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  • Ok, she's done... I stayed up really late but her glory makes up for it. *DMP thread*
    fck this seriously. I keep getting one frame above. It's two here, and I'm seriously trying to kill myself over a Heatran. ._____. This thing will be tropied. Blue, I give in for the night... I haven't RNGed anything for TWO weeks. I've lost it.
    My brother steals my DS to take my money from Animal Crossing Wild World. In all honesty, idc but now I can't hit my seed >:
    urg, im doing an ev training thing right now for someone. Sorry for the delay, tomorrow should work.
    Haha ok!! I don't know why I like the Fire one, maybe because he's awesome, chubby, and huggable lol......... ^____^
    Half the pokemon are already looking ugly.... Mamanbou and Gochi are going to be surrounded by wierdos.... And Tsutaja's final evo looks UGLY, I'm going with Pokabu now -___-
    lol On smogon there was a topic about that. This guy talked with an agent and they said they will "try" to make it impossible :/ I need to find that topic again
    I guess you can say that the Journal is like a slow radio, or a faster PokeGear phone. Each flip guarantees you 2 frame advancements... Very fun.... Especially just advancing 1 frame is hard...
    Oops, forgot to answer your question. The answer is no - I did this without any research so I was suuuper panicky! But it's actually easy!! ^___^ But I didn't use 100% Catch Rate, so smashing Premiere Balls into his face was annoying... Then I realized I caught a crap one lol
    Nothing haha.... It was scary at first. I did what I did in HGSS, hit my delay. Then I started freaking out because I realized there was no consistent way to advance to frames, so I researched and did journal flips. I was two frames off, but now I'm heading off to RNG in DPPt again!~ Torment Tran yayaay~
    Calm Hidden Power Grass Heatran!! No one who had one wanted to trade it, so I decided I'll produce my own!! And so far, RNG is DPPt is pretty easy!! <3
    I decided I'm going to catch one instead, since I've never tried Headbutt RNG and I might as well see how it is. It doesn't need any egg moves anyway, so whatever.
    Blueblueblueblue!!~ Like your first RNG was today, mine is about to be on DPPt!!~
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