Recent content by adonnis85

  1. adonnis85

    CAP 17 CAP 6 - Part 10 - Attacking Moves Poll

    Allow Acrobatics Allow Drain Punch Allow Brick Break Just because it is allowed doesn't mean it will be in the move pool. None are overpowered, and it will promote diversity in the move pool submissions, which I see as a good thing.
  2. adonnis85

    CAP 17 CAP 6 - Part 7 - Secondary Ability Poll 3

    Volt Absorb I still believe that this cap will barely be viable in OU.
  3. adonnis85

    CAP 17 CAP 6 - Part 7 - Secondary Ability Poll 1

    Regenerator Volt Absorb Iron Fist No Competitive Ability
  4. adonnis85

    CAP 17 CAP 6 - Part 6 - Stat Spread Poll 1

    Deck Knight Korski Seed
  5. adonnis85

    CAP 16 CAP 5 - Part 9 - Name Poll 3

  6. adonnis85

    CAP 16 CAP 5 - Part 9 - Name Poll 1

    Snidewindr Rappler
  7. adonnis85

    CAP 16 CAP 5 - Name Submissions

    As of right now this, in my opinion, stands head and shoulders above almost every other entry. It fits the Mon, rolls off the tongue perfectly, and sounds the most Pokémon-esq. Kudos leethoof.
  8. adonnis85

    CAP 16 CAP 5 - Name Submissions

    Final Submission Rappler A combination of Rattler and Apple. Pronunced: rap-ler IPA: ræplər Rattler is a colloquial term for a Rattle Snake; apple is for obvious reasons. Simple, short, and sweet.
  9. adonnis85

    CAP 16 CAP 5 - Name Submissions

    Came up with my third and final idea for a name for this evil little critter Zenapletis or Xenapletis Pronunciation: Zen-ap-uhl-tis It is a combination of "Xenopeltis Unicolor", the scientific classification of the Sunbeam Snake, and apple. Any feedback and suggestions are greatly appreciated.