Recent content by Th3victinii

  1. Th3victinii

    i thought he said est

    i thought he said est
  2. Th3victinii

    whats your username?

    whats your username?
  3. Th3victinii

    can you do 10pm your time sunday

    can you do 10pm your time sunday
  4. Th3victinii

    1v1 est when can you do?

    1v1 est when can you do?
  5. Th3victinii

    1v1 1v1 Fall Seasonal - Round 3 (Loser's Bracket)

    me and trace might need one i contacted him but he didnt respond so idk
  6. Th3victinii

    When can you do I’m est

    When can you do I’m est
  7. Th3victinii

    can you do tomorrow 5 o clock your time?

    can you do tomorrow 5 o clock your time?
  8. Th3victinii

    im sorry i had to take care of some personal shit can you do tonight?

    im sorry i had to take care of some personal shit can you do tonight?
  9. Th3victinii


  10. Th3victinii

    yeah Can you do 3 pm est time?

    yeah Can you do 3 pm est time?
  11. Th3victinii

    when can you do

    when can you do
  12. Th3victinii

    can you do tonight ?

    can you do tonight ?
  13. Th3victinii

    I can play from rn until Thursday 1am-1pm your time

    I can play from rn until Thursday 1am-1pm your time