Pet Mod Beartic Phone

1. stunseed

ima be honest after i signed up i completely forgot about this until dib pinged me at almost deadline and panicked and just sent keyboard mash for name and desc. then i decided to name it stunseed cause thats what came to mind lol and this was not going to be serious at that point anyway. kept the keyboard mash i did not feel like writing a dex entry for a deez nuts joke. the mon itself is like uhh bad? esurge voltage+grass stab for grounds saves it from being a total dumpster fire ig but 101 spe totally does not cut it. if it was like 30 points faster itd been pretty cool maybe. deserved for the deez nuts joke ig lol.

2. cryofey

once again i forgot about this and again when dib pinged me i panicked and this happened

i tried okay?
you have to admit its better than sunman or whatever it was last time

the mon is kinda cool, i think its not gonna bother with pixi unless it really wants heatwave fsr and just go with 100% accurate thunder/cane. i really dont want to judge these in context since i dont wanna examine every single guy including all the previous ones but like idt the offensive potential of this one is potent enough? its got the equivalent bulk of 95/95/95 tho and with that defensive typing+fire resist uturn and defog you might work out some bulky utility set. something like primsea zapdos from aaa, idk.

3. stupendous tectonova

for the third time i forgor about this and subbed at the last second. not much to say tbh. the typing actually matched surprisingly well with the art+dex combo. abilities werent as on point, but looks like the stats and movepool guys agreed with me that this should be a tanky supporter, so thats neat. this gets a pretty epic support movepool ft glare, hazards, spin, dtail, but unfortunately he cant heal and i imagine that most defensive guys can. sad.

4. eepinsomnia

so i saw stakeout and was like "fuck how do i make an obvious attacker without inadvertently letting the stats guy breaking the shit out of it" and then i saw the ice type and decided i should pretend that its supposed to have technician. surely the stats and weight guy knew the terror of technician bax/weavile in aaa, right? bone rush and bullet seed were given to really drive home the point that this is supposed to have technician or skill link, and it would be dangerous to make a weavile-esque stat spread. i denied the mon triple axel so if we ended up with silly stakeout band sets itd only have icicrash/spinner for stab. i was also very conservative with setup and only gave it bulk up. in retrospect sd or dd mightve been necessary incase we ended up with something like what we got, but i just hoped that the obvious ice typing prevented us from ending up with anything too slow.
the alternative route would be giving it a support movepool and working with intim but that wouldve been boring (and also probably infeasible because of pure ice typing - which probably wouldve made it less boring. didnt occur to me tho.)
im pretty sure 60 spe is outsped by some pretty good walls at this point, which is sad since stakeout really does not work too well when youre outsped. ngl this might actually get mileage with intim+bu with its naturally excellent bulk, high powered coverage with dice, and priority ice shard. pure ice typing for defense does it no favors tho.

5. ensure

i actually did this one on time. unfortunately i just went with fastish one-sided bulky object route so this thing probably does about what you expect. not much else to say. im only happy that i decided to do this after seeing it has no calm mind. not sure about here when spectral thief is being distributed, but cm on that kit wouldve done numbers in standard. as it is, it can rocks, it can spin, its physically fat, and its got a generic good defensive typing. its got sludge bomb to do cheeky stuff, i guess? would be funny to see someone pull out the specs cpe hydropump. i should mention that there is another water/fairy (very) speedy chunkster in this same slate with regen to boot, though that one has a kit geared totally towards pivoting. really cool mon imo, though i think ensure's superior bulk and hazard utility gives it use.
oh yeah theres a third water/fairy too but that ones a qd sweeper so its cool.
edit: so turns out this thing gets octolock which is quite cool. its a pretty dumb move and ensure has recovery to sustain (ensure) the lock which can either be really awesome or really toxic but people who actually played the meta seems happy for it so im gonna say awesome. yes i made the stats while completely ignoring octolock. neat that it worked out.

overall was pretty fun though i keep forgetting i was in it. i do hope there would be a next time, especially since i doubt id actually be playing this. i am not sorry for stunseed. cheers.
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alright, yall know the drill by this point. these are just my first impressions on the mons so some of this stuff could be super uninformed, but let's just get into it.

