ORAS OU A Dank squad of boys Peaked (20th)

well laddering with one of my squads, I ran into a hydreigon and i quickly realized that in the current meta (or against my team at least) Hydreigon has very few switch ins especially paired with mega-gross And I thought what a great core to build around for the upcoming OLt shift i will take part in. so Lets get to this squad

3peat (Hydreigon) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- U-turn
- Dark Pulse
- Fire Blast
- Draco Meteor

Like i said hydreigon is one of the stars of this team, i chose to use scarf because this team lacks speed control before metagross mega evolves, it works as a great lead because it can u-turn if it has a bad match up or drop a draco and take down scarf lando. dark plus is great for late game sweeping and wearing down teams so metagross or volk can sweep, fire blast is for the ferros and scizors. I'm thinking of replacing for a mixed set or life orb set

Metagay (Metagross) @ Metagrossite
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Hammer Arm
- Meteor Mash
- Pursuit
- Zen Headbutt

Meta gross is the other part of the dregon metagross core. after dregon has warren down the slowbros and other mons that get in metagross's way it can tear it up. the set im running is pretty stander, I choose to run pursuit to help metagross finish off mons and trap the ladis witch are a pretty big threats to my team. I'm thinking of running a rock polish set though.

uber everywhere (Volcarona) @ Leftovers
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 252 HP / 204 Def / 52 Spe
Bold Nature
- Roost
- Fiery Dance
- Quiver Dance
- Bug Buzz

I decided to pick volc because my team got bodied by mega scizor and volc takes care of lots of threats and mons that wall metagross. it can set up and works really well against most bulky teams and can deal with stall pretty well. I thought a bulkier set worked well so it would live longer and be able to set up on clefs witch bother this team since gross has to take needless damage switching in on moonblasts.

dank gucci777 (Thundurus) @ Life Orb
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunder Wave
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Focus Blast

Thundrus my smogon bird (talonflame) counter most of the time witch is pretty rough tbh. thundy is usally my lead because it can beat most opposing leads like tar m-diance and bully chomp. thundy is usually saved if there is a set up sweeper that could give me trouble so i can thunder wave it and slow them down. Its move set pretty much says everything kill everything then thunder wave to slow down a threat.

la flame (Skarmory) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 248 HP / 236 Def / 24 Spe
Impish Nature
- Roost
- Stealth Rock
- Iron Head
- Defog

I needed a way to remove and set up hazards and to stop me from getting tossed by exca in the sand or scarfed lando. skarmory takes on most of this teams physical threats to this team. I use iron head to beat clefs and slyvions. rocky helmet is to help deal damage to spinners and to deal some damage to turn turn cores (yes that's not just something you see on heata fajita) I'm thinking of running whirlwind over iron head to help phase set up sweppers like mega gara and scizor because they can set up pretty freely.

ferda gator (Feraligatr) @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Crunch
- Dragon Dance
- Ice Punch
- Waterfall

I'm really thinking of changing Gator because he does his job but i need a better way to face talon flame and zard x after a dd, thinking of replacing gator with band azu. but gator servs as a take a hit then hit back hard kind of mon when I get to set up a dd it ca n tear threw teams after drigon is done doing it stuff. crunch is to help hit rotoms witch are pretty bothersome to this team.

here is the squad if you wanna try


The team looks alright, but I may have a few suggestions:

LO Hydreigon > Choice Scarf Hydreigon
Putting enough EV's in speed, Hydra outspeeds a lot of the 'Mons that it needs to outspeed, and as such, I'd also suggest Flash Cannon > U-turn since it destroys Fairies with that stellar SpA combined with the Life Orb.

Substitute > Roost and Giga Drain > Bug Buzz on Volc. Sub allows you to ease prediction and also stops statusers in their tracks, also giving Volc a turn to Quiver Dance and boost stats. Giga drain provides recovery, while also destroying any water types that come to check Volc. Especially helping against Mega Swamperts and Azumarills that switch in and stuff.

Nasty Plot > Focus Blast since HP Ice and T-bolt already have perfect neutral coverage in a boltbeam combo. Nasty Plot fires Thundy's SpA to levels that make you shiver. Lefties > LO since Nasty Plot already provides more than enough power, and Lefties allows it remain alive.

Agility > Hammer Arm on Megagross which would allow it to Outspeed everything in the tier with a single boost. EQ > Pursuit generally works better, and allows you to destroy opposing Megagross and other things like TTar and Heatran.

Feraligatr is good, but you lack a fairy, which provides a dragon immunity. Throwing a fairy in its place would complete the DFS core (Dragon Fairy Steel) that covers each others weaknesses and hits powerfully. CB Azumarill > Feraligatr would help a lot. It's a really powerful 'mon that can take a lot of hits, and dish them out with twice the power.

