Board Collaboration Project?

Would anyone be up for doing a board collaboration project thing? I got this idea off of the gamefaqs drawing and graphics board, and I figured people would enjoy it here. (and I wanted to participate lol) Basically we'd make a list of concepts for characters to draw and then the people who were interested in doing this would choose characters. Obviously the list would have to be discussed, but I could definitely see this being a way for this board to become more active. Maybe we could even start with really basic character ideas and then develop them in our own wacky ways. (ex: the idea is pirate, but we end up making him scared of water. Weird, but amusing.)

Here's some potential character concepts I came up with.

- samurai
- werewolf
- pirate
- Sushi chef

Ofcourse I could spout more random ideas, but I don't want people to think that the idea list would have to be mine, as I don't intend to be some big boss of this. I'm all for democracy here. :P Please feel free to post your ideas on this, and if you think you'd want to work in this.

And btw, aragornbird+ approved this.
:( I guess little to no body knows that I do not own a computer at home. I'm using one in my office whenever my boss is not watching. So, MS Paint is out of picture. :'(

:D I got that awesome avatar from a special artist!

Btw, I do wish TC would start posting some images first, :P Ok, no more flooding without any pic.
I don't see why we couldn't use any medium that was wanted to be used. Pencils, pastels, digital media, etc. ; I could see all of it fine to use. I only really wanted to get this going to excercise some creativity and jump start our board. All we really need is an agreed upon list of concepts to use and I suppose we could start. :0

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