "What Isn't A Pokemon Yet" Repository (+ Type Combinations & Super Forms)


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
Made some long time waiting additions:

  • "Fish" Addition: (Deepsea) Lizardfish, Mummichog. Change: "Frogfish" to "(Psychedelic) Frogfish"
  • "Fish-Shark" Addition: Lantern Shark
  • "Cephalopod" Addition: Whip-lash Squid, Octopoteuthis Deletron
  • "Mammal-Whale" Addition: 52-hertz Whale
  • "Crustacean" Addition: Oyster Crab
  • "Sponge/Echinoderm/Clam" Addition: Spiny Cushion Star, Webbed Star, Lingulata. Change: "Exquisite Urchin" to "(Exquisite/Flower) Urchin"
  • Made new "Sponge/Echinoderm/Clam" subcategory: "Star"
  • Changed "Bug" category to "Bug/Microscopic". Addition: Rotifer, Loricifera, (Diving/Whirligig) Beetle, Spoon Worm, Bootlace Worm, Pompeii Worm
  • Made new "Bug/Microscopic" subcategory: "Worm"
  • "Gastropod/Mollusc" Addition: Clusterwink Snail, Chiton
  • "BUG" Addition: Springtail
  • "Insect-Beetle" Addition: Golden Tortoise Beetle, Harlequin Beetle, (Red) Flat Bark Beetle
  • "Insect-Wasp/Bee" Addition: Paper Wasp, Warrior Wasp, Executioner Wasp
  • "Moth/Butterflies" Addition: Cecropia Moth, Spotted Apatelodes Moth, Monkey Slug/Hag Moth, Lobster Moth, Hickory Horned Devil/Regal Moth, Anna's Eighty-Eight, Greater Wax Moth, Creatonotos Gangis
  • "Arachnid" Addition: Darwin's Bark Spider, Rhomphaea fictilium. Change: "Jumping Spider" to "(Himalayan) Jumping Spider"
  • "CELL/MICRO" Addition: Frozen Virus, Radiolaria. Change: "Neuron" to "Neuron (Smell, Taste, Vision, Auditory, Thermoreceptor, Mechanoreceptors, Nociceptor)"
  • Made new category: "Artificial"
  • "MAMMAL" Addition: (Pyrenean) Desman, Arctic Hare, Moonrat, Screaming Hairy Armadillo. Change: "Coati" to "(Ring-Tailed) Coati"
  • "Feline" Addition: Lykoi
  • "Rodent" Addition: Lab Mouse/Rat
  • "Bat" Addition: Bulldog Bat
  • "Primate" Addition: Allen's Swamp Monkey. Change: "Emperor Tamarin" to "(Emperor/Golden Lion) Tamarin", "White-face Saki" to "(Monk/White-faced) Saki"
  • "BIRD" Addition: White-throated Rail, (Western/Black-billed) Capercaillie, (Long-billed) Curlew, Avocet, Black Skimmer, Saddle-bill Stork, Racket-tail, Eutoxeres, Sword-billed Hummingbird, Lophornis, Peacock Coquette, Bearded Helmetcrest, Scissor-tailed Hummingbird, Marvellous Spatuletail, (Wire-Crested) Thorntail, Puffleg. Change: "Sage-Grouse" to "(Sage/Prarie) Grouse"
  • Made new category: "Hummingbird".
  • "Snake" Addition: Hognose Snake, Sunbeam Snake, Rubber Boa
  • "Frog/Toad" Addition: Greening's Frog
  • "PLANTS" Addition: Monstera Deliciosa, Waterwheel Plant, Pomato
  • "Flower" Addition: Wolfsbane, Rose of Jericho/Resurrection Plant
  • "Tree" Addition: Trysting Tree, Moon Tree, Tree of 40 Fruit
  • "Food-Fruit" Change: "Citrus Fruit" to "Citrus Fruit (Citron/Orange/Lemon/Lime/Grapefruit/Pomelo)"
  • "Theropod" Addition: Concavenator, Halszkaraptor
  • "Ornithischia" Addition: Kosmoceratops, Aquilops
  • "Marine" Addition: Falcatus, Callichimaera Perplexa
  • "Mammal-Canine" Addition: Talbot (dog), Hawaiin Poi Dog
  • "Mammal-Ungulate" Addition: Hoplitomeryx
  • "Arthropod/Bug" Addition: Aptenoperissus, Pambdelurion, Aegirocassis
  • "Reptile/Amphibian" Addition: Drepanosaurus, Shringasaurus, Beelzebufo, Cambroraster, (Eupodophis, Pachyrhachis, Najash)
  • "Other" Addition: Chicken T-Rex, Five Mass Extinction Event
  • "OBJECT" Addition: Clay Pigeon (Shooting), Abacus, Pile of Clothes, Crash Test Dummy, Ghost Apples (Ice/Ghost), Old Man of the Lake, Lake Natron's Calcified Animals, Ringing Rocks, Centennial Light, Atomic/Quantum Clock, Quartz Clock, Water Clock/Clepsydra, Pantograph, Bagpipes, Manganese Nodule, Pyrite/Fool's Gold, Safe/Strongbox, Flower Bouquet, Bubblegram, Throne, Database/Computer Server, Suncatcher, Yard Globe, Bird Bath, Obsolete Technology (Typewriter, Pager/"Dumb Phone"/Personal Digital Assistant, Floppy Disk/Cassette Tape/VHS, Walkman/Discman/MP3 Player, Slide/Overhead Projector, Vinyl Records/Record Player, Vacuum Tube, Pneumatic Tube, Punched Card), Roman Dodecahedron/Petrosphere, Roulette Wheel, Sea Balls, Marine Debris (Ghost Net/Nurdles)/Ocean Garbage Patch, Compact (cosmetic), Anti-aging Cream/Supplements, Tear Catcher, Street Sweeper, Rosary, Andiron/Fire Dog/Moon Horns, Yule Log, Cylinder Seal, Drinking Horn, Eccentric Flint, Guatimac, Vajra, Muisca Raft, Psi and Phi Type Figurine, Curse Tablet, Votive/Prayer Candle, Votive Crown/Pendilia, Elizabethan Collar, Nail Clipper, Ten Essentials, Toilet Paper, Monkey Wrench, Luggage Bag, Ita-bag, Hitchhiking Robot, Gui Gong Qui/Ivory Puzzle Ball, Cricket Cage, Wheel Chair, Wrapping Paper, Clothes Iron, Worry Stone, (Robotic) Vacuum Cleaner, (Magnet/Electropositive) Shark Repellent, Oasis. Change: "Antikythera Mechanism" to "Astrarium/Planetarium/Antikythera Mechanism", "Canopic Jar" to "Canopic Jars/Funerary Vases", "Broom" to "(Magic/Flying) Broom", "Book/Scroll/Text" to "(Magic/Flying) Book/Scroll/Text", "Vehicles" to "(Construction) Vehicles", "(Sewing) Needle" to "(Sewing) Needle/Threader/Thimble/Seam Ripper"
  • "Food" Addition: Lunch/Bento Box, Popcorn (Butterfly & Mushroom shape), S'more. Change: "Salt & Pepper" to "Shakers & Burr Mill (Salt/Pepper/Spices)"
  • "Toy" Addition: Yo-yo, Hoko (doll), Nintendo Consoles & Accessories, Teetotum, Hanafuda, Jigsaw Puzzle, Balloon Animal
  • "CONCEPTS/PHENOMENA" Addition: Claytronics/Programmable Matter, Ice-nine, Smokey Bear, Battery Bunny, Method of Loci/Memory Palace, Gates of horn and ivory, Imp of the Perverse, Gijinka, Oil Dinosaur, Barbershop Quartet, Gospel Quartet, Earworm, Snail Mail, Zzxjoanw, Magic Swordsman, Devil Violin/Fiddle, Quitting Cold Turkey, Leonardo da Vinci's Inventions, Damsel In Distress, Good Cop/Bad Cop, Poisoned/Razor Blades in Candy, Code Monkey, "Bat Out Of Hell", Dungeon That Is A Dungeon, Friday the 13th, Ghost Train, White/Black/Grey Hat Hacker, Death & Taxes, "The Dogs of War", Elephant In The Room, Cash Cow, Jumping The Shark, Turing Machine, Shoe Tossing, Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, Fairy In A Bottle, National Personifications, Quantum Tunneling, Bit Bucket, Clootie Well/Wish Tree, Bloodstopping, Postman Animal (Horse/Bird/Dog), Boltzmann Brain, Solfege (Do/Re/Mi/Fa/Sol/La/Ti), Sweet Tooth, Food Animal (Carrot Rabbit, Banana Monkey, Peanut Elephant, Cheese Mouse), Tsundere, Recycling (Metal, Plastic, Paper, Glass), "When a bell rings an angel gets it wings", Rota Fortunae/Wheel of Fortune, Enchanted Loom, Ghost in the Machine, "Broken Clock Is Right Twice The Day", Needle in a Haystack, Toxic Masculinity, High Horse, Kuji-in, Trios ("The Hecate Sisters", "Physical, Mystical, Technological", "Three Faces of Eve", "Three Faces of Adam"), Swampman, Can of Worms, Emu War, "Raines Sandwich", Bodega Cat, Cat Cafe, Archimime, Rodeo Clown, Trenchcoat Salesman/Flasher, Sword Swallower, Grave Robber, The Rockettes, Jailbird, Trophy Wife, Navy Seal, Oyster Pirate, Martial Arts (Stick-fighting (Cane/Baton/Umbrella/Scabbard), Shaolin, Muay Thai, Bajiquan), Thoughtography, Pall/Pallbearer. Changes: "Character Alignment" to "D&D Alignment (9 combinations: Lawful-Good/Neutral-G/Chaotic-G, L-N/True-N/C-N, L-Evil/N-E/C-E)", "Creepy Painting" to "Creepy/Haunted Painting"
  • "Literature/Film/Song" Category changed to "Literature/Film/Song/Dance".
  • "Literature/Film/Song/Dance" Addition: Town Musicians of Bremen, Blind Men And An Elephant, Three Laws of Robotics, Clarke's Three Laws, Three Billy Goats Gruff (Goats, Bridge Troll), "What Little Girls Are Made Of" (Sugar/Spice/Everything Nice), "What Little Boys Are Made Of" (Snips/Snails/Puppydog Tails), Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe, Hey Diddle Diddle, Robby the Robot (Forbidden Planet), Robot (Lost In Space), Holst the Planets/Musica Universalis, Danse Macabre. Changes: "Red Weed (The War of the Worlds)" to "The War of the Worlds (Fighting/Flying/Digging/Handling Machine, Red Weed, Black Smoke)"
  • "Painting/Sculpture" Addition: Bird-and-flower Painting, Cave Paintings
  • "Game Reference" Changes: "Pac Man" to "Pac-Man (& Ghosts: Blinky/Red/Chaser, Pinky/Pink/Ambusher, Inky/Cyan/Shy, Clyde/Orange/Random)"
  • Added "Trainer Classes" Category. Additions: Biker/Roughneck, Bird Keeper, Bug Catcher/Bug Maniac, Fairy Tale Girl/Hex Maniac/Channeler/Medium, Engineer, Fisherman, Gambler, Backpacker/Hiker, Camper/Picnicker, Juggler, Rocker, Sailor, Scientist, Tamer, Boarder/Skier, Firebreather/Kindler, Guitarist/Musician (Unova), Fairy Tale Girl/Furisode Girl/Kimono Girl, Police Officer, Sage, Dragon Tamer, Expert, Interviewers/Reporter/Cameraman, Parasol Lady, Pokemon Ranger, Tuber, Triathlete/Cyclist/Swimmer/Jogger, Idol, Rancher/Cowgirl, Waiter/Waitress, Baker/Chef/Cook, Officer Worker, Sport Player (Basketball, Baseball, Tennis, Soccer, Golf), Janitor, Pilot, Gardener, Roller Skater, Diver, Bellhop, Firefighter, Model, Postman
  • "ALIEN/SPACE" Addition: Self-replicating Spacecraft (Von Neumann Probe/Astrochicken, Berserker, Seeder), 'Oumuamua, Chicxulub Impactor/Dinosaur Meteor, Fresno Nightcrawler, Black Knight Satellite, Hot/Cold Eyeball Plant, Cow Abductions
  • "Americas" Addition: Pecos Bill, Moon-Eyed People
  • "Greek/Roman" Addition: Brontes/Steropes/Arges
  • "English" Addition: Apple Tree Man
  • "Medieval" Addition: Dry Tree, Avalerion, Pantheon (mythical creature)
  • "European" Addition: Grateful Dead (folklore)
  • "Finnish" Addition: Frog Coffin
  • "Asian" Addition: Con Rit
  • "Asian-Japanese" Addition: Kamikiri (Yokai), Makuragaeshi, Tofu-kozo
  • "Asian-Chinese" Addition: Three Corpses
  • "African" Addition: Mamlambo
  • "Norse" Addition: Mjolnir
  • "Biblical" Addition: Sephirot, Sacrificial Lamb, Seven Heavens, Pearly Gates, Coat of Many Colors
  • "Other" Addition: Shore Laddie (Iceland), Tikoloshe (Zulu/Xhosa), Icelandic Christmas Folklore, Great Moon Hoax
  • "Common" Addition: Cap/Cloak of Invisibility
And more are on the way.
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Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
So, just completed making the additions I had on a personal list of mine in my above post! Now my next project is going through some groups and fixing them up a bit, mainly adding more categories so it's not a wall of text. OJBECTS and CONCEPTS are in a serious need of this and I have an idea of what I can do there, but those are going to take me some time. Meanwhile I did a quick one I've been meaning to do for a while: BIRDS!
BIRD: Peafowl/Peacock, Parakeet, "Real" Flamingo, Cassowary, Kiwi, Kookaburra, Cockatoo (Sulphur/Yellow/Citron/Salmon-crested, Blue-eyed, Cockatiel), (Southern) Rockhopper Penguin, Bird-of-paradise, (New World) Quail, (Eurasian & Australian) Magpie, Osprey, "Real" Ostrich, Red Cardinal, Blue Jay, Fairywren, Goose, Shoebill, Kakapo, Blackbird, Kingfisher, Hooded Pitohui, Blue-capped Ifrit, Little Shrikethrush, Spur-winged Goose, Secretarybird, (Sage/Prarie) Grouse, King Vulture, Cock-of-the-rock, Spoonbill, Spoon-Billed Sandpiper, Smoky Honeyeater, Bowerbirds, Giant Antpitta, Fairy Penguin, Mockingbird, Canary, Whip-Poor-Will, Hoatzin, Turkey, Vulturine Guineafowl, Snake Bird, Vampire Finch, Ribbon-Tailed Astrapia, Lorikeet (Rainbow/Sunset/Marigold/Red-collared), Golden Pheasant, Quetzal, Hoopoe, Grey Crowned Crane, (Rhinoceros/Helmeted) Hornbill, Wattled Curassow, (Northern Bald, Scarlet) Ibis, Sri Lanka Frogmouth, Snipe, Araripe Manakin, (Lady Amherst's/Golden) Pheasant, Brahminy Kite, Burrowing Owl, Myna, Victoria Crowned Pigeon, Frigatebird, Galliformes/Game Birds (Ceylon Junglefowl), Heron, Desert Cardinal, Gouldian Finch/Painted Bunting, Kagu/Sunbittern, Lyrebird, White-Throated Magpie-Jay, Oystercatcher, White-Headed Duck, Takahe, Waigeo Brush Turkey, Edwards's Pheasant, Madagascan Serpent Eagle, Stresemann's Bristlefront, Bearded Vulture, (Frizzle, Featherless) Chicken, Three-Wattled Bellbird, Standard-winged Nightjar, Luzon Bleeding-Heart, Umbrellabird, Crossbill, American Woodcock, Crested Pigeon, (Scarlet) Macaw, Royal Flycatcher, Arctic Tern, Kea, Southern Lapwing, Oilbird, Sociable Weaver, Willow Ptarmigan, Honeyguide, Oxpecker, Nicobar Pigeon, Tailorbird, White-throated Rail, (Western/Black-billed) Capercaillie, (Long-billed) Curlew, Avocet, Black Skimmer, Saddle-bill Stork, Racket-tail
Hummingbird: Eutoxeres, Sword-billed Hummingbird, Lophornis, Peacock Coquette, Bearded Helmetcrest, Scissor-tailed Hummingbird, Marvellous Spatuletail, (Wire-Crested) Thorntail, Puffleg

