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  1. CAP 12 CAP 1 - Concept Poll 1

    "Weaponless" "Weather Slayer" "Lead"-ing the New Generation
  2. Gimmick Sets - The Bronzong Principle

    Reading over this thread prompts me to ask..Why the hell doesn't Heatproof make Bronzong immune to Burn?
  3. Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

    I'm excited for the types of spreads the starter Pokemon will have. As we go on, they have been making their stats more extreme (etc. the first gen starters lowest stats were 78) while the third gen had Sceptile which had 65/70 in two of it's defenses and Swampert who has 60 Speed, while this...
  4. What is your current job?

    Cashier. It sucks, but after almost three years it is second nature and I can deal with the pretentious people who look down on people who work at grocery stores. I am trying to find another job so that I can move out next year. Currently my mother sleeps on the couch so that I can have...
  5. Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

    I don't know how other people feel, but I kind of preferred the first system of IVs as opposed to the second one, but then again there were things the first ones had problems with, like linking it with gender and all that. There is a chance they will change the IV system though.
  6. Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

    ^Especially when Magikarp is so easily available and has a simple evolution method compared to Feebas. Question: Will they incorporate contests into Gen 5 or find an alternate method of evolution for Feebas? Or they will just do a time capsule situation.
  7. Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

    I think we will see some form of 125/100/95/81/79/60 Water type.
  8. Hypnosis

    I have been curious in hypnosis for years. Is it a scam?Or does hypnosis work? If it does, has anyone had any experiences with hypnosis? I am willing to try hypnosis, that is why I ask.
  9. Walter Cronkite died

    92 is really great great grandma lived to be in her 90s and my great grandma is alive, at 85 today. She just got drunk recently like its 60 years ago...
  10. Walter Cronkite died

    Has another reason to get choked upp......\ RIP Walter Cronkite. Aged 92. I am however glad he is not suffering, because Cerebrovascular disease is not fun.....
  11. Weird Dreams

    Had a dream that my like was a mix of Crash Bandicoot and Pokemon. I was trying to get to the store, but on eof the bosses from Crash Bandicoot was on a Salamence and the Salamence was very fierce. It wasn't evil, just very eager to battle.
  12. Most Important Generation Competitively

    I do not know what anyone else thinks, but besides Held Items, Berries and Abilities, the third gen did not really add much. Natures and EVs don't really add much importance to the game. IMO< i preferred the RBYGSC way of maxed stats, where they were all one point less than the maxed neutral...
  13. College/Sports Inquiry

    Does anyone know if there are any oppourtunities in colleges for people who did not play many sports while in High School? I have been gaining interest in soccer, and I would like to play more in school if possible. Does anyone have any insight on starting a new sport while in college?
  14. Does this infuriate anyone else like it does me?

    My question is: What is so appealing about this country anyway?
  15. Prom Thread!

    Ugh, my friend (my prom date) got a boyfriend. Any advice on finding a prom date?
  16. CAP 8 CAP 8 - Part 2 - Main Type Poll

  17. It begins: Government can now seize your company, decide your CEO.

    Whose fault was it for the bankruptcy?
  18. The Fysical Phitness Thread

    I have a question. Is it bad if I gained five pounds since Friday? I've been doing workouts every other day, and I was only 110. All I did was eat 300 calories a day, mostly Boost and almonds. It is very tough for me to gain weight, and if I could get some feedback it would be greatly appreciated.
  19. Platinum Changing the Accuracy of Hypnosis: The Effect on the Metagame

    They should have left the Hypnosis at 70%. Sleep Powder/Lovely Kiss users are sparse, and Sleep is now more valuable then it was before.
  20. The Fysical Phitness Thread

    Im back on my november diet, and ive already started to see a little more pudge than normal. Im trying to gain 15 pounds by my birthday, if that is possible.