New Year's Resolutions

There's a nice research institute I'd like to work at in the near future but it would require me slogging my ass off to get noticed so I guess that is my resolution.
My first resolution is to get into university, and start enjoying education again.
I used to do a fair bit of running, but I gradually tailed off over time, and so I'm much slower now. So my second resolution is to start to get fast again and do more running.

Generally my advice for New Year's Resolutions is to be reasonable. Realistically I'm not going to be able to will myself to run 5 days per week like when I was 15 but I can definitely make an improvement from now.
Never really set New Year's Resolutions, I really only have set goals that are ongoing. Some of them are:
1. Don't get upset (easily). I've gotten so much better at this over the years, but there are still some things that can upset me. Recently I hung out with a few friends to celebrate one of their birthdays on a Sunday, and she had told us that she wanted to go to a restaurant that would cost a little more than what we usually spend, but still not much. Another friend, who is a little more stingy, lived some distance away and spent Saturday in town. She had set aside a (rather big) budget for the 4 days she would spend in town, only to have spent over half of that shopping on the Saturday, then letting us know the afternoon of the Sunday dinner that she couldn't afford to go to the restaurant anymore. While I do understand that everyone has different spending habits, all she needed to do was to set aside some money for dinner and resist to buy a thing or two the day before. (Apologies for the poorly written story which could be confusing)

2. Be more sociable. I've always been a quiet person when I meet people for the first time, and it doesn't really give off a good impression. It doesn't help that I don't really smile a lot but I really want to improve on this somehow.

3. Find more hobbies. Somewhat related to number 2, I figure that part of why I don't have too much to say is that I don't have many hobbies that others may relate to or find interesting.

4. Read more. I've never been a big fan of reading, probably because the fictions we were assigned in elementary/middle/high school didn't appeal to me. I did read outside of school, but that was probably only limited to Harry Potter (and I don't understand the hype), Since I got into politics a bit more than a year ago, though, I've been reading more and more columns, and even recently bought a book and pre-ordered another (that'll definitely shock my family). The main purpose really is to learn more about different points of view.

5. Get healthy. I don't consider myself particularly unhealthy, but I would like to cut down on snacking, as well as exercising more. I'm incredibly unfit right now, and would just like to shed some weight and tone up a little.

6. Learn to ride a bike. No, seriously, I don't know how to.

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