BIRD: Kookaburra, (New World) Quail, Quetzal, Hoopoe, Takahe
Perching/Songbird: Red Cardinal, Fairywren, Blackbird, Smoky Honeyeater, Giant Antpitta, Mockingbird, Canary, Vampire Finch, Araripe Manakin, Myna, Desert Cardinal, Gouldian Finch/Painted Bunting, Lyrebird, White-Throated Magpie-Jay, Three-Wattled Bellbird, Royal Flycatcher, Sociable Weaver, Honeyguide, Oxpecker, Tailorbird
Waterfowl/Shorebirds/Seabirds: "Real" Flamingo, Crested/Rockhopper Penguin, Fairy Penguin, Goose, Shoebill, Kingfisher, Spur-winged Goose, Spoonbill, Spoon-Billed Sandpiper, Snake Bird, Grey Crowned Crane, (Northern Bald/Scarlet) Ibis, Snipe, Frigatebird, Heron, Oystercatcher, White-Headed Duck, American Woodcock, Arctic Tern, Southern Lapwing, White-throated Rail, (Long-billed) Curlew, Avocet, Black Skimmer, Saddle-bill Stork, Kagu/Sunbittern
Birds of Prey/Owl: Osprey, Secretarybird, King Vulture, Brahminy Kite, Burrowing Owl, Madagascan Serpent Eagle, Bearded Vulture
Tropical/Parrot: Parakeet, Cockatoo (Sulphur/Yellow/Citron/Salmon-crested, Blue-eyed, Cockatiel), Kakapo, Cock-of-the-rock, Hoatzin, Lorikeet (Rainbow/Sunset/Marigold/Red-collared), (Rhinoceros/Helmeted) Hornbill, Wattled Curassow, Stresemann's Bristlefront, Umbrellabird, (Scarlet) Macaw, Kea, Racket-tail
Junglefowl/Pheasant: Peafowl/Peacock, Turkey, (Frizzle/Featherless) Chicken, (Sage/Prarie) Grouse, (Lady Amherst's/Edwards's/Golden) Pheasant, Sri Lankan Junglefowl, Willow Ptarmigan, (Western/Black-billed) Capercaillie, Vulturine Guineafowl, Waigeo Brush Turkey
Hummingbird: Eutoxeres, Sword-billed Hummingbird, Lophornis, Peacock Coquette, Bearded Helmetcrest, Scissor-tailed Hummingbird, Marvellous Spatuletail, (Wire-Crested) Thorntail, Puffleg
Dove/Pigeon: Victoria Crowned Pigeon, Luzon Bleeding-Heart, Crested Pigeon, Nicobar Pigeon
Corvid: (Eurasian & Australian) Magpie, Blue Jay, Bowerbirds
Ratite: Cassowary, Kiwi, "Real" Ostrich
Nightjar: Whip-Poor-Will, Sri Lanka Frogmouth, Standard-winged Nightjar, Oilbird
Bird-of-paradise: Astrapia, Parotia, King of Saxony bird-of-paradise, Lophorina (Superb bird-of-paradise), Epimachus/Drepanornis (Sicklebill), Cicinnurus, Standardwing bird-of-paradise, Twelve-wired bird-of-paradise, Paradisaea/Paradisornis
Poisonous: Hooded Pitohui, Blue-capped Ifrit, Little Shrikethrush

