Recent content by Skippy11

  1. Bug Reports v2.0 (READ OP BEFORE POSTING!!)

    Just had a player forfeit on me as I had my mouse hovering over one of the Polémon in my party, ended up stuck with the description overlay (for Budew, no less) 'stuck' in front of everything, had to close browser and re-open to get rid of it. Not a huge flaw but a little irritating nonetheless.
  2. Pokemon Showdown bug reports

    Solar Power (Charizard) didn't remove any HP after I got to 4%. Should reduce 1/8 of HP every turn.
  3. Pokemon Showdown private beta applications

    Thank you for your consideration of my application. Dear Aesoft, I would very much like to be a beta tester. Honestly, I find it very difficult to choose a favourite Pokémon from the current plethora of choice that we have among the various generations, but if I'm pressed to choose just one...