Good Luck! ^w^
The team looks alright, but I may have a few suggestions:

LO Hydreigon > Choice Scarf Hydreigon
Putting enough EV's in speed, Hydra outspeeds a lot of the 'Mons that it needs to outspeed, and as such, I'd also suggest Flash Cannon > U-turn since it destroys Fairies with that stellar SpA combined with the Life Orb.

Substitute > Roost and Giga Drain > Bug Buzz on Volc. Sub allows you to ease prediction and also stops statusers in their tracks, also giving Volc a turn to Quiver Dance and boost stats. Giga drain provides recovery, while also destroying any water types that come to check Volc. Especially helping against Mega Swamperts and Azumarills that switch in and stuff.

Nasty Plot > Focus Blast since HP Ice and T-bolt already have perfect neutral coverage in a boltbeam combo. Nasty Plot fires Thundy's SpA to levels that make you shiver. Lefties > LO since Nasty Plot already provides more than enough power, and Lefties allows it remain alive.

Agility > Hammer Arm on Megagross which would allow it to Outspeed everything in the tier with a single boost. EQ > Pursuit generally works better, and allows you to destroy opposing Megagross and other things like TTar and Heatran.

Feraligatr is good, but you lack a fairy, which provides a dragon immunity. Throwing a fairy in its place would complete the DFS core (Dragon Fairy Steel) that covers each others weaknesses and hits powerfully. CB Azumarill > Feraligatr would help a lot. It's a really powerful 'mon that can take a lot of hits, and dish them out with twice the power.

Good Luck! ^w^
Thnx man I've even been thinking of replacing the Azu with a seismtoad with rocks and give scary rocks because te team gets volt switched on like crazy
This is a very nice team. A top 20 peak is something to be very proud of! Most new players find that very difficult so congradulations :) On to the team. While I like the strategy of using your ingame team, sometimes it is better to try out new options and be creative! The problem with using legendairies such as thundurus, landorus, or tornadus, etc. is that it will make some people mad and it is kind of unfair. Some people even don't like use megas too!! So my first suggestion is replace thundurus with:

http:// http://

Jolteon @ Air Balloon
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Shadow Ball

Jolteon is currently the fastest pokemon in ou. Some would argue it is more powerful than thundurus but that is okay because it is not legendary. It's speed means it has faster thunder wave than thundurus and it gets a useful ability to heal with. I chose shadow ball over focus blast because I believe this is better coverage for your team. Finally, with an air balloon jolteon also provides your team with a ground resist. So nothing is lost. Plus jolteon provides your team with speed control.

I can't remember if hydreigon is a legend, but I think it is. So I recommend replacing it as well. Besides it doesn't do a whole lot for your team, and the metadregon team is a little outdated. So since you should also replace megagross, here is my suggestion:

Garchomp @ Garchompite
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Rash Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Fire Blast
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake

Mega garchomp is actually very underrated in the current meta. It will have the same surprise factor as hydreigon, allowing you to drop a draco on lando-t for the ohko. Also, it provides your team with speed control if you wait to mega it, because garchomp goes fast. Once you drop a draco/ roast ferro or scizor, you can surprise them by setting up a sd and sweep/hit hard with earthquake!

As for the metagross replacement, I suggest banded scizor. He has very similar coverage but can hit even harder, and comes with priority.

Overall very nice team! Maybe polish up the formatting a little, post your peak and some replays, then it will be really good!
Definatley a catchy title though!

Lee out!
Mega metagross is so op You should swich it for a mega Sceptile

Sceptile-Mega @ Sceptilite
Ability: Lightning Rod
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Leaf Storm
- Rock Slide
- Dragon Pulse
- Hidden Power [Fire]

this is my favourite set because because if you predict the switch into talon flame you can rock slide kill them and make your opponent rage quit after you say trololololololo/Kek or Kappa

also you could change thundrus for a even cooler pokemon from a way better trio

Entei @ Assault Vest
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Bulldoze
- Sacred Fire
- Extreme Speed
- Body Slam

this set is really good because of sacred fire and for the wildcard move body slam
Body slam is a rare move but is awesome because it gets those clutch parahax and bulldoze
helps because on the lati roost u can slow them down and then proceed to fuck up there shit also entei is a perfect counter to donphan even though it is said to be bad i think donphan has the potential to ruin unprepared teams

finnaly this is what brings me to my final suggestion

i think you should change skarmory for this op mon

Donphan @ Choice Band
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Gunk Shot
- Play Rough
- Earthquake
- Superpower

it recks alot of teams i get many sweeps with it thats why i dont use it anymore it was too good for the ladder some people called it the arceus of ou no

thanks for reading this long post hope you take these suggestions into consederation
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