I'll be honest, when I first started going through it I thought I'd just be making like 3 or 4 categories. As it turns out, birds are a very wide distribution of animals and I came out with 12 categories. And honestly I could probably make more if I break apart the Waterfowl/Shorebirds/Seabirds even more but, let's be honest, most if not all of them would be Water/Flying anyway so might as well group them together.

I was most surprised how wide the Corvid family was, I didn't realize Magpies and Blue Jays were a part of that family.

Also fun to learn that Cassowaries, Kiwis, & Ostriches were all related (Ratites), makes sense in hindsight but the size and appearance differences sort of deceive you.

And, yes, I know "Poisonous" isn't really a genus but being that special trait is why they're on the list I decided to make an exception.
I would like to add "real" rattlesnake in the snake section, Ekans is technically one, but it doesn't really put any emphasis on its "rattle" thing in its design


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
I would like to add "real" rattlesnake in the snake section, Ekans is technically one, but it doesn't really put any emphasis on its "rattle" thing in its design
True, but it's still unquestionable that it's design directly on a rattlesnake. It's not the other cases where I put "real" where the Pokemon that is based on the design adds in so many other elements the animal behind it pretty much gets lost:
  • "Real" Electric Eel: The Tynamo family is a combination of several elongated fish species such as the lamprey (which their mouths resemble.
  • "Real" Cockroach: Genesect is more machine than roach.
  • "Real" Mosquito: Kind of want a mosquito that also isn't fused with a humanoid bodybuilder.
  • "Real" Scorpion: The Skorupi family aren't scorpions they're accordions.
  • "Real" Hyena: The Poochyena family act and look a bit more like wolves than hyenas.
  • "Real" Cheetah: Suicune is purposely a combination of several animals.
  • "Real" Porcupine: While there are several Pokemon which are porcupine like there isn't one that you can point to and say without question "oh that's based on a porcupine".
  • "Real" Flamingo: The Bulbapedia page on the Spritzee family doesn't even mention they're partly based on flamingos anymore (which they are, but it's barely the point of the design, it's just they had a bird motif and decided the bird they would look like were flamingos).
  • "Real" Ostrich: Doduo family is close but doesn't quite fit, they sort of take roles from the other bigger members of the ratite family of birds such as emus and and moa.
  • "Real" Dunkleosteus: I want a whole one, not one half that's been made into an abomination.
  • "Real" Plesiosaur: Lapras is a combination of a few other lake creatures such as Nessie and a Turtle Dragon.
  • "Real" Mammoth: Mamoswine is a boar.
  • "Real" Cerberus: Houndour family only has one head, it's more focused just being a plain hellhound instead of the famous Greek/Roman guardian of the Underworld.
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"Real" Cockroach: Genesect is more machine than roach
What about Pheromosa?

"Real" Porcupine: While there are several Pokemon which are porcupine like there isn't one that you can point to and say without question "oh that's based on a porcupine"
What about Shaymin?
Has someone brought up llamas yet? I would really like to see a llama Pokémon in the future (or an alpaca, guanaco, etc.). Closest thing is Numel/Camerupt because they are camelids.

Edit: nvm, just saw it on the list. Even hairless dogs, which is my dream fakemon (going for a Normal/Ground type with Dry Skin).
Has anyone mentioned rhinos as a possible Pokémon species?At this point it seems like they are the only real life large land mammal that has yet to be adapted (we already have lions, tigers, elephants, and hippos).

In terms of sea mammals, narwhals are pretty unique and it feels like you could do a lot with them.


