Multifaction/FFA 4 Wayne 4 Brady - Signups (Game Starts 8/30 at 7 PM CDT)


tag walls, punch fascists
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
I've never seen a Fast & Furious film in my life, and this title doesn't even make sense as a reference. We're 2 for 2 so far.

Welcome to the 4th CANON (UncleSam ain't me, kids) installment of the Wayne Brady series of games. To summarize briefly, a Wayne Brady game is a free-for-all unicycle game which utilizes an HP system. Each player is given a set of passive and active abilities as well as a once-per-cycle attack and must outlast certain sectors of the game as specified in their win condition in order to, well, win. As one might expect in such a game, communication outside of the game thread is not only allowed but HIGHLY encouraged.

Confused? Educate yo'self, son. Full rules below the spoiler.

This is a free-for-all game. There are no teams.

Each player has an Alias, determined prior to the start of the game. All actions, including attacks, target aliases unless the specific phrase "target Smogon user" is used in the action's description. Players may submit their own alias; if they choose not to do so, their alias will be created by the host.

This game will take place in turns called Cycles. Each Cycle will consist of each player having the opportunity to use an ability and attack another player. Cycles will generally be 48 hours long, though note that I will always state when the next cycle is scheduled to end.

The Lynch
Does not exist. More on that below.

Each player will receive a PM on the anonymous forum containing their role. A role will look something like this:
"Dear <Alias>,
You are <Role Name>.

<Flavor text. This will usually be 2-3 sentences.>

<Ability, and how to use it. Note that some abilities are passive, and that some roles have more than one ability.>

Max HP: <#>
Attack: <#>

You win if <win condition>."

You may not quote any part of your role verbatim except for your Role Name, HP, and Attack.

Each role has at least one ability. Some of these are passive, whereas some require the targeting of another alias. In general, targeted abilities are used by sending a PM with some variation of the following formatting: "Cycle <#>: Target <Alias>". You may choose to not use a targeted ability by sending a PM with "Cycle <#>: Idle". Passive abilities are always on, no PM required, and cannot be disabled.

HP and Attack
In addition to abilities, each player will be able to attack one other alias each cycle. Doing so simply requires sending a PM with "Cycle <#>: Attack <Alias>". You may choose to idle your attack. Attacking an alias reduces their HP by an amount equal to your Attack stat. When you run out of HP, you are dead. You can no longer talk to other players about the game, post in the lynch, or use abilities or attacks. In addition, dying means you have lost - dead players cannot win. I can neither confirm nor deny the presence of any sort of resurrection mechanic in this game.There may be roles that cause players to regain health. Players cannot be healed above their maximum HP.

At the beginning of each new cycle, you will receive a PM detailing any results you may have received from the previous cycle. Results may include, but are not limited to, the failing of your action or the blocking of your attack. If all of your targeted moves succeeded and nothing noteworthy happened to you, you will not receive a result. I can neither confirm nor deny the presence of roles that may cause dishonesty in player's results.

Each player has a subset of other players in the game that they must outlive, as detailed in their win condition. Upon satisfying this win condition, a player will immediately exit the game. Players who have exited the game via winning do not count as dead. Should a player find themselves mechanically unable to win the game for any reason, they will immediately lose. Players who have exited the game via losing do count as dead.

Standard Investigation
In addition to everything in their role, every player also has access to an ability called a Standard Investigation. More details on this will be revealed at game start.

Communicating With Others
While you are alive, the only methods of communication which are disallowed are those covered in the Circus Maximus rules - namely, screenshotting or screen sharing. All other methods of communication are allowed. While you are dead, you may not talk about the game to anyone. You may not copy/paste any host communications, including but not limited to Role PMs, Results PMs, and general conversations. You may paraphrase and refer to host communications. You may copy/paste communications with other players, and you may fake logs.

The term "priority" refers to the order in which actions occur. This has been predetermined beforehand, and will not change. Generally, actions will resolve in the following order:
Passive > Real Time > High Priority > Disruptive (Blocking > Redirecting > Delaying) > Protective > Damaging > Basic Attack > Other > Investigative
In the event that multiple Redirective roles conflict, the redirect used by the player with more HP will take precedence. In the event that the players have the same HP, the redirect used by the player with more Attack takes precedence. In the event that the players have the same Attack, the action that was sent first takes precedence.

All global Smogon and Circus Maximus rules apply. The hosts reserve the right to punish anything they consider to be cheating or unfair play, regardless of whether it's covered in these rules. The hosts also reserve the right to force-sub any player they feel is not meeting an acceptable level of activity - note, however, that no forcible substitutions will occur due to poor play. Above all else, have fun and don't be a dick. It's a game, guys.

For series vets, here's what you can expect from this particular installment:
-many fewer winners: I've taken a leaf from EIMM's book and capped the number of winners on this game to a significant margin. The mechanic behind this will make itself evident once you see your wincon.
-simplification of global roles: UncleSam's complicated spreadsheet of global roles is gone. In its place is a mechanic similar to Bradiest's enemy check, modified to fit this game's wincon mechanic. Full details on this will be revealed at game start.
-no lynches: period. Shit's gone.
-the flavor's gonna be even WORSE: surely you didn't think my taste had improved since last time?
-48 hour phases: I think this is how I've always done it in the past, and it's how I'll do it now. Once a significant number of players have died, I'll consider shortening this to 24 hours, with advance warning.
-choose your own alias!: one of my favorite things about EIMM is making its way over here. When you sign up, you may PM me the alias you wish to use during the game. If you don't do so, no big, I'll just make one up for you like I've done in the past. I also reserve the right to veto any aliases that would make you a fucking asshole.
-power to the people: if this game has a non-pitiful number of players, the role power will probably be significantly higher than it has been in previous Wayne Brady games.

So here's the deets:

This game will start next Thursday, 8/30, at 7 PM CDT (Central Daylight Time, for the uninitiated - you're smart people, you know how Google works), also known as "next week". I will run this game with no fewer than 15 people and no more than 40, and the game size MUST be a multiple of 5. I'll be taking first come, first served to determine who gets these slots, so get on in here!

Signups (22/20+):
Da Letter El
Former Hope
Fenrir Aesir
Jay (FT) Flush
Asek (low prio)
Jalmont (low prio)
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