Recent content by JackofBrokenHearts

  1. Metagame USUM Memetagame Discussion was a mistake

    apologies I meant banded aha not sash
  2. Metagame USUM Memetagame Discussion was a mistake

    I wanted to start an anti-metagame discussion- I think the best way to start this is through sharing my team. Only the pivots on this team are strictly OU, and every member of this team arguably all fill niches in the metagame which I think would be valuable to this discussion. Fck Fairies...
  3. Metagame Shared Power [Under Re-Construction!]

    I thought I would share with the community a new team which I have been trying out on showdown. I figured that I would take inspiration from old-school games, e.g. building a team with a defensive core (i.e. fire/grass/water or dragon/fairy/steel), or a monotype one which has adapted to deal...