Recent content by carthradge

  1. Battle Maison Discussion & Records

    Finished my single run a few weeks ago. Didn't do as well as I hoped and made several embarrassing mistakes during the final battle due to tunnel vision. Battle Maison Super Single Record: 96 win streak. 97th Battle Loss: H4FW-WWWW-WW5V-8CGN Again, I used the same team as VaporeonIce so I...
  2. Battle Maison Discussion & Records

    First, wanted to ask if there is anything else I need to do to have the previous run show up on the leader board. Should be 18th/19th in the ORAS Battle Maison Super Multi Records with Artificial Intelligence board. I'm not sure how often this board gets updated nowadays. After Multi, I...
  3. Battle Maison Discussion & Records

    I continued the streaks and started with the partners AI (to get the hardest one out of the way) and didn't get very far. The threshold is lower in this category, however, so it was good enough for me. ORAS Battle Maison Super Multi Records with Artificial Intelligence: 60 win streak. The team...
  4. Battle Maison Discussion & Records

    This is my first post here and hopefully first to many. I just completed my goal of getting each of the trophies in OR. I have not completed any of the runs yet and I will do follow ups once I lose with the details of each. The rule seems to be a bit ambiguous about what proof is required for...
  5. (Archive) Small Objective Changes Thread

    On the page it says zap cannon is usable on Forretress and is good in stopping pokemon like "Rhyperior." Though gravity allows flying types to be hit by Earthquake, I highly doubt ground types can then be hit by electric type attacks. Small error.