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  1. CAP 11 CAP 11 - Part 9 - Art Poll 3

    None of these three designs really do it for me, but out of them I'd have to say that aragornbird's is the most appealing. It fits the stat spread well in my opinion (a panther is fast enough and still resilient), and the mayan inspiration helps with the special attack bias (I just wish he had...
  2. CAP 11 CAP 11 - Part 9 - Art Poll 1

    Wyverii darkmattr Buffalo_Wings hark OldManDugan Note: Even though I know it won't matter, I'd like to point out how ridiculous some of the disqualifications are. The fact that artists with extremely good entries were banned from the poll because of transparency in their images is ridiculous...
  3. CAP 11 CAP 11 - Art Submissions

    Final Submission MAIN DESIGN: Supporting Material: [Side and back views for spriter reference] [CAP11 utilizing volt absorb against enemy Jolteon]...
  4. CAP 11 CAP 11 - Art Submissions

    well, i think i'm getting close to a final submission now the design looks exactly the way i think it should now. As for volt absorb explanation, i think he does just fine without it. If i had to, i guess i'd say he can absorb the jolts into his red core and fire them back out of his headpiece.
  5. CAP 11 CAP 11 - Art Submissions

    I need an opinion here The one on the left has an aura that is completely shadow, meaning that no shading detail will go into the hands or feet. Does everybody think it looks good like that? I personally enjoy it because it further solidifies that the aura is made of shadow instead of some...
  6. CAP 11 CAP 11 - Art Submissions

  7. CAP 11 CAP 11 - Art Submissions

    Alright, got no feedback on my first design, so i might as well repost it along with my new version. Old:>><< New: Samurai. I think it stands up to current stat spread, and has the potential to be a mixed attacker. Btw, i...
  8. CAP 11 CAP 11 - Art Submissions

    Man, a lot of stiff competition here. Loving wyverii's and the badger As for my concept, i chose to go the samurai/ninja route (a bit obvious for typing, i suppose) I think that he is bulky enough to go along with current stat...
  9. hark's fakes c:

    brand spankin' new
  10. CAP 10 CAP 10 - Part 10a - Attacking Moves Discussion

    But WHY? That makes no sense at all. The whole concept should flow together, otherwise there's no point in even designing the fake in the first place. If those moves were wanted for the original concept of the utility counter, then lord knows a shrimp should not be used. I see it as perfectly...
  11. CAP 10 CAP 10 - Part 10a - Attacking Moves Discussion

    Okay, i have a very limited knowledge of all this mumbo jumbo with EV's and movesets and crap, but what i see i this thread makes no sense. CAP10 is a friggin electrical SHRIMP, why would it ever have a move like overheat in its moveset? I can see that people are trying to make it counter these...
  12. CAP 10 CAP 10 - Art Submissions

    or wait... perhaps another redesign? armored him a little bit, to convey the high HP more accurately, also to make it more of a mollusk/jelly. Added another lightningrod on the helmet, to conduct electricity.
  13. CAP 10 CAP 10 - Art Submissions

    so, because i am a spriter, i thought i'd like to put in my final submission in sprite-form however, i'm having a bit of trouble thinking of an appropriate color scheme for this guy :/ here's the original sketch in case anybody cares
  14. hark's fakes c:

    ah thanks everyone! oh! my bad! skelagua is water/ghost type, yes.
  15. CAP 10 CAP 10 - Art Submissions

    alright, so my original idea was to do a ninja design, because of the countering aspect of the pokemon so now i've gone from THIS: to THIS: please forgive the low quality of...
  16. hark's fakes c:

    gumbino randomly changes form when sent out into battle :] the different forms boost the specific stat assigned to them, so he is very random. he doesn't change type.
  17. CAP 10 CAP 10 - Art Submissions

    Caladbolg, i honestly loved the first image you posted of this guy. the updates since have just seemed so much more lacking in creative and action-y-ness. i think it'd be best the way you originally designed it. it was cute, and looked the part.
  18. hark's fakes c:

    well, i've got a ton of stuff (probably an entire region filled up) but it's a little out of order hehe so until i get that all cleaned up and together, i'll show off some of my more recent sprites/concepts :] ---------------- Grittle fire Toroast fire Toastudo fire/dragon Piknik grass...
  19. CAP 10 CAP 10 - Art Submissions

    thanks for the input cartoons, i agree that it doesn't really need to scream the electric element. as for colors, i tried to liven them up a bit i also have these alternate color schemes that i tried out during the process of making the pokemon...
  20. CAP 10 CAP 10 - Art Submissions

    my first post on the site... mmn, jellyfish inspired jester of sorts i imagine it using it's wit to toy with the other pokemon, countering its moves. the spikes on the body are used to conduct electricity and attack. the tentacles are like arms :] btw, don't mind the crappy quality of the...