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
And one of the bigs ones are done! Yes, I finally re-organized OBJECTS!
OBJECTS: (Construction) Vehicles, Voodoo Doll, Weapon/Armor (brass knuckles, axe, whip, staff, mace/flail/morning star, chakram, gauntlet), Tombstone, Stained Glass (Window), Fertility Idol, Currency (Coin), Grandfather Clock/Clock Tower/Hourglass, Clock of the Long Now/10000-year Clock, Brain, Camera, Fountain/Fire Hydrant, Pompeii Cast, Tiki, Pendulum/Foucault Pendulum, One-man Band/Musical Instruments, Theremin, Flyswatter, Dowsing/Metal Detector, Dreamcatcher, Weather Vane, Luck Symbols, Ghost Light (theatre), Carranca, Chopsticks, Jin Chan, Blarney Stone/Answering Stone, Kitchen Witch, Phone, Walking Cane, Polygraph, Tea Table/Hoodoo/Balancing Rock, USB Flash Drive, Ball Chain/Ball & Chain, Office Supplies, Glue, (Duct) Tape, Rosetta Stone, Mortar & Pestle, Crystal Ball, (Engagement/Wedding) Ring (jewellery), Headphones, Mannequin, Airbag/Cushion, Effigy, Thermometer, Sextant, Steel Wool, Fulgurite, Teabag, Soap, Tin Foil Hat, Canopic Jars/Funerary Vases, Wishbone, Defibrillator, Desert Rose, Terracotta Army Soldier, Slot Machine, Dice/Snake Eyes, Mechanical Bull, Faberge Egg, Shroud of Turin, Jukebox, Tupperware, Bumper Cars, Kitchen Utensils (fork, spoon, knife, whisk/mixer, spatula, blender, grater, drainer), Toothbrush, Pillow, Disco Ball, Fire Extinguisher, Hwacha, Pepper Spray, Stun Gun, Net Gun, Parachute, Torch, Boombox, Gypsy Robe, Windmill/Pinwheel, Web/Stabilimentum, Match/Candelabra, Cornucopia/Horn of Plenty, Glasses, Internet Modem/Router, Ferrofluid, Non-Newtonian Fluid, Vase/Pot, Barbed Wire, Blowtorch/Watr Jet Cutter, Feather Duster, Hamsa, Buoy, Wolfsegg Iron/Klerksdorp Sphere, Moeraki Boulders/Stone Spheres of Costa Rica, Iron Pillar of Delhi, Dorchester Pot, Pig Iron, Quimbaya Artifacts, Saqqara Bird, Haniwa, Coso Artifact, Baghdad Battery, Straitjacket, Trash Can/Dumpster, Fishing Rod, Tesla Coil, Humanoid Robot, Industrial Robot, Engine, Treasure Chest, Chimenea/Chimney/Fireplace, Scissors, Flag, (Magic/Flying) Book/Scroll/Text, Pencil/Pen (Quill Pen), Magic Wand, Megalith, Conch/Shell Trumpet, RNA, Arrowhead, (Magic/Flying) Broom, Mikoshi, Radioactive Waste/Biohazard, Artificial Grass, Prince Rupert's Drop, Klein Bottle, Pythagorean Cup, Ceremonial Smoking Pipe, Sovereign's Orb, Chatelaine (Chain), Decorative Box, Lovespoon, Adder Stone, Taser, Torma, Yarn, (Sewing) Needle/Threader/Thimble/Seam Ripper, Fishing Pole, Cuauhxicalli, E-meter, Fire Pots, Prayer Wheel, Shrunken Head, Cuckoo Clock, Weather House, Gas Pump, (Oil) Drilling Rig, Walking Cane, Crystal Skull, Orrery, Voynich Manuscript, Grappling Hook, Leaf Blower, Lock Pick, Mothball, Columbus's Ship (Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria), Pacifier, Gorinto, "Female"/"Male" Tanks, Crown/Crown Jewels, Pyramidion/Obelisk, Pictish Painted Pebbles, Metronome, Fireworks, Entrance/Door/Gate, EMF Detector, Trophy, Cleaning Sponge, Compact Disk, Handcuff/Cage, Fossil Fuels, Vending Machine, Wooden Fish, Garden Gnome, Bug Zapper, Security Blanket, Jackal's Horn, Cramp-rings, Troll Cross, Touch Piece, Bulla/Lunula (amulet), Wreath, Hand of Glory, Carousel (Horse), Skeleton/Master Key, Punching Bag/Training Dummy, Whale Oil, Body Parts (Lungs, (wisdom) teeth etc.), Mardi Gras Throws, Swiss Army Knife, (Utility) Belt, Oracle Bone, Take a Penny/Leave a Penny, Time Capsule, Voyager Golden Record, Astrarium/Planetarium/Antikythera Mechanism, Lemb Statue, Death Whistle, Other Nazca Lines, Sailing Stones, Computer Mouse, Keyboard, Roadkill, Bismuth, Potato Battery/Light Bulb, Electronic Waste, Plastic Pollution, Aerogel, Hydrogel, Stalactite/Stalagmite, Jet Pack, Solar/Electric/Magnetic Sail, Prosthetic, Bath Bomb/Salts/Fizzies, Snow Lantern, Panjandrum, Djucu, Cimaruta, Astrolabe, Bellows, Crane, Oil Lamp, Pythagorean Hammers, Candle Clock, Four Great Inventions, Joss Paper, Multistage Rocket, Statue of Liberty, Abramelin Oil, Boline/Athame, Desert Glass, Algae Scrubber, Dynamite, Kit-Cat Klock, Camera Obscura/Magic Lantern/Phantasmagoria, Clay Pigeon (Shooting), Abacus, Pile of Clothes, Crash Test Dummy, Ghost Apples, Old Man of the Lake, Lake Natron's Calcified Animals, Ringing Rocks, Centennial Light, Atomic/Quantum Clock, Quartz Clock, Water Clock/Clepsydra, Pantograph, Bagpipes, Manganese Nodule, Pyrite/Fool's Gold, Safe/Strongbox, Flower Bouquet, Bubblegram, Throne, Database/Computer Server, Suncatcher, Yard Globe, Bird Bath, Obsolete Technology (Typewriter, Pager/"Dumb Phone"/Personal Digital Assistant, Floppy Disk/Cassette Tape/VHS, Walkman/Discman/MP3 Player, Slide/Overhead Projector, Vinyl Records/Record Player, Vacuum Tube, Pneumatic Tube, Punched Card), Roman Dodecahedron/Petrosphere, Roulette Wheel, Sea Balls, Marine Debris (Ghost Net/Nurdles)/Ocean Garbage Patch, Compact (cosmetic), Anti-aging Cream/Supplements, Tear Catcher, Street Sweeper, Rosary, Andiron/Fire Dog/Moon Horns, Yule Log, Cylinder Seal, Drinking Horn, Eccentric Flint, Guatimac, Vajra, Muisca Raft, Psi and Phi Type Figurine, Curse Tablet, Votive/Prayer Candle, Votive Crown/Pendilia, Elizabethan Collar, Nail Clipper, Ten Essentials, Toilet Paper, Monkey Wrench, Luggage Bag, Ita-bag, Hitchhiking Robot, Gui Gong Qui/Ivory Puzzle Ball, Cricket Cage, Wheel Chair, Wrapping Paper, Clothes Iron, Worry Stone, (Robotic) Vacuum Cleaner, (Magnet/Electropositive) Shark Repellent, Oasis
Non-Plant Food: Gingerbread/Candycane, Stick Candy, Instant Noodle, Fortune Cookie, Shakers & Burr Mill (Salt/Pepper/Spices), Butter, Fruitcake, Bubble Gum, Wint-O-Green Life Saver, Hot dog/Sausage, Jelly/Gelatin, Hot Fudge Sunday, Lollipop, Tofu, Yogurt, Pocky, Marshmellow, Bacon, Onigiri/Rice Ball, Pizza, Cheese, Lunch/Bento Box, Popcorn (Butterfly & Mushroom shape), S'more
Toy: Spring/Slinky, Dradle/Top, Nesting Doll, Cymbal Monkey, Kendama, Pinata, Sock Monkey, Akabeko, Bubble Wrap, Tangram/Tetromino/Pentomino, Piggy Bank, Magic 8-Ball, Rubik's Cube, Lego/Building blocks, Snowglobe, Hula Hoop, Jack-in-a-box, Rock Candy, Kite, Gashapon, Joy Buzzer, Hacky Sack, Pet Rock, Mood Ring, Pogo Stick, Newton's Cradle, Boomerang, Throwing Disc, Slingshot, Balancing Eagle/Bird, Nutcracker, Drinking Bird, Lava Lamp, Rubber Duck, Knucklebones/Jacks, Music Box, Chattering Teeth, Stress Ball, Pin Art, Chinese Finger Trap, Plasma Globe, Euler’s Disk, Whoopie Cushion, Itching/Sneezing Powder, Stink Bomb, China Doll/Fukusuke, Marbles, Singing Bass, Useless Machine, Rollerblade/Roller Derby, Chew Toy, Fidget Spinner/Cube, Bird of Happiness (Toy), Hobby Horse/Rocking Horse, Rattleback, Thaumatrope, Shadow Puppets, Water Rocket, Kaleidoscope, Yo-yo, Hoko (doll), Nintendo Consoles & Accessories, Teetotum, Hanafuda, Jigsaw Puzzle, Balloon Animal

