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  • Hey there, thank you for unblocking me.
    In regards to Biosci not being able to show me the check, this can be achieved by going to the pokecheck page, clicking 'Show legality analysis' (http://i.imgur.com/QagHj.jpg), then clicking 'Download screenshot with legality analysis' (http://i.imgur.com/RPqQi.jpg).
    The resultant image can be saved and uploaded to a site like imgur.com
    If you want I can talk to him about it, or you can handle it.
    Well either way, *Refer to Avatar* xP

    It would cost me like $900 for a round trip ticket to the mainland and back. I want to go to Arizona in April this next year. To Catch the VGC there and see some good friends ;)
    A drive from your place to Stanford is how long it takes for me to Fly to California O_O

    Driving from here to Cali takes.......... Well you can't unless you can freeze the ocean. >.>
    I am so bored it has come to searching online for pokemon related funny images xD
    hmm maybe, guess we'll have to re for that huh :P you got the game this time though, crits are (unfortunately) part of this frustrating yet addicting game :P
    lemme get my gallade on and we'll have a re yeah? unfortunately terrakion was a mediocre gallade replacement for the type of playstyle that i do
    agreed, although if i replace the terrakion with gallade i will more or less remove that weakness to some extent
    Lol I took a break and started to play a bit of CoD with my friends for a bit. I just have to moveset them and EV and It'll be over with :). How much longer will you be online?
    you up for a battle now? unfortunately my team is kinda incomplete cuz i lack that gallade...but i have a new FC: rylau- 2795 3106 7779
    I would like to have multiple teams just for whatever mood I am in, but I generally had a manipulative mess with your head/pokes playstyle. Thats why I do pretty well with stall. Back in gen 1 my friends hated my gengar, but that was back when I was like 10 years old or something.
    Idk lol the one you were trying out the other day. Didn't realize you had multiple new teams.
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