Recent content by DragonRatchet

  1. DragonRatchet

    VGC Fame, Mooshrooms and big-brand washing machines

    *I change my vote to It's good i was just trying to annoy him on skype :3
  2. DragonRatchet

    Mercenaries! Mercenaries nowhere!

    Mercenaries! Mercenaries nowhere!
  3. DragonRatchet

    Remember when Nintendo had NORMAL logic instead of odd logic? Yeah, neither do I...

    Remember when Nintendo had NORMAL logic instead of odd logic? Yeah, neither do I...
  4. DragonRatchet

    This dragon has been reborn

    This dragon has been reborn
  5. DragonRatchet

    Noooope... Just Chuck Testa

    Noooope... Just Chuck Testa
  6. DragonRatchet

    No, Martin, I will not use Furret, to me he looks like a shitty muff

    No, Martin, I will not use Furret, to me he looks like a shitty muff