Super Street Fighter 4

I guess I should stop playing online then, as I honestly don't feel good enough to catch up to the metagame. I'm at probably a 30-40% win ratio all together anyway.

Street Fighter seems to be a Catch-22. You have to be good to play SF online, but you can't get good without playing online. Because the AI is so stupid, even on Hardest, since you can just FA spam. AIs don't really even play like people do either.
Yoooo, I figured you'd post in this thread eventually.

Did you get yourself a console yet? Last time I talked to you, you said you were on a buddy's PSN?

Also, did anyone else notice that all of the scrubs left online? I usually only get a couple of games online before someone comes and kicks my ass. Mind you I've been trying to tough it out with Dudley, ugh, so many execution errors be it duck coming out via negative edge when I want MGB or tick throw, CC instead of Ultra, or just dropped juggles all over the place. As far as hit confirming is concerned though Jab, Jab, HK is actually quite a nice combo. Jab pressure is pretty strong in general actually..

Still, I think I'm at like a 35% win ratio as compared to 70% with Chun Li. And most of my losses are sustained from Bison or just new characters I don't know how to fight against, it seems. Seriously, what's with all of the Dictators all of the sudden? A lot of people are speculating that top tier is going to be all returning characters: Guile, Bison, Chun, Balrog, are all considered really good with maybe Abel, Ryu and Akuma up there too.
For me it has really depended on the time I play. Sometimes I'll play at like 3am and only the hardcore good players will be on, and I'll be at like a 50% win ratio. If I play in the daytime, scrubs are still on and I'll be at like an 80-90% win ratio. Though I haven't had a chance to hop online in a few days... maybe things have changed!


is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
Why is everybody a bison now, fucking bison. I've tried to pick up makoto, but she just feels like a useless abel, if her command grab didnt blow it would kind of make up for it, but the only thing she ends up having is great normals, but she's way too slow to ever get in on effective zoning. None of the new characters have really caught my eye, but I figure I should play some hakan, just to know what is going on myself when he's playing.

also basics, what console are you on? we should get some games goin.

edit: also the computer doesnt get higher priority on harder difficulty, but it does start reading your inputs more, so if you do a special move close to it, it will usually hit you out if with a normal attack because of startup time on the special, which makes it seem like its got priority over everything you do.
This game holds a love-hate vibe for me.

If there is one thing I despise about this game it is definitely the 'overly complicated' controls. I'm playing with a PS3 controller and it is a fucking nightmare getting used to them. Sure I can do basic combos but ex canceling and establishing a difference between a Ex Move and an Ultra seems just about impossible. I have to use 3 buttons for an ultra instead of a button that has all-three-in-one... something is wrong there. The ps3 L2/R2 'trigger' button doesn't either...

Anyways, anyone have suggestions to button layout to make this game more bearable... or tips on Ex canceling?
uhh you realize L1 = all three punches and L2 = all three kicks?

also ive found that so far the matchmaking has done a good job of giving me people i can improve againt and having only failed at street fighter 4 for a handful of hours using a keyboard before giving up i feel like im improving pretty rapidly

ryu and zangief, baby ;)
I'm perfectly aware that L1 and L2 are LPMPHP and LKMKHK respectively. Anytime I attempt to use those commands a Ex Move Pops out instead...
My friend introduced this scheme to me which is pretty useful. It's Type-B except with MP/MK switched with HP/HK. It's just something new to get used to, but I found the MP/MK shoulder buttons sure reduced a lot of finger cramping and strain.
what are some non-execution heavy characters in this game? I guess I don't mind pressing a lot of buttons, but I also want to avoid characters that are pretty reliant on really tight links and stuff.
gK: I don't actually have a console on which to play this game atm. :( I play every now and then at friend's houses and etc. and I'm usually at Starnet (at Bloor+Ossington) on Thursdays and TFNS (Dupont+Landsdowne) on Fridays, running casuals with other guys in Toronto. You should come through to one of them! Starting next week, I think I'm going to be running RanBats at TFNS, so shit will definitely be hype, and most of the top Toronto players should be coming through.

