Search results

  1. zoe

    Hi, when do you wanna play for UU Open, im -4 and should mainly be free this weekend

    Hi, when do you wanna play for UU Open, im -4 and should mainly be free this weekend
  2. zoe

    Doubles Doubles Classic V - Top 16

    Logo by Bummer :landorus-therian: DOUBLES CLASSIC V :landorus-therian: Part of the DOU Oldgens Circuit, and hosted by zoe and Iceberg77 Tournament rules This tournament will follow a hybrid format. Each player will participate in four rounds of Swiss. After the conclusion of the Swiss rounds...
  3. zoe

    Tournament Doubles Derby II - Discussion Thread

    Thanks to everyone who gave their thoughts in the thread so far! After some internal discussion we came to the following conclusions: DUbers hasn't received nearly enough support after last Derby to justify it keeping its slot, so the format is as follows: 2x SV DOU 2x ND DOU DUU DLC DPP...
  4. zoe

    Signups Doubles Derby II - Manager Signups

    Doubles Derby II Manager Signups OP partially stolen from kaori Format for the tour is as follows: If manager signups allow it, 8x8 (8 teams, 8 slots with 2 subs) with 2x SV DOU, 2x SV Natdex DOU, 1x SV DUU, 1x Doubles LC, 1x DPP DOU, and 1x ADV DOU (which is Bo3). The season will be a round...
  5. zoe

    can you stop having good pfps they make me jealous

    can you stop having good pfps they make me jealous
  6. zoe

    The UU Open XIII - Round 1

    won, ggs!
  7. zoe

    kk, does saturday 6pm yours work?

    kk, does saturday 6pm yours work?
  8. zoe


  9. zoe


  10. zoe


  11. zoe

    Doubles Doubles Classic V - Top Cut Round 1

    Flips Acts raf over Boom4Life, big pichu over Bless
  12. zoe

    PiC Incineroar [QC 1/2]

    only thing I can rlly think of is how I'd mention sinistcha in partners, hospitality is pseudo / better regen so it can reasonably fit under all 3 categories you mentioned (also type synergy is really nice between the two), and its sure af better than like hydrapple, who has a mention itself. 2/2
  13. zoe


  14. zoe

    Signups OMPL XII - Manager Signups

  15. zoe

    Announcement bingle

    bagel is now a DOU Tier Leader!!!
  16. zoe

    Smogon Staff and Promotions

    bagel is now a DOU Tier Leader :D
  17. zoe

    Doubles Doubles Classic V - Top Cut Round 1

    New matchup: Staraptor vs. bagel
  18. zoe

    Doubles Doubles Classic V - Top Cut Round 1

    Also starting format is SM oops!
  19. zoe

    Doubles Doubles Classic V - Top Cut Round 1

    Logo by Bummer :landorus-therian: DOUBLES CLASSIC V :landorus-therian: Part of the DOU Oldgens Circuit, and hosted by zoe and Iceberg77 Tournament rules This tournament will follow a hybrid format. Each player will participate in four rounds of Swiss. After the conclusion of the Swiss rounds...
  20. zoe

    -4, yeah that's actually perfect for me, i'll be free that entire time so if you have a time you...

    -4, yeah that's actually perfect for me, i'll be free that entire time so if you have a time you prefer lmk