Smogon Forums

Mr. Uncompetitive
Mr. Uncompetitive
Hi I'm GMT -4. I can probs accommodate a weekday afternoon (my time) if you want. I would normally prefer a weekend, but i may have plans in the afternoon this weekend, not 100% sure yet

If you wanna get it done sooner than later, i could do Weds-Fri at like 3 or 4 pm my time (8 or 9 pm your time)
Shall we say 4pm your time (9pm my time) on Thursday?
Mr. Uncompetitive
Mr. Uncompetitive
Sure, cya then
Yo, sorry to be a pain but my opponent for the gen7 open was only able to do thursday at the time we have arranged, Would it be ok if we played on friday at the same time?
Mr. Uncompetitive
Mr. Uncompetitive
yeah sure