Overwatch - Brigitte used FLAIL!

iddqd won't join a team for likely a couple more months. EnVy seems pretty content with their Thai sub and Harry on DPS so I don't think they'll switch as long as Soldier is meta.


my cancer is sun and my leo is moon
Symmetra changes are here!!!! Im so happy all of these seem great!!! I can actually play my favorite hero now without people thinking im trolling omfg!!

Shield Generator: This is just fantastic. 75 HP Shields is incredible and definitely enough to get her picked on attack and second point defense. Idk if its even worth using tele with how amazing this is.

Extra Shields On Her Ults: Definitely a needed change. Now you have ACTUAL COUNTERPLAY to people attacking your ult, you can actually have enough time to go and protect it! amazing!

Photon Barrier: This is great and turns her into almost a tank/support hybrid, enabling pushes and creating space.

Turret changes: This is just what we needed. It makes her so much more flexible and usable in the fast paced game overwatch is.
Guys, the Symmetra rework LITERALLY has me shaking. I don't think I've been excited about anything video game related since like D/P's release in 2007 lol. Seriously, as someone with 50+ hours on her in pretty much all game modes she's been my favorite character since my first POTG with her. And I was already saving up to get gold gun for her too! AHHH I'M SO PUMPED!!

Also I somehow ended up unwatching this thread, but sandshrewz don't feel bad for the "like" usage because that's me as well haha, and Arikado I've had the same problem with getting Master except minus Widow (console lol), was 63 points away from Master and now I'm like 220 away /me cries.


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The match Rogue v. NV was great to watch, but one can see that Rogue didn't adapt to the meta at all. Talespin is not a bad dps by any means, but this meta doesn't favour Pharah at all and CarryHook is just an amazing dps, of course D.Va seems to be going to be in the meta right now and Mickey was great at it. To be honest, I'd like to see him staying in the team, it would be cool for an asian player to compete with an NA team!

Soldier meta right now is both fun and frustrating. On some heroes like Mei, I hate being poked constantly by long range damage. You have to be really careful because any half decent soldier will just destroy you with couple of shots and helix rocket. Playing Rein is a lot of pressure since you have to measure your shield and aggression more, and Genji doesn't seem to work as well now, since so many people running triple tanks and soldier being really hard to take out in 1v1 setting: you need to consistently hit your shurikens through his biotic field while being spammed in a fashion that will lead you to be under 100 hp by soldier just holding LMB.

Symmetra rework is plain amazing and I foresee her used more. Hell, I will use her a lot, I really like the character design (and now that I'm consistently on diamond maybe I can go back to a support role). Now we get a moving Rein shield you can spam at chokes and an ult that enables not only good defence but also good ofence. This also enables Sombra to be meta, as it will be the way to deal with the 225 hp Tracers and 275 hp Genjis. Even though I could see full cancer defence comps with Torb, D.Va, Mei, Lúcio lol

I had mastered Genji ledge boost the last days and now it got removed, rip! Also Zarya nerf which is also a nerf to Genji now that bubbles won't get hit twice by melee and penetrating attacks. I still think this is outright a buff, no matter what GM players say, since in team fights you'll still get high energy and now you can reliably save a teammate and yourself from a Genji ult and Reinhardt can no longer firestrike + ult a Zarya to make Earthshatter work for sure.

Also I'm hovering at mid diamond, let's see if I can break that with a win streak on the last day...


@ Everstone
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Its a nerf because fire strike was zarya's main source of energy, it's an instant 100 if you and a teammate walk into it, 50 if its just you. often times zaryas would start the match at 100 energy since greedy reinhardts will always be looking to get some ult% from landing a couple fire strikes at the beginning of each game


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It's 80 currently on live and yeah, it's harder to kickstart the energy easily, you should still be able to maintain it over 40. I never relied on fire strikes to keep energy, since often you'd lose the ability to save a teammate from an early hook or some similar danger. But maybe that's just me.