Aerosterror: Very unoptimized stats really let this guy down unfortunately. Would be better if it got Swords Dance for SD+Scale Shot sets, but as-is it's a pretty mediocre Dragon Dancer. Also the art is cute but totally lost the air flavor lol.

Atlassey: Pretty cool mon, god-tier art. Fully outclasses Slapybara and probably Rimdaak too, but I'll get to that guy later.

Attaxolotl: BIG STALL. Pretty great utility pivot for balance, though it's kinda let down on stall by its lack of reliable recovery and the fact that its bulk highkey sucks. RIP to the evil flavor though.

Cryofey: Pretty nutty offensive mon. Kinda like a mix of Ares and Enamorus. Fairly weak unboosted so you'll have to find time to set up with CM, and Drizzle sets can't hit Steels, but it's still a very strong option. Also holy fuck Rain is here

Ducklepto: Not another -ate Normal type lol. I thought we learned from last slate. Anyway uhhh this mon sucks :blobthumbsup: Without Aerilate its abilities are ass, and with Aerilate its coverage is trash, its speed tier is mediocre, and stats guy totally screwed it over by making it a special attacker. At least if it went physical it could use Koff.

Eepinsomnia: ???? uhhhh this is definitely the TR abuser of all time ig. Gives big Glastrier vibes, and heavily punishes mons for switching around it, which is cool. Definitely gotta try this out on TR but I expect it to be very niche if not outright bad.

Ensure: Looks pretty solid as a fatmon. would've been a lot better if it got Scald or Calm Mind, but even without them it seems like a pretty good choice. Definitely gonna compete heavily with Naenaeray and Attaxolotl though. Edit: this gets Octolock. lol! Actually super good at using Octolock, and easily one of the best stallbreakers we have access to now. Quackologist eat your heart out.

Fuqoph: WHERE IS KNOCK OFF????? THIS MON WOULD BE SO HEAT WITH KNOCK OFF!!! Anyway uh, movepool is unbelievably barren and directionless so this guy seems pretty bad. Very unfortunate since the rest of its steps went together really well.

Humpcave: THE Grassy Surge Ground type. Probably a stall mon since GSurge + Shore Up + Rocks + insane physbulk is great compression, but could find its way onto other squads that want terrain or a Ground besides Molei (more on that later).

Jermpire: I was gonna write this off as bad, but then I noticed it gets Prankster Copycat. Uhhh I don't really know what that means but in theory it could make for a pretty great cleaner in the right hands. Cool guy, hopefully not broken.

Molei: Finally, a brokemon. Fur Coat on this is pretty disgusting, as it can sit on literally every physical attacker besides Ohmyrod and Wisp for free, making it super obnoxious to deal with. It's no Lazerazer, but it still probably needs to go.

Ramoxide: Fast Excadrill! Despises Sphinxiant but otherwise looks really really good as an SD mon or pivot. Could potentially run choiced too but its STABs aren't super easy to lock into.

Razorbeep: Ain't no way we made balanced Lazerazer. Anyway, this is like Magnezone on crack. Both Analytic and Download are insanely good abilities, and Galvanize Rapid Spin is gimmicky and bad but people will still run it. Definitely an incredibly good mon, only really held back by Wolversnare's dominance and the ridiculous influx of Ground types this slate.

Reflactal: Interesting mon. Specs Protean sets look really good, and Calm Mind sets could also be really threatening in the right hands. Hands-down the best monotyped mon in the mod.

Rimdaak: Bad in every aspect. Custom ability is cool tho. Moving on.

Rizzidi: My baby. Folks were worried about Technician Water Shuriken but I think it'll be balanced since it lacks setup. Definitely a big threat with both physical and special sets either way, though its low bulk definitely hurts it a lot.