Regarding the game:
I've been playing a lot of Sagat in this game, too. I never used him in vanilla, but I'm just loving his U2. It's an extremely versatile ultra, and I'm having a lot of fun with it. His kara-tiger shots seem a little easier in this game. In vanilla, most people just kara-tiger shotted when they already had a fireball on the screen, but in Super, it's a lot easier to just do a straight-up f+lk, qcf+button. Very cool. I've landed a lot of anti-air kara shots to U2.

Buuut, I'm going to be sticking with Balrog as a main. New characters are fun, but Balrog is even better in this game than he was in the last, and I will be doing some serious winning with him. :)
I'm perfectly aware that L1 and L2 are LPMPHP and LKMKHK respectively. Anytime I attempt to use those commands a Ex Move Pops out instead...
You're more than likely pressing the macro button too early, or your directional inputs arent clean enough.

EXAMPLE, as Abel, with U1, if your input comes out as d,df,f,df,3P,f you will get falling sky EVERY TIME because you're mashing the 3P before you get back to ultra fully. This is because SF4 has these "shortcuts" to make people who cant bother to practice nailing a motion every time able to do things easier. Just go into training mode, turn on input display, and make sure you're fully inputting your motions right, and your moves will come out right. Dont blame the game for your bad execution. (I'm not flaming you, I'm just saying that's what you're doing.)

As far as help with the EX Focus Attack Dash Cancel, take your time. At first just practice cancelling the normal focus attack with a dash. (I know it sounds silly but you're gonna have to trust me on this one I guess.) Once you're used to just how early you really can cancel the FA with a dash it becomes much easier to handle using the EX FADC. (for example, try charging up a level 2/3 FA and input the dash while you're smashing the paint out of the other guy. You will see that theres no need to wait for the attack to even come all the way out and you can cancel the recovery with a dash)

Just stick with it, it all comes with practice. I think that's a dedication that the average gamer doesent really have, they just wanna hop online and beast people like its fucking Tekken. Or Soul Calibur. *shakes head*

what are some non-execution heavy characters in this game? I guess I don't mind pressing a lot of buttons, but I also want to avoid characters that are pretty reliant on really tight links and stuff.
Right off the top of my head I can say Cody, and Balrog. Shit, especially Balrog. I learned like one BnB combo and figured out how his normals work, and with just THAT ALONE started winning rounds with him in Vanilla. Its not hard to beat people up that dont know how to block with the boxer.

Guys don't listen to Phil, I work him with Dan all day.
I owe you some skirmishes. I've had you on my XBL list for idk HOW LONG and we STILL havent played a single game together lol.

Buuut, I'm going to be sticking with Balrog as a main. New characters are fun, but Balrog is even better in this game than he was in the last, and I will be doing some serious winning with him. :)
Its not that he's even better. It's that he's practically the same + 1 ultra, and everyone else is different. Don't get me wrong though, thats freakin awesome.
Requiem, by "he's better", I really mean "his bad match-ups were mostly nerfed and he bodies all the new characters except possibly Ibuki (I need more experience with her wake-up Kunai game) free". Zangief and Sagat were his two worst matchups in Vanilla, and they have both caught pretty major nerfs. Chun-Li has actually improved against him with her U2, making that matchup probably his most difficult, but whatever. I've heard arguments that Guile has a leg up on Balrog - I don't buy the hype. Balrog can be just as gay as Guile, and with patience, that matchup is not so bad.

His new ultra is worthless - I use it against Dudley and Seth when I feel like joking around, but it's just so shit. Gimp range, no damage, and escapable throw? Fuuuck that. I wouldn't be so upset if it had decent range OR 0 frame startup, but they fucked him over pretty much everywhere on that one. You can't even set-up a SAFE JUMP after a landed ultra, because he does that "Uhh, wasn't me!" pose afterward, and the opponent is half-stood up by the time you recover.