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I'm happy nv won despite the roster change. CarryHook on hitscan is really a beast rofl. Mickie carried his weight so well, and probably nv's impression of Thais in WC helped with team chemistry despite the short term. Mickie and Chips had really good synergy together, even better than InternetHulk ever had with Chips imo, and D.Va/Winston both have the dive tank relationship with Ana. Feels so fluid watching his D.Va and Chips Ana keeps him alive so much where Mickie does a really good job of optimizing damage and protection. Seems like they had so much fun lmao!! I personally felt like I learned D.Va things from watching Mickie lols. Hope they win APEX!! nv really need to win a LAN for reals.

OMGGGG SYMMETRAAAAAAAAAAA !!! I said it before, I'd like Sym to be a damage mitigation/resist hero. Wasn't exactly what I thought of but hey it's still kinda on the same track!! Idrk how good/bad her new barrier thing is lols. It'd be fun to toy around with. It's awkward you can't shoot the barrier sideways though!! hahaha. I haven't actually played her yet on PTR QP, only custom game b/c fsr Asia PTR isn't matching us into games Z_Z Her beam range is similar to Winston I think? Which is p good. Also yea her M2 has been faster since the Sombra patch, p viable to kill people with while DMing them or just awkwardly sniping people with slightly faster balls of doom hahaha. More reliable damage helps with the ult rate change. I'm really glad they made the turret store 6!!!

Shield Generator is real cool. Having 2 ults is so awesome and gives more skill options and opens up room for game sense and stuff. It'll differentiate the really good Symmetra from the rest if they know how to differentiate when to use which ult. Definitely TP still has the usual high opportunity cost, made even higher now though. Shield Gen would probably force the enemy to adopt a flanker comp or they'd just fight with disadvantage straight up. You can basically punish the enemy for as long as they don't destroy it, forcing them into a different composition possibly. Her TP already kinda did that but now it's even more emphasized. But still, Symmetra is pretty awkward to fit into teams, just as Sombra is. In a team setting, it would have to base around Symmetra specifically; don't think it's really applicable for her to tank up any slot in a conventional 2/2/2. It'd probably have to be a 'Symmetra comp'. hahaha. Wonder if we'll see the good old beta cancer comp again. (which was sym zen tracer/genji, can't rmb if it was double sym, but definitely double zen). But whatever it is, maybe Symmetra will be relegated to baby sit the main healer or the tank. She does that job pretty well anyway.

Also happy that they didn't touch turrets aside from cd/storage thingy. I like her slow effect. It helps with your M2 balls too cos they move slower :D The Zarya fix is well, interesting. Idk if it's a straight up nerf or whatsoever. Zarya is played plenty in non-Rein KOTH meta anyway so, she probably gets her energy somewhere, most likely Winston anyway. It's also indirect nerf to Dragonblade b/c you can't one shot barriers anymore. Sound Barrier + Zarya bubble can probably guarantee the safety of a 200HP hero.

Hypeeeeeeee for Symmetra!!! One last thing I'd like is being able to destroy her own building manually without ult refund though. (and kill cams not showing stuff...) But ya one thing at a time !! hype hype !!


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Diamond people letting their shit 40% winrate on their main plat friends play the key roles. Absolutely disgusting.


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Does anyone know how Self-Destruct or D.Va's eject work with regards to conserving momentum ? I think I subconciously press space whenever she ejects and feel like she retains some of her meka momentum which was really cool. I actually used Self-Destruct and flew out to chase a Mercy with baby D.Va pistol hahahaha. Not sure how it works. The style points tho. Also does anyone notice sometimes Sombra TPs and doesn't leave her trail effect so I have no idea where she went ? I'm playing on low settings so idk if that applies to other people. Anyway, omg this game looks so cool after they included low LOD models for a lot of other things that I had no idea existed xD looks amazing.

