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  • I need to go for the night, but if you wouldn't mind saving me the rest of the NU pokemon, I can have them done for you by tomorrow (assuming you like the way I have written the past descriptions).
    how was the venusar one i tired to pull out the most important and eye poping stuff
    Lol you are aware that i'm aware of that I have done it before. i'm just saying more people will take it and turn it into hitmonlee for convience because it already has higher attack and adamant nature. OK lol i fully understand how the chans they are my favorite evoloution TRIO well Quad
    just so you know since that hitmontop you have has uneven def and attack IVs i am also willing to write a Hitmonlee one also since typically when the def and attack
    iv dont match thats another thing people go for
    yes sir. Lol especially manaphy as it runs like phione which i use in my Rain dance team all the time
    So are you giving theforgottensoul all of the NU section if so that is fine. as i specalize in UU/OU but i dont want us both writting descriptions for the same pokes you know
    ok cool, but neither of the sets call for counter. is there a specific move list you want?
    Thanks. However, if I could only have one section, could I get NU? As you can probably tell by my thread, its my specialty.
    lol its cool, i should have these guy done by tomorrow. Do you want them to be the same?
    For all of your pokemon or just some? If you could, please reserve me...say half of them. I will have them done by tomorrow.
    I will gladly write descriptions for you. You can see some of my previous descriptions in my past two threads, but unfortunately I had to remove them from my newest one. If you're interested, just shoot me a pm with each pokemon (and possibly a note about something you'd like me to highlight i.e. a hidden power) and I will have them done hopefully by tomorrow.
    Sure i bring it with me to wifi. could you clone me back a copy though, its my last one? Ill get them cloned to distribute before i train them too
    Wow ok dude thats cool too. Are there any specific spreads you want on them? Should i distribute before or after i train them?
    Can you trade now? It was your Calm Manaphy for Acid Paradox's Giratina. Also, I believe I won the Ekans and Pichu giveaways, lol.

    Thank you.
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