Big (Official) Cyberpunk Mafia - The Many [s]Others[/s] Steamrollers Rolled Over You.

Alright, I have another suggestion here, a way which ignores the existence of a leader, thus making actions more democratic and thus, more precise.

A type of suggestion which makes everyone contribute in giving out actions.

Basically, we all discuss and assign the actions to every person in the game. And it's more simpler than claiming your own points in chat, but such that we all assume everyone else's points.

This can be as simple as in the case of night zero, where we could assume that we have a maximum possibility of 3 points in each branch, and send out actions, in chat, to each and everyone, while making some population save their points, thus allowing them to do more stronger, and better actions. And the fact that this game is alias-based, thus disallowing the mafia members to kill those who have saved points.

An example could very well be:
Assuming that Champ1604 has 3 Points in Control: You do X action.
Assuming that Champ1604 has 3 Points in Info: You do Y action.
Assuming that Champ1604 has 3 Points in Protection: You do Z action.

Crimson Fox to save their points in the place where they have most action points in, while performing:
Assuming that Crimson Fox has 2 Points in Control: You do X action.

And so on, as for why it reduced to 2, it's because having 3 as your second-highest action points could very well not be 3, since having 9 action points, do kind-of seem really powerful, least compared to mine.

This way, we can very well save each other's privacy of roles, and also at the same time withdraw from the risk of having a town leader being scum.

As for the fact that this would have worked better in night zero because of the fact that it has become certainly more complex this day, but it's still not impossible as assuming a maximum of 6 is still possible.

Da Letter El

Officially internet famous
is a Community Leader Alumnus
Anyway, to claim:

I'm Elan the Bard from Order of the Stick. My innate gives an extra point to a couple categories of universal actions to a player every night, but it can't go past normal maximums. I would have randed this last night, but I got the sense most players would probably idle most abilities, so I self-targeted and bought some cheap stuff and randed those as well.

None of the actions I did yielded anything useful for a lynch. I found a user that didn't target anyone and did something else cheap. I'd be more forthcoming about this, but the former indicates a likely town alias and my other action doesn't help anyone by publicizing my target -- as well as the fact that this stuff could just as easily be done by mafia.

I'm already aware of at least one other member with a role from Order of the Stick, and it seems like there are frequently overlaps in franchises. I doubt there are too many point increasing roles, and it's a limited and weak enough role that it's probable town and not the worst thing in the world if it dies.

I don't expect too many alias claims today, since this is far from conclusive proof I'm town, but do talk to me so we can get organized and get things going. If there are better ideas for leadership, I'm all ears but I figured sitting on my ass waiting for something wasn't such a good idea.
A reminder against screenshotting - that image, though, is something anyone could easily whip up, and conveyed no information about the gamestate, which is the intent of the rule, so just a reminder
Reminder to anyone thinking of claiming "safe" information that any and all info you give can be used to tie your role and alias to your username, and may be used to find the people who didn't claim through process of elimination. There is absolutely zero value for town to share role names as anyone can fake claim, thus it carries risk for no reward whatsoever.

If you trust that Josh or DLE is town and want to share stuff with them, do it with the knowledge that whatever it is that you tell them, it could be of use to mafia factions if the info reaches them.

For now the safest way to go about this, even though it is suboptimal performance-wise, is to not claim anything especially the amount of points you have, and have a fairly trusted figure (Josh even though he's obviously not 100% confirmed town) give tentative actions and target pools as suggested by Champ earlier. We should also avoid having anyone be our sole contact and representative to the mafia factions, at any time, whoever they are.

tl;dr Don't let your boredom make you leak info when doing so is of no benefit to town
Because he has been cleaned by people who are not clean themselves in a game where bastardry is a thing. Otherwise he's the closest thing we have to a cleaned public figure yeah, a bit too public unfortunately since you made him claim alias
Yes sorry I should’ve done the other thing where I asked people for aliases until someone claimed “sound” to me. :thinking:

He was randed onto by two people, yeah I’d agree with doubting inspect results if there was only one inspector but that’s not the case here. The only way you can believe that josh is not at least 90% clean (remaining 10% is just village being really unlucky and hitting godfathers) is if you believe in the existence of some really wacky roles that negate inspects for a large group of people

Please fullclaim to josh

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