Yay PTR Asia is working now! Symmetra's barrier feels kinda weird. I don't use it too much. But I've had hilarious moments using it to save my friend after they got hooked; awkwardly great timing that the shield blocked Hog's shots haha. Also shutting down molten core from far away sentry! I mostly use it as a zoning tool and it works pretty okay. Sombra is really annoying for Sym to deal with though, moreso than Tracer. I don't really like guarding Sym ult with a turret nest (it's ineffective anyway), and Sombra can basically guarantee the kill even in the best spots. That's Sombra's job I guess. Torb+Sym is soooooooo hilarious lmao. Molten Core and Sym turrets are so annoying and hard to push into. And if the enemy fails the first push, have fun fighting against +150HP heroes hahaha. Quite the steamroll mechanic. Overall, Sym is fun/10. She's still kinda defense favored but w/e. Nano Sym is also stupidly funny for the lols xD

Anyone else have thoughts and stuff regarding PTR? I personally don't feel much from the Zarya getting less energy from Fire Strikes. The initial energy might be harder but that's about it from what I feel. Rein isn't really common, at least in QP so most of the time I build energy from other things.


gosh... poor zylbrad ... people are so dumb..... for people to climb to masters, they first have to go through diamond too first right....?????? how can ppl judge ppl for being of lower rank smh. also smh people wanting s76>mccree slot because sureee s76 got buffed and stuff, confirmed better than mccree. just smh mccree is generally better on kings row. if you cant outperform zylbrad on s76 by playing mccree then you're alr worse than him.... ppl who don't know their stuff need to shut their toxic mouth lmao. /salt.

it's just sad :/
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god damn how much cocaine is that dude on while he plays but somehow he's funny as fuck and not really annoying

i also played like 6 hours in a row the last day to get my season goal but not masters cuz im a baddie lul
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my cancer is sun and my leo is moon
So season 3 starts tomorrow. My goal is to soloq up to at least plat and hopefully diamond mainly playing ana, d.va, zarya, and possibly symmetra depending on where the buffs put her in the meta. Im confident enough in my winston, widowmaker, zen, and mercy to pick them should the situation call for it as well.

One big hero i should probably have in my hero pool but dont is rein. I dont even really understand what makes a good rein good, when i play its just me standing there awkwardly holding m2 thinking "am i doing this right???". I guess i should practice him some in quick play but idk.
So season 3 starts tomorrow. My goal is to soloq up to at least plat and hopefully diamond mainly playing ana, d.va, zarya, and possibly symmetra depending on where the buffs put her in the meta. Im confident enough in my winston, widowmaker, zen, and mercy to pick them should the situation call for it as well.

One big hero i should probably have in my hero pool but dont is rein. I dont even really understand what makes a good rein good, when i play its just me standing there awkwardly holding m2 thinking "am i doing this right???". I guess i should practice him some in quick play but idk.
It is hard to tell whether or not you are doing a good job as rein. I would say the 2 biggest differences between a shield bot rein and a good rein is game awareness and ult usage. the two aspects of game awareness would be classified as probably when to push and when to go aggressive and swing your hammer. About ult usage, especially when you are solo queuing really make those ults count because that could easily be the difference between a successful push or just an absolute failure. But I am not very good so maybe I am not the best person to give advice on this


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Rein is one of the characters that is most reliant on communication. you can't see behind you so you're relying on your team to handle flankers while you make a slow push forward. IDK when I Rein I start swinging if the team gets two picks but if we lose one in that same fight I judge if we can win or if it's better to shield and retreat.


Alas poor Yorick!
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Somes notes playing new PTR:
-Hotdamn is Sym's shield generator ult crazy good, it might need a timer. You will certainly need to run around to find it. She's even useful on KOTH maps with it
-Speaking of KOTH Oasis is a really beautiful map, one of the points seems even bigger than Lijang, the more KOTH the better.
-Sym's flying shield ability is great, and even useful as a "just throw it out" move to absorb damage and help from afar

I'm hoping to see more people play Sym as the sort of builder who can move with the battlefield as is able to place traps in places to catch her opponents off-guard. At the very least her overall playtime in ever mode is going to go up.


my cancer is sun and my leo is moon
I think symmetras shield generator is definitely good but I dont think it needs a nerf. Sure it might trash soloq golds and plats but a coordinated team will dedicate resources to hunting it down. Tracer is particularly great for this, especially since she can just get some spam damage to get ult, hunt down the tele/shield gen, and throw her bomb at it.

