2016 musics


Banned deucer.
The only 2016 album ive listend too was new babymetal - was pretty interesting and unique, got me to listen to the rest of their stuff. Was a prettty cool trip. And kanye was obligatory even tho im not the biggest fan of his. He's pretty influential I just don't like his flow + lyrics that much, but I missed TLOP discussion so w.e

To the meat of my post : I'm a massive At the Drive In fan and with the announcement of the splendor in the grass festivals line up I learned they will be coming to my country. Needless to say I'm SUPER hyped up for this. I never dreamed ATDI would reform, let alone be making the trip down under. I'm hoping they do a single show down in my state so I don't need to make a massive interstate drive to see them perform + pay an exorbant amount for the ticket to splendor when a lot of the line up doesnt really get me going. the Strokes and The Cure aren't exactly 2 of my favorite bands, but if I go to splendor I guess I'll see sigur ros and the avalanches perform live and thats their only australian performance. I haven't been to a full on festival in 2 years now, only single gigs, but I've enjoyed a lot of them. One of my biggest regrets I had last year was choosing to go to a party with friends instead of going to see American Football live, which is probably an oppurtunity I will never get again. But the gigs I have been to I've enjoyed a lot, I feel like you appreciate the music a lot more live than you do sitting at home.

Whats some of y'all experiences at festivals and gigs? Lots of smogoners are older than me and probably have some cool experiences to share related to seeing live acts!

e: I know this isnt rlly discussion of new musics but I think its still related enough to be discussed here. maybe
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Asek I've gone to laneway the last two years and loved it, I'd kinda like to go to splendour this year too (bands you listed + The Kills + Hermitude + The Internet who I sadly missed at Laneway because I was getting an autograph from CHRVCHES [worth]) but I'll be in the USA. I don't recommend going interstate for a music festival if you only like one artist there but splendour has a huge lineup (it's not bad imo) and you should consider trying the other artists to see if you could make it more worth it. That being said, find out how fast splendour tickets sell out before deciding whether to wait for sideshow announcements or not. I got owned this year because I went to laneway and paid for my ticket before I needed to but then the Purity Ring sideshow was announced (so I ended up going to two sideshows and seeing the artists at laneway as well, which was still amazing but $$$ and also I was practically dead after those those few days). I generally prefer going to concerts rather than music festivals but that could just be because Australia kind of has shit music festivals lol

On the other hand if you could get some friends together you could have a really great time, especially since SitG goes for three days and will have other random shit going on too. Music festivals are best enjoyed with at least one friend I think, I've gone in a group and solo and while I enjoyed the extreme freedom of going solo you miss out on a lot of the real fun of music festivals, the social element (also finding random bands you never knew you liked because you walked past their set and it was good). It's really the people that make the main feel of the music festival.

Anyway if you really love just one band the sideshow is a better use of your money imo, the only real concern is missing a splendour ticket and not having a sideshow in your state. I'd say the likelihood of at least 2 of Syd/Melb/Bris sideshows is probably high but yeah. Even if they only do Sydney it's something to consider, whether you'd rather drive one night for Sydney or drive to Byron for 3-4. I really regret not going to FKA twigs's sideshow even though she was my main reason to go to laneway 2015, the sets are shorter, it's harder to hear and impossible to see, and the days are fuckin tiring/hot. That being said, I don't know how good the splendour venue is but there's something special and different about hearing your favourites perform outdoors; the sound can be amplified in an incredible way, you have the beauty of the sky and natural lighting engulfing the stages, and the atmosphere is unreal. So if it's a choice between ATDI at Splendour and no ATDI I'd say probably do it and set about getting your money's worth. Since you like live experiences I'd say you could almost certainly find a way to have fun tbh, it's easy to have fun at music festivals since you tend to go easier on the music + get swept up when it's live (especiall yif the crowds are decent) + I guess people like to drink and blaze it or whatever and just absorb the Tunes

Be prepared for overpriced as fuck food and drink though

P.S. I agree with you the live experience is really good for most acts and is all the more reason to be open minded to the rest of the lineup if you really wanna go, but you don't want to be fucking around Splendour in the Grass alone for three days just to see a couple of bands, especially when there's still a possibility they'll overlap (remote though since the bands you listed), unless they've released the schedule that is? Timetable anxiety is always great for festivals. Laneway was fucked this year timetable-wise
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festivals get you so hyped about seeing dozens of your favorite bands that you sometimes forget that you will not be able to see all the bands you want to, and that you will be absolutely exhausted most of the time and won't enjoy it nearly as much as you might otherwise.

having said that, if you know that ahead of time, you'll be fine. just be sure to stay hydrated and 'screened up.


