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  • Sorry I had some things come up and can't make it today. I'm requesting a sub from my team. Sorry for the wait. I was looking forward to another shot at you!
    thursday at 7 yr time should work pretty well. I might be about an hour late to that time but well within the early portion o fthat range.
    Hey Crystal. We're battling again! GMT-5 would prefer to battle Wednesday the 13th or the 14th as I will be 100% unavailable all weekend. Let me know a time so we can work it out.
    hi Crystal_. i'm with problems in my masters (i'm finishing it) maybe we need to battle more late than time scheduled or tomorrow. Sorry and thks
    Okay, Friday works for me. I'll be busy during the morning on Friday, but I'll be here during the afternoon.

    You use mIRC, right? It'll be easier to find me there.

    And if we don't play on Friday for some reason, I have Sunday free too, so it'll not be a problem.
    hey, when do you wanna play for SPL? I'm GMT-3 in Daylight Saving Time (so it's like GMT-2) and usually on during the afternoon/evening
    I could play Friday afternoon but I would really prefer Saturday so I can spend Friday relaxing after a hard week of work. GMT-5 (EST) and the later the better, but if you're six hours ahead of me I suppose it will have to be earlier in the day.

    Available Fri-Sun all day. "All day" is really afternoon because I don't get home from work until about 3am and I like to catch up on daily shit I missed before going to bed, which means I get to bed around 5-7am and get up maybe 1pm-ish (EST). ;[ Anyway, just give me a definitive time (and timezone) and I'll try to be there. I suggest an evening time to avoid my potentially oversleeping it.
    puf, la verdad es que he estado bastante liado con examenes y me iria bastante mejor viernes sabado domingo. No puedes ningun dia de estos? =(
    sorry for being all of a sudden, but can we delay the match for sunday, same time? stuff happened and i gotta go back home today. if you cant at all, please ask gk/tennisace to sub me out, please.
    Allrighty, saturday then. I'll get on in the afternoon so it wont be late for ya, ill be on irc.
    Oh hey Im currently not at home (new years eve and stuff), but if weekdays are better for you I can see what I can do here. Nighttime is better for me, GMT -3. Also I dont think Netbattle works here (its a mac lol)
    I don't really care. You did the work finishing it and implementing changes. I just started it.
    i got owned right after cause i forgot about close combat's defense drops lol
    i play too much adv
    Nah I mean I took a snip of info to help write part of my article which isn't exactly related to rby. Haha.Btw, nice article :) I read it haha x)
    Hi Crystal_! Do you mind if I used some of the info from your RBY article for a smog article >.> ?
    Oh, checking the SCMS, Oggy moved it >.>

    I'll talk to him whenever I see him on IRC to find out why~

    And no sweat ^.^
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