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  • ok cool
    na man dont send that litwick back!
    I will give you lordScalgons litwick and joltank back just for any two pkm
    il be 5 mins yeh?
    Hey man do you want that litwick or was your heart set on the other one?

    also you want a clone or two of joltank?
    ok ill give you the two giveaway pkm then ill go out and get litwick and put joltank into file then trade you both ?
    Which litwick was this :/
    I hope i have the right one, if i dont i will have to get it when i put joltank to file.
    But i do have a few litwicks!
    thats ok man!
    Was this just the giveaway pokemon and i get joltank and you get him back? or was there something else?
    Yeh ill give you eevee and togepi you give me joltank and ill pkm file it then send back!il be ready in 15 mins! :)
    Yeh but I cant clone I can only make it into file and that way cloning! It will take 5 mins. So we trade. Ill be 5 mins then back in to give joltank back?
    Hey man I can trade in one hour. is that cool? What are we trading again? And I am getting joltank and then converting it to file for myswlf and then trading back yeh?
    You would not be at a disadvantage...everytime I allow someone to redistribute my Pokemon they always end up getting many trades from others as a result. Since your thread is lacking Pokemon my Blitzle addition would be a wise and good choice to add to your thread. Also, I NEVER redistribute others Pokemon, even when the person says I can so if I took anything from you in the future you would still be getting the better end of the stick. I am doing this to help you, if you refuse, it will be your loss, not mine.
    Nope, I only have a Level 100 Trained version, but I'm not interested in your Glaceon anymore, sorry.
    I'm trying agian, normally it should've immidiately worked! We managed to trade once...
    I totally don't understand.. maybe try this re-entering thing again. Remember to keep C-gear off and have enough power on your DS. Mines green :P
    I'm gonna enter and re-enter the room. You should do that too, will work fine after that :P
    Yeah that's good! I'm copying right now ^^ Will be in the wi-fi room in about 5 minutes.
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