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  • Wow did not know that stealth rocks was a tutor move for gen 6. Thank you so much for sending those links hopefully I have something that interests you so I can redeem those two credits:)
    See yah around anything in particular you're looking for that I should be on the look out for?
    Not really, just past gen RNG'd event pokes from legitimate wondercards and self-obtained KB legends.
    Ok I will stay on the look out for stuff like that until then see yah:)
    hey i dont think we ever actually completed our trade (shiny duggy + spitback audino for flawless raikou). can we set up a definite time to do it?
    aight it should only take me a min to clone it
    Great, no rush, I'll be on. Thank you so much for the Raikou, sorry it took so long to do the trade X(
    heh no problem, it's partially my fault too :]

    enjoy it!
    Hey tatertot, could i have you hatch an egg for me, it matches your shiny value? my fc is 3754-7218-5987. thank you in advanced, i have already added you
    What is your avatar of? Is it Dialga or something non-Pokemon?
    Haha no, it's from the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion, it's a robot-mecha type thing.
    It does kind of look like Dialga though, now that you mention it
    Lady Valkyrie
    Lady Valkyrie
    Yeah, looks like Dialga like firing up a Roar or Time or so. Pretty cool avatar though.
    Hey, I havent bought any Gen 6 games, so I cant trade it, sry :/ Still thinking if I should buy the game.
    Ah, ok. Let me know if you ever do, I'd be very interested in it :) gen 6 has brought about a lot of exciting changes for collectors, it's a great time to come back to Smogon.
    hey, i really need that 0 spe/31x5 litwick for my vgc15 team. i have a few battle ready perfect/flawless shinies. let me know if you´re interested.
    Hi, sorry but I'm not really taking breeding requests like that right now, it's finals week for me and I don't really have the time. Sorry!
    Since I'll probably end up going Heal Ball for Rayquaza and you mentioned to CYT for it, do you care about the nature? I was currently going Jolly, but if you have a preference I wouldn't mind changing.
    Great, online as well.
    pika pal
    pika pal
    Thanks for Jirachi, hope Rayquaza proves helpful.

    Now to find my AS Destiny Knot and the Scanner for Lugia.
    Thank you too! That Heal Ball is truly beautiful.
    To add if you have any PGL Tyrunt/KoR Theater Diancie codes stocked people are also accepting a couple of those for an Arceus redeem.
    I had a Korean Diancie code for a while, but I traded it for a Tanabata. The Tyrunt thing I just find ridiculous, it's absurd that those things are worth as much as they are. I think I'll just hold off for a while, I'm not super interested in one for myself, but I do think it would be cool to get one for Smogon people to share around.
    Yeah, I have a few JPN friends so I could coax them into giving me one for here maybe. The only problem is I'm on Smogon so little as of late I wouldn't be much help.

    I found the Tyrunt thing ridiculous as well, especially if you enter wi-fi tournaments regularly, but I can't complain about that cop out option haha. It's unfortunate you no longer have the KoR Diancie but Tanabata isn't a bad trade at all. Sorry to bother though, just thought I'd share what the going rates were (since they've literally been discussing it for almost 7 hours now on and off :/ ). Good luck with your trades! o/
    True about the Tyrunt codes, it was pretty funny to see all the redditors who don't battle scrambling to get one for their collection, haha.

    Thanks for the insight! I haven't been following it that closely, that was some great info. Good luck to you as well!
    I can grab my events and give it to you if you get no response from the guy :) . Also have 3 unclaimed Unova too .
    Ah, it's no good them, I'd need them uncloned so they could be traded on reddit. Thanks anyways!
    Wait so it would be cloned? What i mean is save it before i get the pokemon, after the trade i back up the save so it would mean i never received them .
    If that consider clone then nvm, sorry :(
    the terrakion? one legend for 3spitbacks?
    I'd really only be interested in the untouched events, not spitbacks. Sorry, I thought that's what you were offering :P
    Remember few months ago we talked about calculating stats for event keldeo/shaymin/victini ? We completely forgot about the IV checker guy at Battle Maison lol .
    Also, you can't enter Battle Institute with Keldeo/shaymin/victini
    There seems to be a way to use powersaves to check data with PKHex but I can't seem to find a tutorial or anything. Only thing I can think of is asking someone with a japanese DS to check it for you.
    I actually figured out a way to do it with KeySAV/KeyBV and PKHex, there's a pretty good guide on reddit. Thanks for your help!
    Hi man, did you found anything in my thread that you want for you TR Cress? :)
    Hey, sorry for getting back to you so late on this, I'm sorry but I'll have to pass. I just don't have the time to trade here at the moment :/
    Hi mate, you replied on my Cresselia SR, what kind of set are you using with Sassy nature? I got a HP Fighting one as well which I EV'd according to the Smogon Dex, but not sure about the one I posted earlier, without useful HP. :p
    Hey! The one I use runs Helping Hand, Trick Room, Psyshock, and Skill Swap. It's mainly a supporter for my Mega Abomasnow, it can use Helping Hand to double the damage output of Blizzard in Doubles, and can use Skill Swap to reset Hail if needed/give Abomasnow a new ability.
    For EVs I go Max HP, then put the others mostly in Defense and Special Defense.
    Hey Tatertot,

    I'm done with your 7 BP's, let me know something when you can trade ^^
    Not today as I'm going to bed right now, but tomorrow does work for me if it isn't too late.
    Thanks for the trade! ^^ I'm back online, I have a clone of the rotom too.
    I just need the legends, the Rotom is all yours :)
    Thanks again ^^ If you need some other breeding projects done for you, you can always PM me.
    Oh wow, forgot about that, haha. I don't really need it, since I think Great Ball matches it better. Congrats though!
    Oh Okay. Thank you. ;)
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