Smogon Forums

Wildcat Formation
Wildcat Formation
I'm GMT-6. On Sunday I'm only available before 2:00 pm and after 8:00 pm my time.
Steve Angello
Can you Tell me the times you can make in General
Wildcat Formation
Wildcat Formation
I'm free all of Thursday and mornings of Friday and Saturday.
Steve Angello
Your availability doesn’t work for me, as I face a fulltime job + university at Saturdays. We need to make Sunday work somehow
Wildcat Formation
Wildcat Formation
Okay. Are you available all of Sunday? Like I said anytime before 2:00 pm and after 8:00 pm GMT-6 should work for me.
Steve Angello
Uh that won’t work. It’s literally 7am or 1am in the morning / night. I’m not doing that as sundays my only free day lol
Steve Angello
Is there some other time you are able to do? I might try Saturday 1am +1 but I don’t guarantee you how long I’m staying at a friends
Wildcat Formation
Wildcat Formation
Today I'm only available until 1:00 pm GMT-6 because I work the rest of the day. And I work 2-8 pm tomorrow, so I can't change my availability...idk what to do. An extension wouldn't really help if you're unavailable on weekdays.
Steve Angello
Well you are only available during times I sleep Lmao I never had any scheduling issues before. No offense to you man