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Ah, sounds great! I love your attitude towards your date, you sadly see that less and less nowadays! I'm very happy to see you're doing really well with regards to that, and I hope things may continue for you as well as they're going :)

Don't be embarrassed, love is a key part of life :)
Uh, mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut mehr, weil ich das zu letzt vor zwei Jahren studiert habe! Ich sollte es wieder abholen, weil ich mindestens 90% vergessen habe. Wahrscheinlich stimmen diesen Sätze auch nicht! Hahaha.
In high school I was obliged to either pick up German and French next to Dutch and English. I picked both though and decided after a year to ditch French (I'm sorry! Hahaha) and finished German, but ever since I've never studied at again really.
Instead, I did a course on Spanish which I'm looking to continue when I have time. It saddens me I couldn't choose it in high school instead of French or German, because I would have preferred it :)

Lastly, when are you moving to Germany? Soon or in a few months ? (And Smogon, please fix this 420 character limit, it sucks)
Ahh dein Deutsch ist noch gut, oder? :D Ich habe nur 9 Monaten Deutsch studiert und ich muss weitermachen, um mein Deutsch zu verbessern. Ich wünsche nur, dass ich mehr Gelegenheiten hätte, Deutsch zu verwenden. Okay I'll write the rest in English now XDD
And aw thank you! I feel very happy and loved recently even though things were kinda hard and I was in a kinda sad mood for a few months XD But it's really all fine now, i'm finally free from suffering. And haha it's okay, I completely dropped French too even though I really like the language XD
it's just, I don't see myself living in France or Canada or something, and since I don't see that kind of a future, I lost interest in learning French.
But I feel like one day I would become fluent in German though :D I love learning it so much. My reading and listening comprehension is quite good by now, Im proud of that! But writing and speaking is much harder since I don't practice that as much as I should XD
Ohh I hope you have fun learning Spanish, you should use the website LingQ. I use it to learn German and it's honestly so good. The only thing is that you have to pay a subscription but it's super worth if you're serious about studying it :D
Also I will move to Germany in around 8 months! I feel like my whole life will change. Like it will finally begin, if that makes sense? XD

But I have to get my student visa done, ohh and I have to renew my passport since it expired XD And yeah this character limit is so weird, it feels like im using Twitter or something haha!
And i'm super glad to hear from you again, it's been a really long time. I hope everything's well for you too!
Ah, good to see my German is still allright. It's quite similar in some ways to my home language, which makes it sometimes a bit easier to speak!

I love your ambitions and your enthusiasm for it. I really hope things keep going the way they are for you!
Thank you for the advice! I will definitely check it out, it'll probably prove a solution for now (to keep myself sharp) as the (non-obliged) classes are delayed, for probably obvious reasons hahaha.
Germany is wonderful, I've been there myself several times. I'm also simply a huge fan of the traditional dishes there, they certainly know how to treat your stomach. Also many wonderful places in nature and historical places! You should absolutely look forward to it, also because of meeting your date again, obviously :)
These comment limits give me headaches, really :p

Yeah everything's going well too! In my love life there are things to be done, but I do have my eyes on someone hahaha.
And yes, it must have been years since we last talked! Many good memories to cherish. I also wish we would ever hear from Psywaves again. Nonetheless, it is really fun talking to you again here!

With that, I owe you my apologies for continiously taking days or weeks to reply - I should really get back to you faster. I will attempt to ;)
Thank you :D ohh german is kind of close to Dutch right? XD but i hope things keep going well for you too!
I've never been to Germany before, I havent been to too many places in Europe. Only Spain, Italy, France haha! I hope to visit lots of historical places :D
also what are some traditional dishes there? I became pescatarian in January so that means i can eat fish but no other meat, so i hope there are some stuff i can try!
I hate the comment limit too XD what is this hahah! and I hope your love life works out well too :D and yeah it's been so long since we talked!
I hope we can hear from Psywaves too but i dont think he's ever going to come back XD but good memories haha. he made those really hard scavenger hunts, and I remember he was really smart. so i'm sure he's doing well :D