OBJECTS: Currency (Coin), Fire Hydrant, Handcuffs/Shackles/Ball & Chain, Straitjacket, Mortar & Pestle, Tin Foil Hat, Dice/Snake Eyes, Roulette Wheel, Fire Extinguisher, Glasses, Ferrofluid, Non-Newtonian Fluid, Barbed Wire, Buoy, Dorchester Pot, Pig Iron, Coso Artifact, Treasure Chest, (Magic/Flying) Book/Scroll/Text, Mothball, Columbus's Ship (Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria), Pacifier, Fireworks, Security Blanket, Cramp-rings, Carousel (Horse), Take a Penny/Leave a Penny, Aerogel, Hydrogel, Prosthetic, Compact (cosmetic), Anti-aging Cream/Supplements, Ten Essentials, Worry Stone, Oasis
Vehicles: Construction, Bus, Train, Bicycle/Motorcycle, Helicopter, Snowplow, Zamboni, Hovercraft, Street Sweeper, Airbag/Cushion, Bumper Cars, Roller Coaster, Parachute, "Female"/"Male" Tanks, Jet Pack, Multistage Rocket, Crash Test Dummy, Wheel Chair
Religious/Cultural: Voodoo Doll, Tombstone, Fertility Idol, Tiki, Dreamcatcher, Luck Symbols, Carranca, Chopsticks, Blarney Stone/Answering Stone, Kitchen Witch, Rosetta Stone, Crystal Ball, Effigy, Canopic Jars/Funerary Vases, Terracotta Army Soldier, Shroud of Turin, Cornucopia/Horn of Plenty, Hamsa, Quimbaya Artifacts, Saqqara Bird, Haniwa, Baghdad Battery, Mikoshi, Ceremonial Pipe, Crown Jewels (Sovereign's Orb), Torma, Cuauhxicalli, Prayer Wheel, Shrunken Head, Crystal Skull, Gorinto, Pyramidion/Obelisk, Pictish Painted Pebbles, Troll Cross, Touch Piece, Bulla/Lunula (amulet), Hand of Glory, Mardi Gras Throws, Oracle Bone, Lemb Statue, Death Whistle, Other Nazca Lines (non-birds), Cimaruta, Four Great Inventions, Joss Paper, Statue of Liberty, Abramelin Oil, Boline/Athame, Camera Obscura/Magic Lantern/Phantasmagoria, Old Man of the Lake, Throne, Roman Dodecahedron/Petrosphere, Tear Catcher, Rosary, Yule Log, Cylinder Seal, Drinking Horn, Eccentric Flint, Guatimac, Vajra, Muisca Raft, Psi and Phi Type Figurine, Curse Tablet, Votive/Prayer Candle, Votive Crown/Pendilia, Elizabethan Collar, Gui Gong Qui/Ivory Puzzle Ball, Cricket Cage
Weapon/Armor: Brass Knuckles, Axe, Whip, Staff, Mace/Flail/Morning Star, Chakram, Gauntlet, Hwacha, Pepper Spray, Stun Gun/Baton, Net Gun, Magic Wand, Arrowhead, Punching Bag/Training Dummy, Swiss Army Knife, (Utility) Belt, Panjandrum, Dynamite, Clay Pigeon (Shooting)
Furniture/Household: Stained Glass (Window), Flyswatter, Walking Cane, Steel Wool, Soap, Toothbrush, Pillow, Vase/Pot, Feather Duster, Trash Can/Dumpster, Chimenea/Chimney/Fireplace, (Magic/Flying) Broom, Entrance/Door/Gate, Cleaning Sponge, Pile of Clothes, Nail Clipper, Toilet Paper, Luggage Bag, Clothes Iron
Office Supplies: (Duct) Tape, Stapler, Rubber Band, Paper Clip, Liquid Paper, Pencil, (Quill) Pen
Kitchen/Cooking Utensils: Fork, Spoon, Knife, Whisk, Spatula, Blender, Grater, Baster, Tupperware
Art/Decoration: Fountain, Weather Vane, Ghost Light (theatre), (Engagement/Wedding) Ring (jewellery), Mannequin, Faberge Egg, Disco Ball, Gypsy Robe, Pinwheel/Windmill, Iron Pillar of Delhi, Flag, Artificial Grass, Prince Rupert's Drop, Klein Bottle, Pythagorean Cup, Chatelaine (Chain), Decorative Box, Lovespoon, Sewing (Needle/Threader/Thimble/Seam Ripper/Yarn), Weather House, Orrery, Voynich Manuscript, Trophy, Garden Gnome, Wreath, Bath Bomb/Salts/Fizzies, Snow Lantern, Bubblegram, Suncatcher, Yard Globe, Bird Bath, Ita-bag, Wrapping Paper
Organic/Natural: Body Parts (Brain/Lungs/(Wisdom) Tooth), Pompeii Cast, Tea Table/Hoodoo/Balancing Rock, Fulgurite, Wishbone, Desert Rose (crystal), Web/Stabilimentum, Wolfsegg Iron/Klerksdorp Sphere, Moeraki Boulders/Stone Spheres of Costa Rica, Adder Stone, Fossil Fuel (Oil), Jackal's Horn, Whale Oil, Sailing Stones, Ringing Rocks, Bismuth, Stalactite/Stalagmite (bat/crab-like, wing/claw are spikes. Rock/Flying//Rock/Ground. Skill Link/Rough Skin/water formation ability/pair abilities?), Djucu, Desert Glass, Ghost Apples, Lake Natron's Calcified Animals, Manganese Nodule, Pyrite/Fool's Gold, Flower Bouquet
Instrument/Music: One-man Band, (Keyboard) Piano, Brass Instrument (Trumpet/Trombone/French Horn/Tuba), Woodwind Instrument (Flute/Clarinet/Oboe/Bassoon/Saxophone), Didgeridoo, Alphorn, Harmonica, Ocarina, Harp/Lyre, Tambourine, Accordion, Bagpipes, Xylophone/Marimba, Theremin, Conch/Shell Trumpet, Wooden Fish, Pythagorean Hammers, Hurdy-Gurdy
Time/Navigational: Grandfather Clock, Clock Tower, Hourglass, Cuckoo Clock, Kit-Cat Klock, Quartz Clock, Candle Clock, Water Clock/Clepsydra, Clock of the Long Now/10000-year Clock, Pendulum/Foucault Pendulum, Atomic/Quantum Clock, Time Capsule, Astrarium/Planetarium/Antikythera Mechanism, Astrolabe
Misc. Tools/Devices: Camera, Thermometer, Sextant, Torch, Match/Candelabra, Blowtorch/Watr Jet Cutter, Fishing Rod/Pole, Fire Pot, Gas Pump, (Oil) Drilling Rig, Grappling Hook, Skeleton/Master Key, Lock Pick, Metronome, Vending Machine, Bellows, Crane, Oil Lamp, Abacus, Pantograph, Safe/Strongbox, Andiron/Fire Dog/Moon Horns, Monkey Wrench, (Magnet/Electropositive) Shark Repellent
Electronic: Dowsing/Metal Detector, Phone, Polygraph, Defibrillator, Slot Machine, Mechanical Bull, Jukebox, Boombox, Tesla Coil, EMF Meter, Leaf Blower, Bug Zapper, Potato Battery/Light Bulb, Centennial Light, Algae Scrubber, USB Flash Drive, Headphones/Earbuds, Computer Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Modem/Router, Compact Disk, Humanoid Robot, Industrial Robot, Hitchhiking Robot, (Robotic) Vacuum Cleaner, Engine, Database/Computer Server
Obsolete Technology: Typewriter, Pager/"Dumb Phone"/Personal Digital Assistant, Floppy Disk/Cassette Tape/VHS, Walkman/Discman/MP3 Player, Slide/Overhead Projector, Vinyl Records/Record Player, Vacuum Tube, Pneumatic Tube, Punched Card
Pollution/Waste: Radioactive Waste/Biohazard, Plastic Pollution, Electronic Waste, Marine Debris (Ghost Net/Nurdles)/Ocean Garbage Patch, Sea Balls, Roadkill
Non-Plant Food: Gingerbread/Candycane, Stick Candy, Instant Noodle, Fortune Cookie, Shakers & Burr Mill (Salt/Pepper/Spices), Butter, Fruitcake, Bubble Gum, Wint-O-Green Life Saver, Hot dog/Sausage, Jelly/Gelatin, Hot Fudge Sunday, Lollipop, Tofu, Yogurt, Pocky, Marshmellow, Bacon, Onigiri/Rice Ball, Pizza, Cheese, Lunch/Bento Box, Popcorn (Butterfly & Mushroom shape), S'more, Teabag
Toy: Spring/Slinky, Dradle/Top, Nesting Doll, Cymbal Monkey, Kendama, Pinata, Sock Monkey, Akabeko, Bubble Wrap, Tangram/Tetromino/Pentomino, Piggy Bank, Magic 8-Ball, Rubik's Cube, Lego/Building blocks, Snowglobe, Hula Hoop, Jack-in-a-box, Rock Candy, Kite, Gashapon, Joy Buzzer, Hacky Sack, Pet Rock, Mood Ring, Pogo Stick, Newton's Cradle, Boomerang, Throwing Disc, Slingshot, Balancing Eagle/Bird, Nutcracker, Drinking Bird, Lava Lamp, Rubber Duck, Knucklebones/Jacks, Music Box, Chattering Teeth, Stress Ball, Pin Art, Chinese Finger Trap, Plasma Globe, Euler’s Disk, Whoopie Cushion, Itching/Sneezing Powder, Stink Bomb, China Doll/Fukusuke, Marbles, Singing Bass, Useless Machine, Rollerblade/Roller Derby, Chew Toy, Fidget Spinner/Cube, Bird of Happiness (Toy), Hobby Horse/Rocking Horse, Rattleback, Thaumatrope, Shadow Puppets, Water Rocket, Kaleidoscope, Yo-yo, Hoko (doll), Nintendo Consoles & Accessories, Teetotum, Hanafuda, Jigsaw Puzzle, Balloon Animal

While still a few sections are a wall of text, it's at least only a long paragraph worth of text rather then an entire one-page essay; not to mention most have an additional theme mushing them together instead of just being an object.