Really pissed about that new ultra.
Finally got a hold of the game. PSN is Thiediev, I'm up for matches whenever, though I'm obviously pretty terrible at the moment.


So who did buy all the stroopwafels?
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
just picked up a copy today, finally.
Ive been toying around a bit with the 2 newcomers and I cant say that Hakan suits me, but ill try some more since I didnt do much with him, and practice makes perfect I guess.

My current main guile is a lot better with sonic hurricane now, and of course the sunglasses taunt, pretty awesome, did some PSN matches, but not to much, I like the online a lot more since it actually pairs me with people from my own region, so a lot less lag usually.
wtf happened? I didn't play for a week or so cause I got really busy with school, and when I came back on ranked last night, all I faced were people with like 3k+ BP (or PP.. I always get the two confused... I'm talking about the one that is generally more volatile). Jesus those were some hard matches, and I came out with under a 50% win percentage -__-


So who did buy all the stroopwafels?
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
ive had some of those in team battles, but then again those arent ranked so I guess its more common there.
I must say I like how Guile's Ultra 2 plays out, and I also took a liking to Cody, so easy to combo with him, I think he's better to pick up for beginners rather then Juri, but that might just be me though.
Steadily working on my Juri. Up to a 26% win percentage on ranked, which is actually an improvement compared to my initial HDR and Blazblue percentages, lol. None of her important combos seem too tough, but I'm having a lot of trouble consistently getting QCFs to work so I guess I'll switch to an octagonal gate? Anybody have some sort of input on this?
Steadily working on my Juri. Up to a 26% win percentage on ranked, which is actually an improvement compared to my initial HDR and Blazblue percentages, lol. None of her important combos seem too tough, but I'm having a lot of trouble consistently getting QCFs to work so I guess I'll switch to an octagonal gate? Anybody have some sort of input on this?
I was wondering the same thing.
I spent a good portion of the weekend at an "arcade" where I played other players IRL, and it was pretty cool. Sometimes I would go on hot streaks, and other times I would lose like 10 games in a row. It definitely was a lot of fun though, and people who go to these things really seem to be significantly better than players on online networks. I highly recommend you all check out your closest arcade and play the local good players. I feel like I learned a lot.

Side note: I hope you all are not like me, and don't use the tripples button on your fight sticks (if you have them), cause they definitely don't have them at the arcade, and my Balrog was severely gimped when I couldn't charge my roll punch and throw punches at the same time. Also, I whiffed at least 5 ultras because I wasn't used to hitting all three punches, and instead hit where the triples button WOULD have been, lol.


is a Community Leader Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
I spent a good portion of the weekend at an "arcade" where I played other players IRL, and it was pretty cool. Sometimes I would go on hot streaks, and other times I would lose like 10 games in a row. It definitely was a lot of fun though, and people who go to these things really seem to be significantly better than players on online networks. I highly recommend you all check out your closest arcade and play the local good players. I feel like I learned a lot.

Side note: I hope you all are not like me, and don't use the tripples button on your fight sticks (if you have them), cause they definitely don't have them at the arcade, and my Balrog was severely gimped when I couldn't charge my roll punch and throw punches at the same time. Also, I whiffed at least 5 ultras because I wasn't used to hitting all three punches, and instead hit where the triples button WOULD have been, lol.
Man what kind of scrub uses the 3 button macros.


So who did buy all the stroopwafels?
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
I do :P on my ps3 pad, bit easier to do then going all awkward and press all 3 buttons at once.
ranked is still riding along 1850 PP with Guile, probably still going up though, ill probably get somewhere around 2500ish PP and then stick around there I suppose. I miss player matches though, im more reluctant to go fight with other characters when I can lose PP instead of go player matches and test stuff, endless battles are nice but sometimes they take so long :(
sup scrubs

about 3 button macros: only use them on pad. it's just stupid to use them if you have a stick because you're reaching over to the 4th row of buttons and for me at least, that's way too inconvenient.

never knew there was a smogon super thread. i knew there was a group but that was it

do any of you play on xbl btw

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