Multifaction/FFA Wayne Bradier Mafia - Game Over! Won by DLE, Celever, More Cowbell, sunny004, Acklow, imperfectluck


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I'll say that I was pleasantly surprised by the new players in this game. Gale Wing Srock, Munchyoshi, and sunny004 all played much better than I expected. Millky95 did well too, though I didn't have as much interaction with him.

I think attacks needed to be much stronger in a game like this to make coordination a viable strategy. As it turned out coordination really just left you open to being lynched, which was by far the most effective method of removing people from the game.

The main problem with this game was really that win conditions were not symmetrical; they were mutual, yes, but the numbers of shared enemies between one's enemies was different, which impacted how many potential allies one had. People in the death squares thus had a much more difficult time finding people to attack their enemies.



I am always tired. Don't bother me.
Also, for anyone who really wants to know, I truly wanted to win with ipl from the start. So UncleSam, sorry for fucking you over but that kinda was my endgoal anyways.

Also fuck Celever for being such a pain to deal with. Had it been any other way I would've had UncleSam and ipl have an endgame shootout between each other mano-e-mano.

I do attribute our success to aska being idle and that's a very bad thing for me to say as a player, but it's true. Had he not been so idle, I'm sure I would've rethought my allies. IPL's role was just way too weak to help in anyway lategame when voting roles had that much more power. aska's kidnap would've turned the whole game on its head for sure.
Here be a log. Don't mind the numbers, hexchat is retard when it come to saving log, and i'm lazy when it come to editting. In retrospect, i could have asked for much more than that.
T 1418081408 19* Now talking on 22#tacotacotaco
T 1418081432 20<Cancerous>30 look likes he's doing it
T 1418081439 23* MoreCowbell (Mibbit@synIRC-46321D15.dynamic.caiway.nl23) has joined
T 1418081446 18<daletterel18> hello
T 1418081457 19<daletterel> i am here as the intermediary in the deal between morecowbell and cancerous
T 1418081463 18<daletterel18> please state the terms of this agreement
T 1418081482 20<Cancerous>30 I shall help Celever in his mad quest of killing Hodor
T 1418081514 20<Cancerous>30 and in return, More Cowbell shall have his avatar change to that chinese dog eating uncomfortably pink hotdog from bass
T 1418081523 20<Cancerous>30 and bear it until bass say no more
T 1418081530 18<MoreCowbell18> I accept the offer
T 1418081548 18<daletterel18> what will be the punishment for either side backing out of this deal
T 1418081568 20<Cancerous>30 enternal shame
T 1418081575 18<MoreCowbell18> A permanent ban from all Circus games
T 1418081584 20<Cancerous>30 yeah, that could work too
T 1418081588 18<daletterel18> i like this last one
T 1418081595 18<daletterel18> Alright
T 1418081600 18<daletterel18> so the deal is
T 1418081646 19<daletterel> Cancerous will vote for Finn/Hodor in exchange for MoreCowbell changing his alias to Blue from Blues Clues with other uncomfortable stuff
T 1418081666 18<daletterel18> Breaking the terms of this deal will follow a permanent ban from all Circus games, as enforced by daletterel
T 1418081679 19<daletterel> cancerous and morecowbell, do you agree to these terms
T 1418081682 18<MoreCowbell18> I do
T 1418081684 20<Cancerous>30 I Agree
T 1418081687 18<daletterel18> alright
T 1418081690 18<daletterel18> this deal is now official
T 1418081706 18<daletterel18> shake hands or do whatever you want
T 1418081722 20* Cancerous 30shakes things
T 1418081734 20<Cancerous>30 the deed is done
T 1418081746 19<daletterel> Cancerous, please place your vote on Finn/Hodor
T 1418081761 18<daletterel18> upon seeing this vote, More Cowbell, you will be expected to make the blues clues picture your avatar
T 1418081793 20<Cancerous>30 it is done, as promised
T 1418082048 18<MoreCowbell18> For whatever reason, Smogon has intense difficulty with changing my avatar
T 1418082100 20<Cancerous>30 aight look likes it, congrat on winning
T 1418082117 18<MoreCowbell18> lol thanks
T 1418082118 20<Cancerous>30 let's see if anyone noctice the changes
T 1418082130 18<MoreCowbell18> Celever and I have merged into one person
For my first mafia I had a lot of fun. I was in way over my head at first and I think it showed. i miss understood my power, thought it was better than it was. Oops.

I have picked up some good tricks in honest, I should have already known but I was happy to get this far. My goal wasn't to win (never win first time playing) but to get as far as I could. I think I got pretty far.

Looking forward to the next one guys.

PS That cycle that got me lynched, was bloody beautifully done
Kind of sad that I lost because of askaninjask being inactive, as he would have been a really helpful ally to have. Also because I attacked Rein for one phase, but it's like...he was my enemy, so it's not like I decided to randomly screw him over for no reason. Meh. Probably should have saved PK Rockin as well, but I didn't because I was dumb. Oh well.


tag walls, punch fascists
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
Yea, PK Rockin being blocked was a shame. Shield was used really well though, and saving Paralysis for the end would have been really smart if aska hadn't already fucked you over.

