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  • Oh wow, thank you! ♥
    I'll vm you when I'm around my wifi to see if you're available. :D
    I'm finished and ready to trade when your ready! Also, could you nickname whimiscott fluffles? Haha
    All right, right now it's a petlil but I will ev train it up real quick. Is 252 spAtt/252 Spe/4 Hp good?
    Ooo thank you! What would you like me to EV train for you? I should mention that I'm currently lurking from work so I'm not around my wifi-connection at the moment. :3

    Just curious... but would it be possible to have the Whimsicott nicknamed Dust Demon? (I hope I'm not asking too much, please let me know if I am.) I can also throw in an Immunity (dreamworld) Gligar if you would like that?
    Hey Elemt! Sorry to bother you again, but I need one more pokemon from your thread if you could lend me a copy for VGC use. It's the Jolly Tornadus EVed
    Also, I haven't finished beacuse school is almost over,and I have a lot of tests. In summer break, I can do a party a day for you.
    Almost. For the dino, could I just trade you fenix54's? that's fully ev'ed. I just have the deino to go.
    Hey man, just wondering if I would indeed be able to EV train the shiny timburr from your thread for a copy of it (if you can clone). Sorry if you saw the post already.
    I'm not sure if you saw my post on your thread but i would really like those mentioned pokes. Please consider
    Hey, I have a question. I have a copy of your shiny Tornadus, but the guy I got it from (Ashenlock) said he got it sem-redis, so I'm only using it for myself. However, your thread just got bumped and I noticed that it said all your VGC pokemon were full redis now. Can I redistribute this Tornadus or should I leave it as is?

    Thank you. Also might be interested in some of your VGC pokemon, but I'll finish looking and post in your thread.
    Hehe alrighty. Well, I'm using a rebattle code for Tornadus, since I already captured a Timid HP Ice one, and Iambaney told me the rain doesn't advance the PID. Now I've tried to capture Tornadus 4 times now, and got the same nature twice. Is that just coincidence?
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