Search results

  1. Hypnosis

    I have been curious in hypnosis for years. Is it a scam?Or does hypnosis work? If it does, has anyone had any experiences with hypnosis? I am willing to try hypnosis, that is why I ask.
  2. College/Sports Inquiry

    Does anyone know if there are any oppourtunities in colleges for people who did not play many sports while in High School? I have been gaining interest in soccer, and I would like to play more in school if possible. Does anyone have any insight on starting a new sport while in college?
  3. Dora makeover.

    If any of you have siblings who watch the preschool Television show, get ready for Dora to grow up. They are making Dora look older, with longer hair and she is a LOT more stereotypical from the pictures I have seen...
  4. Unbelievable.

    Basically, this is a story of a mindless, small prank that affected me in a horrible way. I left my binder in my English class one day, and I retrieved it yesterday. Some moron wrote "Im gay" im flamboyant letters in my binder, and my mom managed to see it. I told her I did not write it, but she...
  5. Mental state>

    Recently, things have been weird. My mind keeps racing from thought to thought, and I tend to have delusions a lot. I don't know what is going on. My mind keeps going off tangent, and I can't look people in the face. At work, all day I could barely show any emotion or look anyone in the face...
  6. IM System?

    I was it possible to make your own IM system? I had this feature that I want in my instant messaging system, but I can't get it on any AIM system. Is it possible to make your own Instant Messaging system with your own features? I REALLY want to do this, and I am researching ways I...
  7. Small girl dilemma.

    For weeks, I have been hearing from several people that this girl likes me. This whole thing is completely foreign territory, as I never had someone of the opposite sex be interested in me. Anyway, I have been hearing from several people that she is interested in me and thinks I am "cute"...
  8. Can't fit anything!

    Does anyone else have this problem with clothing? I am pretty thin (110) and 5'8 tall, and it always seems like the shirts I buy are too wide and too short. What should I do to solve this problem? It's like the shirts I own are too wide, and they dont reach down far enough. then if I get a...
  9. What to do....

    I am a senior in High School, with five months before graduation. Thing is...I have no idea what to do. I applied to three different schools, but my useful as shit counselor didn't really do much, and I still have things to hand in. thing is, I don't really want to go to these damn schools...
  10. Your race/ethnicity (I have questions/analysis)

    I need some advice on this subject. As time goes on, I begin to realize that I have no close friends of my own ethnicity. It does not matter what race I am, but I always seem to have the worst experiences with people of my own race. Whenever I was made fun of, it was often by someone of my own...
  11. R.I.P Eartha Kitt

    Sultry dancer and singer, Voice Actress, and General Actress Eartha Kitt dies today at age 81 of Colon Cancer. Seeing this, makes me realize I am SO ready for 2009. We lost such a large number of...
  12. OLPC XO-1 (Want one)

    Can someone please tell me if the Specs and features are worth the $298? I am willing to partake in the Give One Get One program, but is this a decent laptop? I don't know much about computers, but $399 is a steal for one laptop, let alone two. Does...
  13. Interesting question?

    Before I start, I want to say that I am not trying to offend anyone, but Have your parents/guardians ever thought you were watching porn if you were in your room with the door closed? I ask this, because, today, after coming home from a quick trip to walgreens for some temp-hair dye, I...
  14. Do you believe this?

    As far as charts, Miss Spears has made her comeback! I thought she would bomb miserably, I guess I was wrong :( Technically, it's more successful than "Oops I Did It Again" and Toxic", both of which...
  15. DId you ever feel.... you wish you could not grow up? I am 16 and I am seriously contemplating my future. I oftentimes do not want to grow up, as living life with little worries is the best. I also wish that I could go back and live my childhood over, as it was'nt very good. Am I going solo here, or does...
  16. Britney Spears?

    I always wated to discuss to hear what people actually think of this woman making a comeback, after two marriages, two children, an two divorces, all before turning 25. Do you think she can make a comeback, or do you think she is good-for-nothing trailer trash who has no chance? I wanted to...