As always, if you have any suggestions how I could maybe clean-up the list more or you think I missed something just post below.


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
Keeping with the momentum, I've now also re-organized CONCEPTS/PHENOMENA!
CONCEPTS/PHENOMENA: "When pigs/donkeys fly", Playing Card Suits, Chinese Zodiac, Literal "Ant Lion", Dust Bunny, Comedy and Tragedy, Furniture Possessing, Rock-Paper-Scissor, Communication Failure Bug, "Rolling stones gather no moss", Schrodinger's Cat, Headless Chicken, Vineyard, Gravity-manipulator, Astral Projection, Battle Position, Kasa-obake, Hand Turkey, Flying Carpet, White Noise, ASMR, Plague Rat, Vitruvian Man, Rorschach Test, Phantom Limb, Crystal Healing, Thiotimoline, Subliminal Stimuli/Subliminal Advertising, Allergies, Chiropractic/Reflexology/Massage, Acupuncture, Electronic Voice Phenomenon, Palmistry, Seances, Evil Eye, "Whistle/Flute played at night attracts snakes", Cooties, Davy Jones' Locker/Flying Dutchman, Miasma Theory/Night Air, Ship Sponsor, Ship's Cat, Wishing Well, Sleep Paralysis, "Captain goes down with is ship", Zero-point Energy, Perpetual Motion, Snake Oil, Pareidolia, Jolly Roger, Hypercube, Trefoil Knot/Tricolorability, Birth Stones, Counting Sheep, LOLcat/Keyboard Cat, Lady Justice, Hiccups, Hairdresser/Barber, Yoga flyer, Living Cannonball, Scapegoat, Sleepwalker, Quidnunc, Running of the Bulls, Day of the Dead Skeleton/Skull, Tapping on aquarium glass, Noise Pollution, Kettle, Ghostwriter, Lumberjack, Killer Rabbit, Saint Elmo's Fire, Incinerator, Blacksmith, Gauss Gun/Coilgun, Laying On Of Hands, Artists Block, Goldfish Swallowing, Potluck, Ant Farm, Frog in the throat, Knitting, Raining Cats & Dogs, Stool Pigeon, Mail Carrier, Cabin Fever, "Bull in a china shop", Cortical Homunculus (Sensory & Motor), Scarecrow/Straw Man Arguement, "Liar liar pants on fire", "Wash your mouth out with soap", Kilroy was here, Twisted Perspective, Phases of matter, Lucid Dreaming, Gordian Knot, Chest Monster, Morality, Pleasure Center Rat, Golfing, Dust Devil, Junkyard Dog, Ball Lightning, Sun/Moon Dog, Belly Dancer, British Royal Guard, Fortune Teller, Juggler, Nun/Monk/Priest, One Man Band, Beached Whale, Chain Letter, Gasoline Pill, Voodoo, Discordianism (Law of five, apple of discord), Cooties, Swan Song, Crocoduck, Magical Girl, Power/Sentai Ranger, Magician Rabbit, Entombed Animal, Unexplained Sounds (NOAA, The Hum, Skyquake), "Chasing a carrot hanging from a stick", Seven Wonders, Zeno's Paradoxes, Frozen Caveman, Humorism/Four Temperaments, Trifunctional Hypothesis, Harlequin/Zanni, Ventriloquist, Punch & Judy, Swan Song, Tickle Monster, Electric Jellyfish, Alkahest/Aqua Regia/Aqua Fortis, Grey Goo/Nanomachines, Birthflower, Butterfly Effect, Photographic/Eidetic Memory, Sport Player (Baseball, Basketball, Golf, Tennis/Cricket, Hockey, Polo/Lacrosse, Volleyball, Curling, Dodgeball, Mesoamerican ballgame/Ulama, Paintball, Ice Skating, Skiing/Skating/Snowboarding, Bowling, Frisbee, Bobsleigh/Luge, Archery, Fencing), Rod of Asclepius/Asklepian, Caduceus, Yamabushi, Nuclear/Atomic Power, Atomic Winter, Nuclear Meltdown, Butterflies in Stomach, Fight-or-flight Response, Chakana, Bowl of Hygieia, Afterimage, Magic Satchel/Hammerspace, Sign Language, Glassblowing, Portable Hole, Broken Heart, Chain Reaction, Melting Pot, "April showers bring May flowers", "Groundhog Day", "In like a lion, out like a lamb", Blackberry Winter, Earthquake Cloud/Light, Ice Saints, "No good deed goes unpunished", Shadowboxing, Spider Goat, Genetic Engineered Glowing Animals (Fish, Cat, Rabbit), Cloned Sheep, Gaseous Cow, Boot Spurs, Existential Crisis, Carollers, Spelling Bee, Tyromancy, Split Personality, Id/Ego/Superego, 5 Stages of Sleep, Tiger Versus Dragon, Pie in the Sky, Long in the Tooth, DC/AC Electric Current, Batrachite/Toadstone, Fern Flower, Ambrosia/Amrita/Ichor, Administratium/Bureaucratium, Unobtanium/Wishalloy, Placebo Effect, Baby Delivering Stork, Phosphene, Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, Seven Days of Creation, Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Seven Works of Mercy, Seven Chakra, Four Heavenly Kings, (Baby/Egg) Delivery Stork, Thoughtform/Imaginary Friend, Firefighter, 5 Stages of Grief, Gambler/Gambling games, Acrobat/Tightrope Walker, Hologram, Dragon's Treasure, Snow Angel, Man in the Iron Mask, Tornado/Hurricane/Mansoon, Will-O-Wisp, Shield Maiden/Barrier Warrior, Theory of Multiple/Nine Intelligence, Ghost Camera/Footage, Ten Plagues, 27 Club/White Lighter Myth, Navaratna, Fan Death, Wolfssegen, Powder of Sympathy, Doomsday Clock, Exposition Fairy, Magic Knight, Marionette Master, Space Marine, Totem Pole Trench, Actual Pacifist, D&D Alignment (9 combinations: Lawful-Good/Neutral-G/Chaotic-G, L-N/True-N/C-N, L-Evil/N-E/C-E), Circus (Ringmaster, Tightrope Walker, Trapeze Artist), Mandela Effect/False Memory, Ninja Kite, Something Old/New/Borrowed/Blue/Silver Sixpence in Shoe, Chariot Race/Horse/Burial, Creepy/Haunted Painting, Damsel Errant, Fog of War, Pirate Parrot, Spider Goat, Horse with spurs, Gaseous Cow, Spitting Camel, Truffle Hog, White Elephant, Elephant Graveyard, War Elephant, Morse Code, Hero's Journey, Dancing Plague, Social Justice Warrior, Furinkazan, "Enough praise & a pig can climb trees", Concrete Jungle, Bermuda Triangle, Bird Strike, Ompax Spatuloides, Pickled Dragon, Humbug, Cetacean Stranding, Sewer Alligator, Police Dog, Bat Bomb, Acoustic Kitty, Ultraviolet Light Scorpion, Ballooning Spider, Dirty Thunderstorm, Fata Morgana, Australian Sheep-Goat Scale, Frost Flowers/Hair Ice, Lenticular Cloud, Flying Spaghetti Monster/Pastafarianism, Red Herring, Vacanti Mouse, Honeybunny, Whistleblower, Spherical Cow/Horse/Chicken, Pyramid Power, Brainship, Sensory Deprivation, Shoulder Angel & Devil, Tachyon, (Wedding) Bride & Groom, Olympic Rings, Bellwether, Wise Fool, Manic Pixie Dream Girl, Air Pirate, Evil Twin, Lady Luck, Lady Liberty, Akashic Records, Theriomancy (Ailuromancy, Alectryomancy/Augury/Ornithomancy, Myomancy, Myrmomancy), Cleromancy (Astragalomancy, Belomancy/Rhabdomancy, Favomancy/Kumalak, Cowrie-shell Divination, Molybdomancy), Chromotherapy, Eight-Circuit Model of Consciousness, Aquatic Ape, Color Wheel Theory of Love/8 Types of Love, ASMR, Mud-puddling, Chicken T-Rex, Murmuration, Claytronics/Programmable Matter, Ice-nine, Smokey Bear, Battery Bunny, Method of Loci/Memory Palace, Gates of horn and ivory, Imp of the Perverse, Gijinka, Oil Dinosaur, Barbershop Quartet, Gospel Quartet, Earworm, Snail Mail, Zzxjoanw, Magic Swordsman, Devil Violin/Fiddle, Quitting Cold Turkey, Leonardo da Vinci's Inventions, Damsel In Distress, Good Cop/Bad Cop, Poisoned/Razor Blades in Candy, Code Monkey, "Bat Out Of Hell", Dungeon That Is A Dungeon, Friday the 13th, Ghost Train, White/Black/Grey Hat Hacker, Death & Taxes, "The Dogs of War", Elephant In The Room, Cash Cow, Jumping The Shark, Turing Machine, Shoe Tossing, Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, Fairy In A Bottle, National Personifications, Quantum Tunneling, Bit Bucket, Clootie Well/Wish Tree, Bloodstopping, Postman Animal (Horse/Bird/Dog), Boltzmann Brain, Solfege (Do/Re/Mi/Fa/Sol/La/Ti), Sweet Tooth, Food Animal (Carrot Rabbit, Banana Monkey, Peanut Elephant, Cheese Mouse), Tsundere, Recycling (Metal, Plastic, Paper, Glass), "When a bell rings an angel gets it wings", Rota Fortunae/Wheel of Fortune, Enchanted Loom, Ghost in the Machine, "Broken Clock Is Right Twice The Day", Needle in a Haystack, Toxic Masculinity, High Horse, Kuji-in, Trios ("The Hecate Sisters", "Physical, Mystical, Technological", "Three Faces of Eve", "Three Faces of Adam"), Swampman, Can of Worms, Emu War, "Raines Sandwich", Bodega Cat, Cat Cafe, Archimime, Rodeo Clown, Trenchcoat Salesman/Flasher, Sword Swallower, Grave Robber, The Rockettes, Jailbird, Trophy Wife, Navy Seal, Oyster Pirate, Martial Arts (Stick-fighting (Cane/Baton/Umbrella/Scabbard), Shaolin, Muay Thai, Bajiquan), Thoughtography, Pall/Pallbearer, Book Burning