Her photon barrier is a good concept but I feel they really pulled their punches with it. It moves too fast to really use as a makeshift rein shield, and it's pretty small. I think it could use a little tweaking. It could be really good for letting her win more duels almost like a winston barrier, and allow her to effectively close the distance necessarry to get in range of her gun for her target if it was just slower, but it's too swift moving to really do this effectively.

Id like for symmetra to be able to refund her teleporter. A big problem with it right now is that your teleporter can effectively become a liability if it's sitting there with 1-2 charges keeping you from building ult for a new one. A seperate possible solution is letting her place tele at 100% ult, and 1/6 of that ult charge is lost with each teleport but you can keep rebuilding charge up to 100% while tele is up.


@ Everstone
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Right now from playing PTR it seems to me that if you don't succeed in your first push against the defenders (mostly numbani, hanamura, anubis, volskaya, and /maybe/ r66 and kings row?) and they have symm/torb defenses then you'll start seeing 350 hp anas, mccrees, and soldiers... and good luck pushing against that lmao. The worst part is the 75 shields come before armour so random poke damage won't take away from the armour.

It's actually stupid, whether it will turn out as a gimmick for top tier players or not its still fucking silly. coordinate all you want, but if you have 400 hp meis and 350 hp mccrees then good fucking luck getting the push lmao


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Kinda good to hear they still want to test Sym more. Though who knows if they'll adjust her even more or even scrap some of her kit. Her barrier is really awkward lol as much as it's fun to wm1 people to death with it. Maybe there's still hope to see her becoming a damage resist support!! Damage resist with Ana is pretty ridiculous though, but Ana is ridiculous on her own too so I wouldn't mind seeing some tweaks to Ana as well anyway. I don't want damage / heal creep to be a thing. I personally think S76's buff, Widow's, and to some extend, D.Va (though it's a deserved buff), are kinda infringing on damage creep. Probably not much of an issue right now but just in case it ever becomes a thing, I hope blizz is paying attention to their damage and heal numbers. Ana basically heal crept the supports lol and Mercy with her 60hps too. But then again, OW doesn't have an overheal/critheal mechanic like TF2 so it might be necessary to some extend. No idea why they nerfed Lucio's amp heals... Okay enough side track !!

Yea I can see Sym Torb being a steam roll on defense if you play soloq lol. It's really easy for defense to win the first fight because soloq tend to take time to poke till they find an opening, and Sym Torb pretty much stalls that opening for a long time like Mei does. Sym ult though, is static. Putting it in a conservative position lets flankers kill it easily. Turrets don't really help protect her ult lol so don't bother. The only way for Sym to protect her ult is really to be so near it that it does limit her rotation and overall effectiveness, which while making it harder for solo flankers to kill it, makes it more susceptible to a proper team push and kill her ult as collateral. So yea if enemy Sym places it in a back and conservative spot, if she isn't near enough to it, just go D.Va/Sombra/Tracer/etc and just kill it. Turrets won't hinder them much due to their high fire rate just spam and turrets all die. D.Va can even just outright kill the ult b/c Sym can't kill her fast enough thanks to armor hp. In a more forward and teammate protected position, Sound Barrier/EMP initations are the best, and make sure to push into the protected zone.

But yes, overall it's pretty dumb. It requires really/better good coordination and brute force to overcome something that requires less input. It's kinda like how stacking engi in TF2 is dumb, requiring more effort to overcome something that takes less effort to do. Perfect for pub stomping too, more so than Bastion lols. It basically invalidates poke fights, and you really have to push hard with ults to do something at all. What more, Molten Core is also really good at blocking pushes. So yea if you ever play comp, just run Sym Torb and the general playerbase can't do anything about it.

Anyway, Oasis is on PTR. And Season 3 is soon I think? Good luck, have fun! Enjoy before the Sym Torb cancer comp hits hahaha, assuming they don't tweak her.


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4-1 in placements. considering doing the other half tomorrow. I'm playing solely Ana and it's working

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