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Im gmt-4 so that's gonna take some time sleuthing for me, what time for your afternoon/evenings is good cause Im gonna need to calc that into my time...

I was thinking Sunday though
Ok looking at your timezone… dear fricking god we might have to do 2pm your time... the downside and shitty side is im gonna be on at midnight using my absolutely trash laptop compared to my good one... so this should be a fun series
Kaguya Lys
Kaguya Lys
I'm down to play Sunday 2pm my time. Which is in 13.5 hours from this post.
sure that works, if im not on I might have fallen asleep...

Just gonna say this will be hell so lol
Kaguya Lys
Kaguya Lys
We scheduled for now, where are you? I am on as my usual alt
Kaguya Lys
Kaguya Lys
I'm guessing you fell asleep. Well idk we'll have time to reschedule but yea.
Yeah I caught Covid and kinda felt like trash last night...

Hey at least the bad news was.... I hardly got much sleep and just felt like crap for 3 hours...

Anyways how about today same time or Monday?
Kaguya Lys
Kaguya Lys
Today same time works.
Kaguya Lys
Kaguya Lys
Nvm something came up at that time. Can we play Monday morning/midday for you? You can pick the time, I will accommodate for you.
I can stay up longer if needed. I dunno if i can be on much Tomorrow morning (Ive kinda had to lie 3 days in a row for extensive computer time lol so umm... yeah I think my dad might find it weird if its 4 in a row.

I think if not then worst case I can definently do Monday Evening my time (2pm your time again)
Kaguya Lys
Kaguya Lys
Let me know if you are on from 10-2pm est on Monday and I'll come on. Worse case yea we play evening your time.
We prob playing Evening im kinda booked from 10am to 2pm... i might be able to slip on