Recent content by GoblinGuard

  1. GoblinGuard

    How hard would it be to code a calling for help mechanic? (For a custom OM)

    In various pokemon games, pokemon have a mechanic where they "call for help". How hard would this be to integrate into pokemon showdown? I'd want a clickable button like Dynamax or Z. Then it would check for whether the pokemon is holding a specific item - and depending on the item, a different...
  2. GoblinGuard

    Resource Pet Mods Workshop Thread

    I think this definitely requires input from multiple people, because of the massive balance changes required. So it's like Bust a Move, except we are mainly reworking moves centered around randomness.
  3. GoblinGuard

    Resource Pet Mods Workshop Thread

    Based on a thought I had in the shower: What if we removed all randomness from Pokemon? It would serve to make the game more skill-based, but would also require a lot of rebalancing. Right now, the main sources of randomness are: Damage, Critical hits, Random secondary effects, Accuracy...