Darkfall Online to be released this year

Darkfall Online is a somewhat obscure title with a devoted (nearly fanatical) following. It was announced in 2001 as an indie MMO devoted to being basically UO with more features and not trammeled the fuck up.

Out of those humble roots, it has grown into a huge project that has taken eight years to complete, however it will possibly be everything that you'd ever want in an MMO. What follows, is an incomplete list of CONFIRMED completed features that are present in the current alpha build of the game (which has been confirmed to exist by several people who have visited their offices in Greece, it is not vaporware):

- Six races (Humans, Mirdain, Alfar, Mahirim, Orks, and Dwarves) with unique benefits and advantages as well as disadvantages

- A seamless world touted to be roughly the size of Germany, handcrafted by a development team. For comparison, World of Warcraft's world (all zones included) is roughly the size of Holland.

- Full PvP, full loot, no safezones or bound items

- All items are craftable

- Fully functioning Naval combat and player owned boats

- Realtime combat (think FPSlike, you control your character fully, you swing the sword, string the bow, cast the spell, somewhat like Oblivion)

- Mounted combat, real mounted combat (See mount and blade link for examples)

- Physics. Arrows and some spells are effected by gravity, wind, and the like. There are spells which can alter physics in areas.

- Skill based character progression (rather than leveling up, you gain skills and improve said skills)

- And a shitload more that I don't feel like explaining when it's already all written down on another website. Think pre trammel UO revived with 3d graphics and a new and improved combat system.

I've personally been following this games development since August of 2005, and I can tell you as an avid MMO player that this looks to be the real deal. The devs and visitors have confirmed that unlike AoC, all of the features they touted as being core to the game will be 100% included at launch.

Related links:
http://www.darkfallonline.com/ , official website
http://forums.darkfallonline.com/showthread.php?t=60922 , recent writeup by an officially confirmed visitor
http://www.taleworlds.com/ , Mount and Blade homepage. The developers frequently cite this game when asked about how Darkfall will handle combat. They generally respond with "A smoother and more complex Mount and Blade". It's a good game in its own right, but I'd wait for the full version if you want to play past the demo, it should be coming out pretty soon too.
Any news on how bad the grind factor is?
Zero. Not shitting you, they've said repeatedly that a clueless noob who ebayed a maxed out mega hardcore character with a billion gold he would get schooled by a skilled player who just rerolled and has nothing but a wooden sword. You can gain skills by using them obviously, and you get them from PvP. They do not intend to have any mechanics to avoid sparring for skill ups, as it will be intended. It's old UO's system retooled basically.

The skills also go up fast because skills that are unused will eventually start decaying so you can reallocate the points, they decay based on online time last I heard, so you won't get screwed if you need to leave for a month or something. There is no skill hard cap, but the more skills you have the faster they decay, so eventually you will hit a point where you are losing skill in some areas faster than you gain it in others.

As far as monthly fee, yeah it has one. They initially planned to do one merged server for the entire world like EVE has but due to population growth they are at least doing separate European and American servers, though you will be able to play cross continent if you want.
Beta signups for Darkfall Online have started!

You must have a Darkfall online forum account to register, but it takes very little time to make one.

Also, a gameplay video has been released, and a torrent is available here
An alternate, non torrent link will be made available at some point this weekend, you can find it in the news section of their site when that link is done.

All I have to say is fucking finally. I started following this game's development in 8th grade and here I am now, a week from going into my senior year of high school.

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