Recent content by CaptainGrubsy

  1. Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

    Is there any possible way to figure out IDs / IVs / etc. of your own Pokemon without initiating a trade with another party online? Or is that the only way to do so?
  2. Some sort of Egg 'RNG' Abuse (Read the first post!)

    So, Eevee would work, correct? I want to use Eevees to get the egg, but I want the breed a Perfect Charmander. So, re-evaluation of my post. 1. Put Eevees (I know the IVs of both) Into the DayCare. 2. Reject First Egg, Save. 3. Get 2nd egg, hatch it, find out the IVs it inherited. From Mom...
  3. Some sort of Egg 'RNG' Abuse (Read the first post!)

    Hmmm, I think I've got this, but let me confirm it. 1. Put some Random Pokemon with random IVs in the DayCare. 2. Reject Egg. 3. Save 4. Load another egg, hatch it, continue to check IVs later on. 5. Reset. At this point, I know what IVs are inherited by the Mother / Father, let's just say...