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  • yeah i literally came to say exactly what mcm said. your articles are by far some of the most interesting to read and i look forward to seeing more. please do keep writing!

    e: lol i didn't realize how many times mcm said it haha, but just to reiterate the point: they're excellent. x)
    Thanks for the positive feedback! Unfortunately, I don't think i'll be able to write more artciles in a while; too much stuff going on already, in fact, too much Pokemon stuff. I had a hard time finding time to write that last article (started writing it in issue 30).

    I do hope to write more articles in the future though. It's fun to write them too :)
    Hey. I have been swamped by finals lately, so I haven`t even prepared a team. Would sometime tomorrow ok with you? I`m GMT+1 and would be able to play somewhere between 10-15 or 21-sometime over midnight. If none of those times will be possible, please let me know asap. I should also be able to play at a few uncertain times today. I am free all friday, but I guess that would be too late.

    edit: I have a team now.
    ¡Hey, Crystal_! He editado la letter, que me acabo de acordar, lol. Lo que tienen las vacaciones xD También he puesto un revamp para Dewgong en C&C de past gens, a ver si le puedes echar un ojo :) ¡Un saludo!
    oh yea late reply >_> Thanks for bringing it up Crystal_! It has been handled before release :)
    Great article again, with the previous edition one, those were the most interesting read that I've had on the Smog.
    So I'm trying to decide something important for the metagame portion of my article. Basically a lot of it mentions Starmie as a very versatile spinner. Here's the thing, Starmie has a Cosmic Power + Recover set, and the way I've interpreted CP it's +1 Def / +1 Spcl. Given Starmie's Speed, I don't know if that's even counterable if a set of CP / Recover / Blizzard / Thunderbolt is used. Victreebel and Venusaur can switch in once, but once Starmie gets to +2 it's all over. additionally, only Victreebel's Leaf Blade can OHKO, Venusaur's Razor Leaf falls well short. Zapdos and Chansey are the only things that can reliably stop it, and if it runs Psychic to lower Chansey's Special it becomes more vulnerable to other Psychics countering it, but can eventually overcome even Chansey as well.

    So I guess it's technically counterable - but only if you know its set, and only if you have Zapdos, Chansey, or the Psychic that resists the coverage move it chooses (Eggy for Thunderbolt, Slowbro and other Starmie for Blizzard). And that's only one Starmie set - it also has its standard set, and a spinner set.
    man, amazing smog article (issue 26)
    loved the shit out of it, i would spend hours reading articles like it
    The biggest problem I ran into in the current restrictions is that, well, there's not a whole lot of new moves with distribution on 1st Gen mons. The only mon that gets Cross Poison for example is Parasect. - Though Parasect is a huge winner generally with it getting X-Scissor, Aromatherapy, and Giga Drain to round out Spore. It could even use SD over GD since X-Scissor is a competent attack on a lot of OU.
    Nah, I'm going into moves that would redefine the meta. The trick of it is that I'm starting from an RBY baseline and importing newer Gen moves as if they always existed on RBY Mons. Otherwise the article is basically your series, but also assuming new moves - which makes it an almost pointless exercise in "what has the best level-up movepool assuming RBY era TMs."

    I decided that would be the best direction even though I though Cross Poison Crobat and Rock Wrecker Rhyperior were gonna be awesome :(
    My top picks so far are Megahorn/X-Scissor, Psycho Cut (Zam for Ubers srs), Dragon Dance, and Roost. There are others (and I missed Roost in my article approval thread) but those where the most significant.
    Tienes razón, es importante aunque sea una putada para el wrappeado. Bueno, al menos eso tiene fácil arreglo, gracias por decírmelo :)
    Perdona, que me tuve que marchar de improviso. Ya estaba usando un source de PO, jeje, igual siempre se escapan cosas :p Ahora con el reset Rest ya va bien.
    Just wanted to say your RBY Dragonite writeup from like a year ago is very well written. GJ
    hola crystal! te mando este mp para preguntarte cuando estás disponible para jugar la del desafio de pkspain (RBY) :)
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