Serverus: Oof. Movepool definitely crippled this mon. Any one of Gunk Shot/U-Turn/setup/real coverage would've made it way better, but as-is I'm pretty hard-pressed to justify running this mon, especially since Wolversnare forces it to hard predict with Band sets (which would otherwise be its best set).

Sisyphidna: Momentum is a broken ability and this would be really strong if not for Humpcave pretty much completely outclassing it. Might still see use, and Belly Drum sets seem funny but bad, but generally I think Humpcave is better.

Stunseed: idk what shadowpea was talking about, this mon looks solid for sure. Its Special Attack is a little low, but those Volt Switches are gonna be hitting super hard in Terrain, and it has STAB Energy Ball to fuck up Grounds. It's also got plenty of utility and great special bulk, so I could easily see defensive sets being good as well (mon walls Lazerazer!!!!!)

Stupendous Tectonova: Holy hell why did we get so many fat Grounds this slate. This one's claim to fame is not being weak to Water and Grass, but the other Grounds are so much more optimized that idt this mon will see much play.

Unbearabolt: LMAO HOW HAS NOBODY BEEN TALKING ABOUT THIS??? Insanely strong mon with Tough Claws Plasma Fists and amazing stats. SD sets look incredible and Choiced sets, while harder to run, are also ridiculously hard to switch into. Easily one of the best mons this slate, may even be broken.

Vertaspire: See what I said for Stupendous Tectonova, but even moreso here. For some reason people were VERY afraid of giving Ghosts Poltergeist this slate, and this mon is definitely hurt worst of all by that decision. However, I do see one niche for this guy, and it's as a TR setter. Not that many guys get TR, and this one is very fat and has access to Memento to let in abusers easier. Not the greatest if niches, but at least it's something.

Wormisery: Fucking hell, I knew I shouldn't have given this guy Barb Barrage. Ok so when I saw Water/Poison No Guard, it was pretty obvious that this guy had to be a specially offensive mon. Dolsin and Octazure already existed to fill the other Water/Poison roles, so if a mon of that typing wanted to stand out, it needed to go special. Well, I tried my best with the movepool, but stats guy had other plans I guess. This mon sucks. Its physical coverage is nonexistent and its special offenses are laughable. Its utility is mired in awful bulk and subpar speed, and really any positive role it could fill is taken up already by Octazure, Rizzidi, or even known shitmon Dolsin. Also it had AI art so uh, yeah. 0/10.

Wyrmidon: It's ok. Movepool guy really tried their best to give this mon everything it could possibly need, and stats guy followed suit, but a mono-Grass offensive mon is just really gonna struggle to do anything in this Steel-centric meta. But hey, at least it beats all the new Grounds (besides the broken one...)!

You humour me greatly with your arrogance and contempt, a flood of accusations born from the poison of envy and smite of disrespect.: Worst name of all time. Mon itself looks pretty insane. Speed Boost is an incredibly strong ability, and this guy abuses it very well. The only real downside is a complete lack of bulk, but with Screens support you can definitely get around that. Ban Combaudit btw.

Overall a much better slate than slate 2. Obviously some mons are still very suspect, but the low-effort shitters were a lot less prominent this time, and a lot of the new mons seems really interesting and unique. I'm excited to give the meta a try, though we REALLY need to ban Unpatroll and Quackologist no matter what.

Initial VR:

Banned: Molei
Meta Defining: Cryofey, Razorbeep, Unbearabolt, YHMG
Great: Atlassey, Humpcave, Ramoxide, Reflactal, Stunseed
Good: Attaxolotl, Ensure, Jermpire, Rizzidi, Sisyphidna, Stupendous Tectonova, Wyrmidon
Niche: Aerosterror, Eepinsomnia, Fuqoff, Serverus, Vertaspire
Shitmons: Ducklepto, Rimdaak, Wormisery
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