Announcement Epic "[Gen 9] Duomod v2" leaks (NOT CLICKBAIT)


is a Community Contributoris a Community Leader Alumnus
hello everyone, my name is duom2 and welcome back to another video

Around when Sun and Moon were coming out, I checked out Smogon's forums for the first time to see what people's thoughts on the new Pokemon were. It was nice to check what all sets people were posting in the Pokemon threads and all that. One day while I was using Smogon, I instead felt like poking around all of the different forums to see what else the site had to offer, and I stumbled across this one called Pet Mods. "What the heck is a Pet Mod?" I clicked, found a few interesting threads, and soon enough found myself actually getting an account and becoming a regular poster for the subforum.

A lot has changed after that. I started getting a lot better at the game just from how much I was talking to people about it, I started back up on pixel art which I would have completely stopped with otherwise, I eventually had a budding YouTube channel that I've since lost interest in, and so on. If it weren't for this subforum I absolutely wouldn't have the stupid sense of humor I have today, with stuff like Fluxtape and like all of Roulettemons initially sparking that. Eventually I became a staff member here around two and a half years ago and then ended up getting promoted a second time around a year-ish later. Two and a half years sounds like a lot shorter of a time than it's actually been, but it really has become an extremely influential part of my life at this point.

But I'm sure you realize where I'm going with this at this point. I really would rather not go into too much detail but I've realized some things about the state of my life that have convinced me that I probably need to drop everything important I do here. Basically, I'm dropping my spot as staff here, as well as all of the councils for each of the Pet Mods that I'm running or helping a bunch with. I'm not going to be leaving this community entirely, in particular I'm going to still be working on Duomod updates, but I think it's for the best that I leave myself without anything I NEED to do as opposed to just having the option of coming by if I'd like. As such, I will probably be dropping Blindsided and will be leaving Fakemon Frontier under others' ownership.

I've had a lot of good times here, stuff I'll never forget - the complete sweep in PMPL1's Playoffs Round 1, the surprise of both days I got promoted on here, Roulettemons making it onto the main Showdown server, just everything about Duomod in general, and so on. It's not been without its bad days but that's how everything in life works, and this community has by and large been a pretty cool place to be. So for that, thank you all. This subforum has come an unbelievably long way over the time I've been a part of it and I can only expect it to get even better from here on out.



User feints.
is a Forum Moderator

Short questions like these are better suited to the Simple Questions, Simple Answers thread. To answer your question, the Pet Mods Discord server is alive and well, though if you meant the Pet Mods room on Showdown, it's quite inactive in part due to being a private room that you can only access by searching for its name, so it's difficult to just stumble upon, plus not much in terms of Pet Mods really goes on in the main server aside from Pet Mod of the Season, though this could change in the future.

I will be locking this thread and then deleting it in 48 hours, as it is against Pet Mods rules to create threads without approval. If you have any other questions you're free to ask. Otherwise, have a good day!

EDIT: In all seriousness, you put an amazing amount of work into this community, and we would not be where we are without your efforts. I thank you for everything you've done, and I wish you luck with whatever you're gonna do next. I'm not sure how often you're gonna be around, but please do stop by every now and then!
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Ok but fr, the first interaction i ever did on pet mods was on Gen 8 Stereotypes, i had no clue what was going on, no clue what any of this was, all i knew was that you made fakemon and i liked making fakemon at that time, so i asked if i could draw my subs, and you replied telling me that i could, and so i did, and made an Arena Trap mon, you were the first person to ever interact with me here, and from then on ive started to become more active here, you are one of the most chill ppl ive met, as well as one of the most hard-working, the amount of pet mods youve helped make, have been part of council and have coded, is huge, most of the time you are there to help with a pet mod, to give feedback, to reply to questions from newbies, etc, i hope whatever you do and wherever you go, you remember that you are truly a pet modder of all time.
anyways fuck you i was supposed to sleep about an hour ago, my sleep schedule is so ruined i actually hate you now


Mind the bad garmmar.
is a Pre-Contributor
As the current defending champion of the Duomod cup I wish luck to Dual Mewtwo Two on his future endeavors. Someday I will finally claim the prize pool money from it.
My insider with the community leaders, my advocate for personal projects, and the best council member I could ask for. I’m glad to have called you a friend in the pet mod community. You will always have a place in my server as the first person to fully support my (albeit inconsistent) mod-making endeavors, and I think I speak for everyone when I say you’ll always have a place in the community as someone who supported creative ideas and the people who made them. My DMs are always open (or the Abilitypos council chat nobody else can see it anyway).

It’s Duover, deuces
forgot to press "post reply" my god. thank you so much for everything Duo! wishing you the best in whatever you do in the future o7


[Regional Manager of Big Shifu]
is a Community Contributor
I really don’t know what to say in all honesty, I consider you a great friend, and I’ve had a lot of long conversations with you about various things. I completely understand stepping down, it’s just still a surprise. Thank you for everything.

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