A Victorious Giveaway (END, please close)

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Welcome to my first giveaway.

I will be giving away​

10 of this to quality posters that also say typhlosion in their posts.
I will distribute myself.​

No EDITING your posts!​

Stormfront's Stunfisk

IVs: 31/31/31/27/31/31
Nature: Careful
Ability: Static
Moves: Mud Bomb/Discharge/Endure/Bounce
Lvl 36
It is semi redis. (You can trade, next person can't)​


1. Sky Kiryon
2. Ryukami
3. Pink Floyd
4. Phalanx
5. DizzyDrone
6. Aurica
7. Legendarymaster
8. Azure Demon
9. Srs Bisnis
10. Lawliett​

Also the 10 posters who recieve this will be entered to win this.
I will randomly genrate 2 #s and the ones who have those winning slots from the above poke will recieve this.

Stormfront's Victini

IVs: 31/22/31/31/31/31 (Dragon 70)
Nature: Timid
Ability: Victory Star
Moveset: Incinerate/Confusion/Endure/Quick Attack
Lvl 15
This was my 2nd ever RNG.
Normally it is Non redis, but the two people who get this will recieve semi redis rights (see above) as long as linked to here and my trade thread.


1. Ryukami
2. Legendarymaster​
Well, I see a nice flat fish =3 First time I saw that pokemon, I couldn t help but laugh =) Nice giveaway! (Typhlosion)
Typlosion eats flatfaced fish for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
But Victini protects the fish from going extinct :D
ohh a victini, something i need, its far better then Typhlosion
but that fish, is gonna fish slap the opponants
This thread is making me confused - the title suggests a Victini giveaway, the asignment suggests a Typhlosion giveaway and yet the real giveaway is a Stunfisk. Not that I'm complaining, I love me one of them fishies!
I think we are being trolled by Stunfisk again, although I would love to battle my friends Typhlosion with it, maybe I can beat his Victini too!

Azure Demon

may I please have you stunfish. I honestly think that thing can destroy a Typhlosion!!!
some people call this thing derpfish for its derpy look
by the way typhlosion is the best fire starter because it's the only one that can use Eruption!


Tastes Like Candy
if Im not too late ..could I get one ^-^ [typhlosion]
if im[which I fear] I congratulate you!
leeward8 is the last winner.

Sorry to those who posted after him/her.

generating the Victini winners now.

will edit them in.

EDIT: Legendarymaster & Ryukami have won the Victinis courtesy of Random.org.


VGC 2016 Masters Champion
Wait I followed the rules, I just didnt understand the victini part, and you said no ediditing so I couldnt change it....


Wi-Fi Blacklisted
I know it's probably too late, but if possible I'd love to get one of those nice little stunfisks that could easily wall typhlosion.
actually, i am going to drop out of this giveaway
stormfront, please give my spot to another lucky person

by the way I deleted my other posts cause the rules said I can't edit and i dunno if that still applies
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