Recent content by Jackster556

  1. Hey dude, sorry I was away. Can we play tomorrow?

    Hey dude, sorry I was away. Can we play tomorrow?
  2. you take win

    you take win
  3. Sunday evening?

    Sunday evening?
  4. Hey dude LC Open R2?

    Hey dude LC Open R2?
  5. Here dude you take win

    Here dude you take win
  6. Here bro I'm going now so you can take win unless you want to play tomorrow. Sorry I've been...

    Here bro I'm going now so you can take win unless you want to play tomorrow. Sorry I've been really busy this week.
  7. Yeah sure

    Yeah sure
  8. Hey dude send me a message when you're online

    Hey dude send me a message when you're online
  9. Give me a time

    Give me a time
  10. Play tomorrow?

    Play tomorrow?
  11. Can play Saturday afternoon yeah

    Can play Saturday afternoon yeah