Recent content by Synth_Metal

  1. Pokemon Soundtrack Remixs

    Seeing how there are no posts for remix music love... Pokemon Remixes/Covers Every Pokemon game has its share of music that brings nostalgia to anyone who has played Pokemon in the past. But in the age of the internet, remixes to these timeless classics have expanded dramatically to...
  2. Media Yu-Gi-Oh discussion

    Most of my opponents run 3 Nightshots, 3 MST, and 3 miracles if they want to run over Grapha.
  3. Media Yu-Gi-Oh discussion

    Anybody have any suggestion to beat Bubbleman Beatdown? That Blade Armor Ninja keeps beating my Dark World Deck.
  4. Gen V Balanced Hackmons

    LOL, i remember fighting you on streetmon (username: Cryal). The set is pretty anti-meta in comparison to the leads like Deoxys-S. You could run Life Orb instead of Silk for greater damage output for the cost of longevity. Pursuit could be replaced with U-Turn to keep momentum when the opponents...
  5. Something I need to get off my chest

    Everyone else has said it: Going after this women is going to lead to more trouble, both for you and for her. With all the "fish in the sea" analogy, I'll try to share with you one of my experiences. This summer I've been doing community service at a special needs facility, and during the...
  6. Rarely Used (RU) Tier

    You use Stunfisk as an annoying wall that disperses paralysis (with Static and T-Wave), sleep (with Yawn), and poison (with Toxic).
  7. Rarely Used (RU) Tier

    Dragonair can rape shit after +2 Dragon Dance with Outrage because of far fewer steel types in this metagame
  8. Rarely Used (RU) Tier

    Clefable is a dick in conjunction with Quagsire and Cresselia x.x
  9. Try Friday, GMT -7, from 9pm to 11 pm. I'll be most available during those times

    Try Friday, GMT -7, from 9pm to 11 pm. I'll be most available during those times
  10. Anime Soundtracks

    I have to say, my music taste is different from the community, because I really don't like most of them mentioned (especially 5th pokemon movie, my god I hated it in so many ways) No, you guys should listen to this stuff: Shiki-Opening 1, Opening #2, Ending 2 Umineko No Koro...
  11. BW Doubles Tourney--Round 1

    T-Dogg won, gg
  12. I should be able to (do you mean my time or your time?)

    I should be able to (do you mean my time or your time?)
  13. Barebones Round 2

    pmed opponent
  14. Gen 5 Hyper Offense

    HO would probably be much more effective if Explosion still kept the defense cut :D