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new catfish & the bottlemen, it sounds exactly like it should have been on The Balcony and i'm confused why it wasn't but lol

still solid (not their best) and i'm looking forward to a new album


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Am I the only one who's excited to see Rick Astley, the singer of Never Going to Give You Up, returned to singing?
His new song is amazing.
elzhi's lead poison is one of the best hiphop albums ive heard this year. best lyricism ive heard in a while. this playlist has some of the songs, but i bet its available on all streaming sites

if u dont know who elzhi is, he was a member of slum village, which was j dilla's official group.


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also gotta say, i've really been digging the new elzhi. wasn't following him heavily, so i kinda figured he had just dropped off after elmatic (also a pretty cool mixtape if you can get over the whole 'remixing illmatic' deal, b.c his lyricism is sharp), but i got tipped off by dehh to it. was plenty impressed by it. if i could take a slight step in a different direction, yc the cynic dropped a free mixtape of leftover feature tracks, deep cuts, etc. that didn't end up anywhere b.c he's planning on droppin the name and shifting over to a different project. there isn't as much cohesion there, cuz that's just kinda what the tape is by nature, but there are plenty of cool tracks in there to shift through, and yc is a similarly sharp lyricist that i might put in a similar vein as elzhi.

also, ten days til the new death grips and vektor, like what???

The Avalanches

pokemon tcg
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Kinda disappointed in myself for not getting tickets to Splendour in the Grass. I'm a two-hour drive from Byron and I have the money, so it should have been a no brainer. Guess I have to hope The Avalanches announce more Australian dates.
for Robert Alfons but also anyone else into more creative music, Oren Ambarchi released a collab recently that I thought was amazing. This is it. I was excited for this cuz i Like Oren and I like Pupillo, whom I know from the free jazz scene. Don't know the other guy but his guitar work in here is amazing. Track 1 is an alright ambient track, 2 is the best song I've heard all year, an unrelenting noise beating to your ears that doesn't let up.

This is also an amazing deep house song that I heard recently. Gonna check the dude's album soon.
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!dice 100
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Blink 182 is back! They just released this single and they're album is coming out on the 182nd day of the year (July 1st). The album will be very different without their lead singer/guitarist Tom Delonge, but i think Skiba will do well.


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ok, ive been listening to commercial stuff. the new drake is just ok. first seven did absolutely nothing for me, felt like drake doing an impression of a dude doing an impressive of take care; the old ethereal production coming back from that record did a great job highlighting the complete lack of sonic evolution of drake in that time, and even the bangers sounded like sleepier renditions of somethin off the new Denzel curry mixtape (which has been out a while now and is good, pick it up), with way worse hooks too. the partynextdoor track actually was pretty sharp tho, in spite of an awful feature. the next few were kinda eh (faithful was pretty decent, rest were average), and ofc the worst part of the entire record is the future verse, b.c he's the most dispensable guy in rap since big sean (as soon as it clicked that it was the future verse, I just skipped b.c I knew I had heard literally everything I was going to hear after line 1). but actually tho, after that the quality peaks and stays there for the remainder of the album. pop style is probably the highlight track for me; the production is really thick and eery, kinda reminiscent of that clipse track 'keys open doors', and drake delivers in a way that really complements the vibe of it all. hotline bling is still cool, but it feels weird to have it as the closer track. like, views had this whole grand, succinct feel to it, why end on such a mid-album material piece dude? but yeah, there are some mediocre tracks and some downright terrible ones (might be better if you loved take care, but I was very lukewarm on it), but it maintained a pretty consistent aesthetic and had some of drakes best tracks to date. light to decent 6 :D

also, lemonade is actually really solid. never was particularly drawn to beyonce as an artist, but this is really well made and intimate haha

e: fwiw, views is losin charm as i start to focus in on the lyrics. whoops
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There hasn't been many albums I've waited for as anxiously as this one, but Neil Cicierega finally released a new Lemon Demon album about a month ago and it's good. Basically its an alt-rock album made by the same guy responsible for Potter Puppet Pals and the infamous Mouth Sounds/Mouth Silence LPs from awhile back, and despite how weird it might sound to imagine this man making music with a band, it actually sounds pretty stellar with a wide array of instrumentation and sounds throughout and a series of off-the-wall songs ranging from an extended metaphor for the the fall of the Arcade to a song about Reaganomics. Give it a listen if you're looking to spice up your music selection.


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OK so now we have new Radiohead for real:

After a listen and a half it has me. Can't wait for the rest of the album, it's gotta be soon now

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