Recent content by Robcore™

  1. 5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

    I'm after some help, because I'm scratching my head. It's in relation to the following...
  2. Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 28

    That's brilliant, thank you very much. Just a quick one though, I'm hoping you could be able to answer this for me, when I come to do the Therian formes I find a seed that matches up the PIDRNG as requested, but obviously starts on +21 to the starting frame given on RNG Reporter. Then, I have...
  3. 5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

    Okay, now that I've found it again (thanks RNGer Aaron), the guide for the RNG of Dream Radar Pokémon is as follows...
  4. Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 28

    This may be a really.. stupid question, but you wouldn't happen to have a link to that cached version would you? Also, out of curiosity, when you do the frame advances and then add one or two frames on for working out the PRNG (Nature & ability), for the Therians do you add one or two? From...
  5. Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 28

    Does anybody know where I can find a copy of the guide that allows Dream Radar abuse through RNG Reporter? I know there was one on here before the site went down.. =/
  6. Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 28

    Does anybody have a list of which legendaries in White 2 have Wandering NPCs on their route that I need to be wary of prior to RNGing them? I've already managed Cresselia, eventually, so it's just the rest I'm looking for. Thanks!
  7. Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 28

    Is there any use for a Rash Jirachi? I was thinking of a Mixed Set, Scarfed..?
  8. Most Disappointingly Weak NPC

    I don't think RBY Blue was disappointing at all.. the sheer increase in levels you usually face him at made him murder for me to beat him at. True, I was but 9 years old when I got it and faced him, but he was absolutely murder for me to beat because of how far in front his levels were than...
  9. puts the #derp in thunderpunch (free vgc mons)

    Oh goodness, I'd completely forgotten I'd made this request with me being on holiday a fair bit recently. So sorry, if you don't want to trade anymore for me having messed you around, I'd completely understand, but if you're still on the lookout for that Drizzle Politoed, I can complete that...
  10. Speed Run Challenge

    I've recently done my first speed-run on Pokémon Red, something to keep me occupied whilst I travelled to my holiday destination, and found that I actually really enjoyed it and almost surprised myself how much I remember about Gen I (I was 11 when I last seriously played them, am nearly 23...
  11. Thank you very much =] hope you enjoy the Woobat :)

    Thank you very much =] hope you enjoy the Woobat :)
  12. If that's alright with you.. that'd be brilliant thanks =] my FC is 2237 2731 3860

    If that's alright with you.. that'd be brilliant thanks =] my FC is 2237 2731 3860
  13. Boo! Just to let you know I'm going to be in all night now if you're able to do that trade? =]

    Boo! Just to let you know I'm going to be in all night now if you're able to do that trade? =]
  14. Boo. Just to let you know I'm in for the night now.. with a half hour exception to walk my dog...

    Boo. Just to let you know I'm in for the night now.. with a half hour exception to walk my dog.. but you didn't need to know that.. ^^;;
  15. Heyy! Any chance of doing that trade either tonight or tomorrow? =]

    Heyy! Any chance of doing that trade either tonight or tomorrow? =]