CONCEPTS/PHENOMENA: Battle Position, Seven Wonders, Chain Reaction, Concrete Jungle, Literal Fossil Fuel (Oil/Gas Dinosaur), Death & Taxes, Sweet Tooth, Recycling (Metal/Plastic/Paper/Glass)
Figure Of Speech/Idiom: "When pigs/donkeys fly", "Rolling stones gather no moss", "Like a headless chicken", "Whistle/Flute played at night attracts snakes", "Captain goes down with is ship", "Frog in the throat", "Raining cats & dogs", "Bull in a china shop", Straw Man (Arguement), "Liar liar pants on fire", "Wash your mouth out with soap", "Chasing a carrot hanging from a stick", "April showers bring May flowers", "In like a lion, out like a lamb", "No good deed goes unpunished", "Pie in the sky", "Long in the tooth", "Something Old/New/Borrowed/Blue/Silver Sixpence in Shoe", "Fog of war", "Enough praise & a pig can climb trees", "Bat Out Of Hell", "The Dogs of War", "Elephant In The Room", "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing", "When a bell rings an angel gets it wings", "Broken clock is right twice the day", "Needle in a haystack", "High horse", "Can of worms"
Religious/Cultural/Myth: Chinese Zodiac, Wishing Well, Jolly Roger, Birth Stones, Birthflower, Lady Justice, Day of the Dead Skeleton/Skull, Laying On Of Hands, Gordian Knot, Voodoo, Entombed Animal, Rod of Asclepius/Asklepian, Caduceus, Bowl of Hygieia, Melting Pot, Ice Saints, Tiger Versus Dragon, (Baby/Egg) Delivery Stork, Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, Seven Days of Creation, Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Seven Works of Mercy, Seven Chakra, Four Heavenly Kings, Man in the Iron Mask, Ten Plagues, Navaratna, Chariot Race/Horse/Burial, Furinkazan, Flying Spaghetti Monster/Pastafarianism, Akashic Records/Book of Life/Book of the Dead, Smokey Bear, Gijinka, National Personifications, Devil Violin/Fiddle, Shoe Tossing, Clootie Well/Wish Tree, Rota Fortunae/Wheel of Fortune, Kuji-in, Trios ("The Hecate Sisters", "Physical/Mystical/Technological", "Three Faces of Eve", "Three Faces of Adam"), Emu War, "Raines Sandwich", Martial Arts (Stick-fighting (Cane/Baton/Umbrella/Scabbard), Shaolin, Muay Thai, Bajiquan)
Entertainment/Art/Music: Playing Card Suits, Comedy and Tragedy, Rock-Paper-Scissor, Hand Turkey, Subliminal Stimuli/Subliminal Advertising, Kilroy Was Here, Twisted Perspective, Swan Song, Magical Girl, Power/Sentai Ranger, Punch & Judy, Spelling Bee, Snow Angel, Exposition Fairy, Olympic Rings, Battery Bunny, Earworm, Leonardo da Vinci's Inventions, Jumping The Shark, Solfege (Do/Re/Mi/Fa/Sol/La/Ti)
Supernatural/Magic: Furniture Possessing, Astral Projection, Flying Carpet, Crystal Healing, Electronic Voice Phenomenon, Evil Eye, Davy Jones' Locker/Flying Dutchman, Discordianism (Law of five, apple of discord), Magic Satchel/Hammerspace, Portable Hole, Toadstone/Batrachite, Fern Flower, Ambrosia/Amrita/Ichor, Wolfssegen, Powder of Sympathy, Magic Knight/Swordsman, Creepy/Haunted Painting, Australian Sheep-Goat Scale, Friday the 13th, Ghost Train, Fairy In A Bottle, Chest Monster, Dragon's Treasure, Tickle Monster, Dragon That Is A Dungeon, Bloodstopping, Thoughtography
Divination: Palmistry, Tyromancy, Theriomancy (Ailuromancy, Alectryomancy/Augury/Ornithomancy, Myomancy, Myrmomancy), Cleromancy (Astragalomancy, Belomancy/Rhabdomancy, Favomancy/Kumalak, Cowrie-shell Divination, Molybdomancy), Seances
Nature/Weather: Saint Elmo's Fire, Dust Devil, Ball Lightning, Sun/Moon Dog, Noise Pollution, Unexplained Sounds (NOAA, The Hum, Skyquake), Groundhog Day (Weather Predicting/Time Loop), Blackberry Winter, Earthquake Cloud/Light, Tornado/Hurricane/Mansoon, Bermuda Triangle, Dirty Thunderstorm, Fata Morgana, Frost Flowers/Hair Ice, Lenticular Cloud
Science/Math/Philosophy: Communication Failure Bug, White Noise, Schrodinger's Cat, Vitruvian Man, Sleep Paralysis, Zero-point Energy, Hypercube, Trefoil Knot/Tricolorability, Cortical Homunculus (Sensory & Motor), Phases Of Matter, Zeno's Paradoxes, Universal Solvent (Alkahest/Aqua Regia/Aqua Fortis), Grey Goo/Nanomachines, Butterfly Effect, Nuclear/Atomic Power, Atomic Winter, Nuclear Meltdown, Chakana, Afterimage, Spider Goat, Genetic Engineered Glowing Animals (Fish/Cat/Rabbit), Cloned Sheep, Vacanti Mouse, DC/AC Electric Current, Hologram, Theory of Multiple/Nine Intelligence, Doomsday Clock, Morse Code, Tachyon, Claytronics/Programmable Matter, Ice-nine, Code Monkey, White/Black/Grey Hat Hacker, Turing Machine, Quantum Tunneling, Bit Bucket, Boltzmann Brain, Enchanted Loom, Ghost in the Machine, Swampman
Conspiracy/Psuedo/Hoax: Gravity-manipulator, Thiotimoline, Chiropractic/Reflexology/Massage, Acupuncture, Cooties, Miasma Theory/Night Air, Perpetual Motion, Snake Oil, Chain Letter, Gasoline Pill, Crocoduck, Administratium/Bureaucratium, Unobtanium/Wishalloy, 27 Club/White Lighter Myth, Fan Death, Ompax Spatuloides, Pickled Dragon, Sewer Alligator, Pyramid Power, Chromotherapy, Aquatic Ape, Zzxjoanw, Poisoned/Razor Blades in Candy, Book Burning
Animal-Related: Plague Rat, Ship's Cat, Counting Sheep, LOLcat/Keyboard Cat, Scapegoat, Running of the Bulls, Tapping on aquarium glass, Killer Rabbit, Goldfish Swallowing, Stool Pigeon, Pleasure Center Rat, Junkyard Dog, Cetacean Stranding, Magician Rabbit, Electric Jellyfish, Butterflies in Stomach, Gaseous Cow, Pirate Parrot, Horse with spurs, Spitting Camel, Truffle Hog, White Elephant, Elephant Graveyard, War Elephant, Bird Strike, Police Dog, Bat Bomb, Acoustic Kitty, Ultraviolet Light Scorpion, Ballooning Spider, Red Herring, Honeybunny, Spherical Cow/Horse/Chicken, Mud-puddling, Chicken T-Rex, Murmuration, Snail Mail, Postman Animal (Horse/Bird/Dog), Quitting Cold Turkey, Cash Cow, Food Animal (Carrot Rabbit, Banana Monkey, Peanut Elephant, Cheese Mouse), Bodega Cat, Cat Cafe
People-Related: Allergies, Hiccups, Potluck, Frozen Caveman, Sign Language, Shield Maiden/Barrier Warrior, Marionette Master, Space Marine, Totem Pole Trench, Actual Pacifist, Ninja Kite, Damsel In Distress/Errant, Dancing Plague, Social Justice Warrior, Humbug, Whistleblower, (Wedding) Bride & Groom, Bellwether, Wise Fool, Manic Pixie Dream Girl, Air Pirate, Evil Twin, Lady Luck, Lady Liberty, Good Cop/Bad Cop, Tsundere, Jailbird, Trophy Wife
Occupation/Hobby/Lifestyle: Ship Sponsor, Hairdresser/Barber, Yoga Flyer, Living Cannonball, Quidnunc, Ghostwriter, Lumberjack, Blacksmith, Mail Carrier, Belly Dancer, British Royal Guard, Fortune Teller, Juggler, Nun/Monk/Priest, Trifunctional Hypothesis, Harlequin/Zanni, Ventriloquist, Yamabushi, Glassblowing, Carollers, Firefighter, Gambler, Circus (Ringmaster, Acrobat/Tightrope Walker, Trapeze Artist), Barbershop Quartet, Gospel Quartet, Archimime, Rodeo Clown, Trenchcoat Salesman/Flasher, Sword Swallower, Grave Robber, The Rockettes, Navy Seal, Oyster Pirate, Pall/Pallbearer
Sport Player: Baseball, Basketball, Golf, Tennis/Cricket, Hockey, Polo/Lacrosse, Volleyball, Curling, Dodgeball, Mesoamerican ballgame/Ulama, Paintball, Ice Skating, Skiing/Skating/Snowboarding, Bowling, Frisbee, Bobsleigh/Luge, Archery, Fencing
Emotion/Psychology: Broken Heart, ASMR, Rorschach Test, Phantom Limb, Pareidolia, Lucid Dreaming, 5 Stages of Sleep, Placebo Effect, Phosphene, Sleepwalker, Artists Block, Morality, Cabin Fever, Humorism/Four Temperaments, Photographic/Eidetic Memory, Fight-or-flight Response, Existential Crisis, Split Personality, Id/Ego/Superego, Thoughtform/Imaginary Friend, 5 Stages of Grief, D&D Alignment (9 combinations: Lawful-Good/Neutral-G/Chaotic-G, L-N/True-N/C-N, L-Evil/N-E/C-E), Mandela Effect/False Memory, Sensory Deprivation, Shoulder Angel & Devil, Eight-Circuit Model of Consciousness, Color Wheel Theory of Love/8 Types of Love, Method of Loci/Memory Palace, Gates of horn and ivory, Imp of the Perverse

