The Summer Begins - Joint Giveaway (Over! Winners! Get your Pokemon!)

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I guess Summer reminds me of being outside, leisure, and being with friends. Swimming, going to the beach, hiking, etc.
The one thing that makes me think of summer is Harry Potter, no kidding. I was hooked by the books back in the day and last couple of HP movies were released in the summer (well, not deathly hallows part 1, but whatever) and now the last movie will be here in July
The summer reminds me of playing Pokemon, and going to the VGC's. it's pretty much a Pokemon convention from me for 2 months straight.
Summer makes me think of the generics (watermelon by the pool, days at the beach/lake with friends, and camping trips), but summer also reminds me of friendships in general. Summer is a time friendships have to be held tight or they will end. There is no seeing people in school or any of that. Best of all, summer reminds me of freedom, because you can do almost anything you want.
Summer is the months of freedom! Being able to wake up whenever and it being light till close to 9pm. Summer is the time for cricket, whether im playing for my club with my mates or jst wasting time in my backyard - there is nothing like it. Summer is also the time for christmas, which means plenty of good times with family and friends!
Playing tennis in the sun is a nice reminder of summer. I remember when I was about seven playing on the nice sandy court in my new nice bright white volleys.
Summer reminds me of staying in an air conditioned room, watching some TV, and multitasking with pokemon at the same time.

You know what makes me think of Summer? Normalcy, that's what. You see I am an avid wearer and collector of shades/sunglasses and literally wear them all the time. To the places I frequently hang out at, I am actually pretty well-known for wearing different shades every day of week and month (at times). My collection expands from years of buying and protecting my sunglasses, from cheapo ones to expensive Gucci, I have a varied of brands with Ray-Ban and Steve Madden usually what I roll with. So during Summer, I am not just some weirdo wearing shades all the time outdoors, indoors, in the day, at night, and even when it rains, but actually I am just like everyone else. Everyone practically wears shades and some days it is a necessity to haha! Though friends still point out that I still wear them at night and indoors still not seeming right lol, but I don't care, it's a passion of mine.

So yeah normalcy, that is what comes to mind when Summer consciously springs up :pimp:
When I think of summer I think of late nights of hanging out with friends after a fun day of sports, games, or hitting the beach.
Summer makes me think of freedom. It's probably because my entire life I've been in school, and summer is the two months of the year where I don't have to do anything school-related. I can just do what I want. However, since I'm done all of my diplomas in my grade 12 year and my Grad is in a week, summer is going to mean something else entirely for the rest of my life. What, I'm not sure about, but it will mean something.

Also, great giveaway! I would love that Drought Vulpix.
Sneezing all over the place, eyes bloodshot and sore, nose blocked, and very very sweaty because of the heat. Kids roaring with laughter as they play tag or whatever, as the grown ups lie on their chairs sun-bathing. Nice, cold ice cream and a cool bottle of water. Night time, and it's still bright outside. And Solrock sitting up there with a snazzy pair of shades on.

FC on profile :)
Summer Reminds me to go hiking and land scouting for my little hobby for Almost Extinct/very Endangered Orchids and Pollenate them to ensure the little beauties survival.. Even though they take 5-8 years to bloom and 2-5 years to sprout from the ground! But the survive the 38-40 below zero winters... And Flower Picking, in general!
Well, humidity reminds me of Summer. Not just the heat, because it can be hot any time of year, but when there's lots of moisture in the air. But that's not the only thing.

Sitting in my room all day, and if I'm not inside, I'm dreading being outside. The feeling of being tired when I'm not supposed to be. Spending days upon days with friends getting into shenanigans. The feelings of both carelessness and boredom, often meshed together in one. Having plenty to do and even more time to do it. The procrastination for the things I want to do, but don't feel like doing. The despair when I realize the beaded curtain of Summer's End is slamming down at the end of this chapter of my life.

I know this cause I read it not,
two hours ago, and then I got,
the heebie-jeebies and these awful shakes.
My parents swore upon their honor,
that I was safe and not a goner.
I guess tomorrow they'll see their sad mistakes.

And of course, ^Calvin and Hobbes^.
Summer is the time of year when everything is much more laid-back. I live near the beach and we always get "June Gloom" where the marine layer comes in during morning and burns off by noon sometimes. Maybe if your Vulpix can visit us, we can have nicer beach weather?

Anyways, I see some tourists who just hang out here and it's fun because they're looking for a good time as we are too. I love hanging out at Laguna Beach since it's illegal for home owners by the beach to gate off the beachgrounds from the public :P
So yeah, it's really beautiful and Summer for us is about leisure moments.
shall I compare thee to a summers day?
thou art more lovely and more temperate:
rough windes do shake the darling buds of Maie,
and sommers lease hath all too short a date:
sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
and often is his gold complexion dimm'd,
and every faire from faire some-time declines,
by chance, or natures changing course untrim'd,
but thy eternall sommer shall not fade,
nor loose possession of that faire thou ow'st,
nor shall death brag thou wandr'st in his shade,
when in eternall line to time thou grow'st,
so long as men can breath or eyes can see,
so long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

lol shakespear nice give away
Thing that reminds me of summer is being out of school, being a kid and just being carefree to the world and not having to worry about a thing since I had that long break from school until the next year, everyone always looks forward to Summer as the time they're out of school! Just the chill time, hang out with friends, swim, enjoy the free days while you got em.
Summer reminds me of food. I've been studying away from home for nine months in a cuisine-desecrated city and I finally get to come back. Oh, but wait. The first thing that I'm scheduled for when I get back is the plucking of all my wisdom teeth ): ...which happened on Monday. And thus, I've been starving even more than in school lately. Now I'm just waiting for my family to go to that exquisite restaurant they want to visit on the weekend and eat their hearts out in front of me while I bathe in self pity.

But I guess the bright side is that everything's going to taste a billion times better once I'm finally able to eat like a normal person again.
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