Fuck aska.
In the end I didn't even use my ability once, since you were all so nice to me :)

Celever and I started talking during the first cycle, and we noticed that we shared three targets, so we wanted to work together. On that same cycle, we found out that DLE shared those exact three targets with us, and he shared another two with me (which was pretty insane, tbh), so our alliance was born. Just slightly after that, UncleSam contacted me, and since we shared two targets, he wanted to work together. I didn't feel much for working together, but sheet access and some aliases were pretty nice :) I gave a false alias (which turned out to be Celever's alias, luckily), so that worked out quite ok. I found it pretty hilarious that DLE joined UncleSam's alias a few days later, too.

Anyways, here's our sheet;
I think the link should work. We had everyone's win conditions figured out by cycle 4, I think.

Overall this game went a lot better for me than the previous Wayne Brady Mafia; I won that one, too, but that was not because of my own efforts lol. This time worked quite a bit better. Sorry to everyone I had to backstab and all, my true alliance from the start was with Celever and DLE :)


no longer hibernating
is a Community Contributor
Walrein how were the win conditions made? I still can't see a proper pattern to them...

Anyway, this was a very fun game once again. It's a shame that More Cowbell and I had to backstab so many people but oh well, we won! ;)

Special shoutout to Gale Wing Srock who, after he stopped lying to everyone, became a great player and an even better asset to our alliance. I'm still sad that I had to kill you in order to win ;;
fucking dle

i don't remember when we added more cowbell to the sheet, if it was c1 then i guess it wasn't just a lucky rand that i died but still :(

one day, we will genuinely be not enemies dle :(
I had an amazing first game guys, I learned a lot and had a lot of fun too. I spoke to Gem before I started the game and she screwed me over even before she joined lol.

She gave me an advice that I should lie about my powers and WCs. I figured only later that lying doesn't help if it is not planned or for a reason.

Celever was the major reason I improved in the game, Thanks a lot Celever. Also More Cowbell, DLE and you deserved the win for the great strategies, co-ordination and the perfect planning that you guys came up with.

Acklow, Imperfectluck and Sunny, we didn't interact much, but grates to you guys too. I actually expected Cancerous and Reinfleche to win, but guess you guys coordinated better.

I literally had no clue what my powers were, or how night attacks and Lynches worked. Cancerous offered to guide me and a few others early on, But then I learned that he might be farming us for Info lol. Which he would have I guess.

Munchyoshi, me and Milky formed our own small group but by that time all of you guys were so strong that we could barely keep ourselves in the game.

I would like to thank Celever, Walrein, UncleSam, munchyoshi, Cancerous and GemOftheDay for helping me during different parts of the game. If Gem had not betrayed me, probably my life wouldn't have been so tough. But this really helped me understand the game from a losing perspective and actually brought out the best in me, in a way.

Guess we would have more fun in UncleSam's game next and would actually be able to Lynch Walrein this time lol.

Cheers guys!

Wayan Vistar

formerly Flyhn
Even though I died, I had a lot of fun playing (and making trollish posts after death that anyone from Firebot would be proud of XD)... I seriously doubt Uncle Sam was planning to backstab me, we didn't need each other dead, and we had a couple mutual targets. On the other hand, I needed Celever and crew dead, which is why US was killing you. Celever and macle were the only targets we had in common, but I needed the rest of the Celever alliance dead as well, and US was willing to help.

But then again... Who killed me? Celever already said he had no idea and it wasn't him and his alliance could only do up to 8 damage anyway... And I had 9hp left... And then Cancerous had his "Work with me or die" message.... Though could it really have been him?

I wonder... Oh well, it was fun, and I'm currently writing up roles for my Dangan Ronpa: Smogon Edition, so I'll see you all there!
Even though I died, I had a lot of fun playing (and making trollish posts after death that anyone from Firebot would be proud of XD)... I seriously doubt Uncle Sam was planning to backstab me, we didn't need each other dead, and we had a couple mutual targets. On the other hand, I needed Celever and crew dead, which is why US was killing you. Celever and macle were the only targets we had in common, but I needed the rest of the Celever alliance dead as well, and US was willing to help.

But then again... Who killed me? Celever already said he had no idea and it wasn't him and his alliance could only do up to 8 damage anyway... And I had 9hp left... And then Cancerous had his "Work with me or die" message.... Though could it really have been him?

I wonder... Oh well, it was fun, and I'm currently writing up roles for my Dangan Ronpa: Smogon Edition, so I'll see you all there!
Oh I never attacked you till you attacked me... And you took a beating when folks random targeted you or may be with purpose I am not sure... But the cycle after which you attacked me, I think you were poisoned? So you took double damage or something and that was the cycle I nabbed you :P

Don't mess around with me Buddy ^_^

Edit: Credit to the mastermind of course n_n

Wayan Vistar

formerly Flyhn
Oh I never attacked you till you attacked me... And you took a beating when folks random targeted you or may be with purpose I am not sure... But the cycle after which you attacked me, I think you were poisoned? So you took double damage or something and that was the cycle I nabbed you :P

Don't mess around with me Buddy ^_^

Edit: Credit to the mastermind of course n_n
I only attacked you because I needed you dead :P otherwise, I probably wouldn't of done so

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