So a few things to note:
  • I didn't include the previous existing categories (Literature/Film/Music/Dance, Painting/Sculpture, Game Reference, & Trainer Classes) as nothing really changed about them (I replaced the "Song" in "Literature/Film/Song/Dance" with "Music" but that's about it).
  • Even after categorizing them you may still notice each category is quite hefty. I don't think there's really anything more I can do to further chop it down without getting too specific. Concepts/Phenomena is just one of those things where there's a lot to it and also it's not that easy to categorize without making broad strokes.

But, hey, my two biggest lists have finally been categorize and I personally think look much better for it! I'll look through the other lists to see if any other can use some neatening up, but otherwise I'm now feeling good about the lists now. :blobthumbsup:
Tsundere... We got several of them, most notably Braixen and maybe Meowstic F.

And Chest Monster as in literal sense probably won't happen unless Pokémon universe ditches Poké ball as treasure chest. That said, curiously, I think we rarely get Voltorb item disguises lately, aside of Episode RR. Did any exist in Galar?


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
Tsundere... We got several of them, most notably Braixen and maybe Meowstic F.
Braixen's design is a fox & a witch, and its dex description only mentions its twig wand and how it sets it on fire.
Meowstic F are a nekomata (a cat yokai), and while its dex description does mention its personality... so far it only says they're more selfish and aggressive than the males. Certainly "tsun", but no "dere".

While I know there are plenty of cases where we can base a Pokemon's inspiration off their design, this isn't one of them.

And Chest Monster as in literal sense probably won't happen unless Pokémon universe ditches Poké ball as treasure chest. That said, curiously, I think we rarely get Voltorb item disguises lately, aside of Episode RR. Did any exist in Galar?
Imagine this, you enter a room and see a typical chest that you'd normally see in any other RPG. Though it's not a Poke Ball, it's still a chest, so curious if interacting with it yield items you decide to check it AND SUDDENLY WHATEVER IS INSIDE ATTACKS! It's at first seems like an inverted trope, but then turns out to be an aversion.

And in Galar the "Poke Ball Monster" was Galarian Stunfisk.
does anyone think it’s weird that siphonophores are listed as a category, but there’s no giant siphonophore (praya dubia)? I’d kill to have one as a Pokémon.
I also think we could add the mandarinfish/dragonet, pumpkinseed sunfish, and the dreamfish to the fish section.
For butterflies, do we have a blue morpho yet? I can’t remember if there is one.


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
does anyone think it’s weird that siphonophores are listed as a category, but there’s no giant siphonophore (praya dubia)? I’d kill to have one as a Pokémon.
I'm just an electric rodent, give me a break. Added.

I also think we could add the mandarinfish/dragonet, pumpkinseed sunfish, and the dreamfish to the fish section.
Actually we did have Mandarinfish, but I'll specifify the different species of Dragonet. Added Pumpkinseed Sunfish & Dreamfish/Hallucinogenic Fish.

For butterflies, do we have a blue morpho yet? I can’t remember if there is one.
No, simply cause they're just blue Butterflies and we have a few blue colored Vivillon patterns: Marine, Polar, & Tundra.
Braixen's design is a fox & a witch, and its dex description only mentions its twig wand and how it sets it on fire.
Meowstic F are a nekomata (a cat yokai), and while its dex description does mention its personality... so far it only says they're more selfish and aggressive than the males. Certainly "tsun", but no "dere".

While I know there are plenty of cases where we can base a Pokemon's inspiration off their design, this isn't one of them.

Imagine this, you enter a room and see a typical chest that you'd normally see in any other RPG. Though it's not a Poke Ball, it's still a chest, so curious if interacting with it yield items you decide to check it AND SUDDENLY WHATEVER IS INSIDE ATTACKS! It's at first seems like an inverted trope, but then turns out to be an aversion.

And in Galar the "Poke Ball Monster" was Galarian Stunfisk.
Err... what is tsundere exactly? To what I understand, it is a personality trope. I mentioned them based on how they act in Poké Amie and so on (have you tried angering a Braixen? I recall it's portrayed a bit like that too in other media like Pokken)
Making an entire species focused to such trope though, is kind of difficult. That may require smarter settings on Amie animations, which even Braixen could only show with classic gestures of them, but not the complexity of the two sides.... And I imagine one species having this specific personality may be strange. At most, Brionne being stepford smiler is more relatable as there seems to be more people doing that than being tsundere (and it's only mentioned in the promo site and not in the games)

To be fair I asked myself what I am doing with random trash cans in people's houses. Though, unless the theme is seas or medieval fantasy, a literal chest monster may be confined to a specific area.

Anyway, how about this concept, the beauty of impermanent things? We call it 物の合われ
Arguably, its present in Meteno, in anipoke where the gang sees them in Hokulani Observatory with Molayne and....
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Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
Err... what is tsundere exactly?
Well, for what it's worth, Wikipedia and TvTropes have their own pages describing the Tsundere. I can see a few ideas how they could do a "Tsundere" Pokemon and having it as its main theme.

Though, unless the theme is seas or medieval fantasy, a literal chest monster may be confined to a specific area.
And? We have plenty of Pokemon who are confined to a certain environment.

Anyway, how about this concept, the beauty of impermanent things? We call it 物の合われ
You mean "Mono no aware"? Sure, I can add it to the list.

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