Search results

  1. Finding_A_Username

    ye, if that doesn't work, lemme know when you're avail.

    ye, if that doesn't work, lemme know when you're avail.
  2. Finding_A_Username

    Hey, sorry, you available tomorrow at about noon your time?

    Hey, sorry, you available tomorrow at about noon your time?
  3. Finding_A_Username

    DPP Cup IX - Signups

  4. Finding_A_Username

    BW Cup IX - Sign-Ups

  5. Finding_A_Username

    I'm down to play, just saw you hadn't been on since Saturday. Anywhere in that timeframe works...

    I'm down to play, just saw you hadn't been on since Saturday. Anywhere in that timeframe works for me, just shoot me a challenge whenever, Finding_A_Username on showdown
  6. Finding_A_Username

    Tournament Gen 7 Random Battle Open - Round 1

    Started a conversation on monday but sent a wall message now, whoops. Prob gonna be act though, he's been offline since saturday
  7. Finding_A_Username

    Hey we've been matched for gen 7 randbats, lemme know when you're available.

    Hey we've been matched for gen 7 randbats, lemme know when you're available.
  8. Finding_A_Username

    The PU Open VI - Round 1

    Calling act, no response, contacted them on Monday.
  9. Finding_A_Username

    Tournaments SSPL I - Player Signups (CA Prize!) [Auction @ Saturday 29th April 9PM+2!]

    Username: Finding_A_Username Time Zone: EST (+4 I think) Tiers Interested in Playing: Ubers, OU, RU, NU Forseeable Inactivity:
  10. Finding_A_Username


  11. Finding_A_Username

    I'm gonna be on for a bit, if you see this, message me on Showdown, same name.

    I'm gonna be on for a bit, if you see this, message me on Showdown, same name.
  12. Finding_A_Username

    You still there?

    You still there?
  13. Finding_A_Username

    Quick question, what time zone are you in?

    Quick question, what time zone are you in?
  14. Finding_A_Username

    Hey, actually, I just realized I have work right before that, can we do it a bit earlier? 5 pm...

    Hey, actually, I just realized I have work right before that, can we do it a bit earlier? 5 pm your time would work.
  15. Finding_A_Username

    Sure, that works for me. Sorry, I forget to check smogon sometimes.

    Sure, that works for me. Sorry, I forget to check smogon sometimes.
  16. Finding_A_Username

    BDSP BDSP PU Open II - Round 1

    Won in 2 gg