Tournament CAPCL III - Finals [Won by Shoenice Skwovets]


is a Battle Simulator Staff Alumnus
It shows us that CAPCL is over thanks everyone for playing
i had a really good time teaming with you all hope we get to team up in CAPCL y'all should be proud coming intoa new non trivial tier like CAP and making ti so far good work everyone I'm really happy with how you did and for being in this team chat and always hoppe to team up again i n the future @ everyone @ here @ egalvanc @ Hachimaki It's a shame we couldn't go all the way but lets get this dubski in CAPPL eh ?


Always remember
is a Tiering Contributor
RBTT Champion
Unfortunate that we never got a clean game vs each other, love playing you tho my friend, gg

Shoutouts D2TheW for the team, this team fucked
Shoutouts Concept Everything and Da Pizza Man for drafting me and also supplying teams all season
Shoutouts to all my teammates on Skwovets, especially my man TGA who cleaned house with me
And shoutouts to all my friends on the Nohfaces, you all were powerhouses as usual

I had a lot of fun this tour. Truth be told when I managed CAPPL I felt a bit like a fraud since I didn't know shit about fuck when it came to CAP and I couldn't really help with prep or test games or anything. But now I have been enlightened by the inner workings of the CAP metagame so be ready to see my ass back in that manager spot this year, cya there folks o7


formerly Holy Ghost
is a Tiering Contributor
As the FLAWED PARAGON stands over the lifeless GOLDEN HEART FC, he looks up at something.
FLAWED PARAGON: So this is it. Pity. I heard a lot about you all, this is truly a shame.
The hooded Skwovet members appear on the battlefield.
Unknown Skwovet 1: It seems they were truly overestimated sir.
Unknown Skwovet 2: I really wanted some action...
Unknown Skwovet 3: Lets get to cleaning this place up
the POV shifts to the aftermath of the great CAP realm war....the entire Nohfaces lay in defeat to the FLAWED PARAGON and Skwovets!
FLAWED PARAGON: Well its time for me to report this in, you Skwovets handle the rest.
Mystery Figure: NOT SO FAST
a vicious beam strikes the battlefield spiraling towards FLAWED PARAGON and the Skwovets!
As the smoke from the fierce attack fades away, two figures emerge.... the missing nohfaces, EGAL AND HACHI!
FLAWED PARAGON: So, you two do exist. Interesting, but im afraid youre a little too late to save your comrades.
Egal: Follow our direct orders, operation EXTRACT THE MOLD. Binpin, Temp, Icemaster, and Holy Ghost must be saved at all costs. Anyone else saved is bonus. I will hold them off, make this quick Hachi.
Hachi nods in affirmation
As the FLAWED PARAGON stands over the lifeless GOLDEN HEART FC, he looks up at something.
FLAWED PARAGON: So this is it. Pity. I heard a lot about you all, this is truly a shame.
The hooded Skwovet members appear on the battlefield.
Unknown Skwovet 1: It seems they were truly overestimated sir.
Unknown Skwovet 2: I really wanted some action...
Unknown Skwovet 3: Lets get to cleaning this place up
the POV shifts to the aftermath of the great CAP realm war....the entire Nohfaces lay in defeat to the FLAWED PARAGON
FLAWED PARAGON: Well its time for me to report this in, you Skwovets handle the rest.
Mystery Figure: NOT SO FAST
a vicious beam strikes the battlefield spiraling towards FLAWED PARAGON and the Skwovets!
As the smoke from the fierce attack fades away, two figures emerge.... the missing nohfaces, EGAL AND HACHI!
FLAWED PARAGON: So, you two do exist. Interesting, but im afraid youre a little too late to save your comrades.
Egal: Follow our direct orders, operation EXTRACT THE MOLD. Binpin, Temp, Icemaster, and Holy Ghost must be saved at all costs. Anyone else saved is bonus. I will hold them off, make this quick Hachi.
Hachi nods in affirmation
Go fuk urself


You've Gotta Try
is a Pre-Contributor

Gz to Skwovets for winning and ggs to everyone else for managing/participating (not you spoo)

I have learned a lot about hosting large tournaments and the amount of work it entails, and I'm glad that all the mishaps fell on a less serious tour like this. I'm already making plans to get a head start on CAPPL so that we hit the ground running when it comes around: as a sneak peak, here are the preliminary slots!

SV OU [internal discussion with council led us to agree that playing SV CAP without CAPs would be a good learning experience, as such an experimental SV OU slot has been added]
SS CAP [no Hemogoblin]
SM CAP [no Hemogoblin]
DPP CAP (Bo3) [i'll be honest this is solely to euthanize D2]
SV CAP UU [no Hemogoblin]
Broken Cup [instead of SV, players will compete in a less matchup-dependent metagame]
Doubles Broken Cup [second Broken Cup slot to draw in the VGC/Doubles crowd]
Dads Of The World Geoguessr [no Hemogoblin]

Aqua Jet

Boogie Time
is a Contributor to Smogonis a Community Contributor Alumnus
As the FLAWED PARAGON stands over the lifeless GOLDEN HEART FC, he looks up at something.
FLAWED PARAGON: So this is it. Pity. I heard a lot about you all, this is truly a shame.
The hooded Skwovet members appear on the battlefield.
Unknown Skwovet 1: It seems they were truly overestimated sir.
Unknown Skwovet 2: I really wanted some action...
Unknown Skwovet 3: Lets get to cleaning this place up
the POV shifts to the aftermath of the great CAP realm war....the entire Nohfaces lay in defeat to the FLAWED PARAGON and Skwovets!
FLAWED PARAGON: Well its time for me to report this in, you Skwovets handle the rest.
Mystery Figure: NOT SO FAST
a vicious beam strikes the battlefield spiraling towards FLAWED PARAGON and the Skwovets!
As the smoke from the fierce attack fades away, two figures emerge.... the missing nohfaces, EGAL AND HACHI!
FLAWED PARAGON: So, you two do exist. Interesting, but im afraid youre a little too late to save your comrades.
Egal: Follow our direct orders, operation EXTRACT THE MOLD. Binpin, Temp, Icemaster, and Holy Ghost must be saved at all costs. Anyone else saved is bonus. I will hold them off, make this quick Hachi.
Hachi nods in affirmation
There is literally nothing worthy of respect in this thread holy

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