Moderator FAQ

1. What is a mod?
Moderators (along with Administrators and Leaders) control Pokémon Showdown!. For all intents and purposes, they are the bosses. They answer questions and ensure people follow the rules. If people don't follow the rules, mods administer punishments.
2. Can I be a mod?
No, you can't. Please don't ask about it. If you ask to be a mod, you are only demonstrating that you are not the type of person that should be a mod. If you really think you'd like to be a mod someday, here's a few things you should do:
  • Connect to Pokémon Showdown! frequently and participate in discussion and battles
  • Don't pick fights, don't flame users, and don't be a jerk in general.
  • Help answer questions.
  • Stay calm when other people are being unreasonable.
  • Don't make stupid comments.
  • Learn about the CAP project and Pokémon.
  • Participate in the CAP forum.
  • Be knowledgeable about the game of Pokémon.
  • Demonstrate good judgment and maturity.
  • Gain the respect of other users.
If you do all the above consistently over time, you won't need to ask to be mod. We will ask you.
3. Can I be voiced?
No, you can't. Don't ask about it. If you ask to be voiced, you are only demonstrating that you are not the type of person that should be... waitaminnit. I've already been through this. Read #2. It's pretty much the same kind of thing. Voiced members are positive community members; if you exemplify that in your time on Pokémon Showdown! then perhaps you will be considered for voice.